Bill O'Reilly

Alinsky was a satanist also. He dedicated his book, "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer ( the devil ) Why did Alinsky dedicate his book to Lucifer? Well, in the dedication he says that Lucifer was the first radical to win a kingdom. Imagine the stupidity of that statement. Satan was the first radical to win a kingdom called hell so that is Alinsky's hero? Really?! Satan doesn't own hell. That is a temporary situation because at the end of this age he is going to be bound by a chain and thrown in the pit. Hardly a ruler over Hell by any stretch of the imagination. A captive? Yes!! 10,000 times over! Here is some good advice for communist satanists who think lifting up satan is a good idea. First read the bible from cover to cover. The bible says God won. The battle isn't even a battle because lucifers fate has been sealed. He is doomed. Now who cares to join him down there? - Jeremiah

--- aaand right back to "Satanism". Ho-kaay. I think this is because jokes sail over your head and obviously so does any deeper or metaphorical meaning.

What's mentioned in Allinsky's book (I looked this up) is Lucifer, not Satan (Lucifer = 'bringer of light') which is an allegory for, as he describes, the "first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment". In other words he's using a known mythological (mythological: fairy tale) figure to make an inspirational point about rebellion. It doesn't mean the writer believes in Lucifer (or Satan, or anything else) any more than an atheist using the prhrase "god only knows" is an invocation of religious faith.

A representation that sailed far over your head. There's no such thing as "Satanism" except in the reactionary minds of tiny little minded perverts who constantly go around inventing demons to point at -- or exploit the ignorance of the gullible.

As noted earlier, "Satan" is the invention of some organised religion propagandist bent on dividing the world into a simplistic dichotomy of "good versus evil" for the simple unsophisticated minds of ancient simple unsophisticated peoples. To paraphrase Voltaire, where Satan does not exist, it is necessary for Christianism to invent him. It's a marketing tool, generically known as fearmongering. And he has nothing to do with communism, as you were ridiculously promulgating then, and he has nothing to do with Alinksy, as you're trying to do now, and even less with O'bama, since all that is is an association fallacy based on his reading the book of a mythological idea that doesn't exist in the real world anyway.

Which completely smacks of book-burning, but that's another topic.

But let's add this to the list of what this topic is not about:

  • communism
  • Karl Marx
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Barack Obama
  • Saul Alinsky
  • Karl Marx
  • General bullshit

Did I leave any out?

Sorry but the world is not a fricking "Doctor Doom" comic book. Satan (Doctor Doom, Emmanuel Goldstein, whoever you want) is a simplified allegory for the unknown -- the inherent fears of humanity dumbed-down into a fake villain so the simple can personify those unknowns and therefore not have to think any deeper about Fate. "He" comes from the same source as the boogeyman and the monsters under the bed when the light goes out -- ignorance.

Time to grow up, stop running away and deal with the real world now; monsters don't magically appear under the bed just because it's dark.

Wrong. Lucifer is named in the bible as Gods arch enemy. He is indeed the god of communists whether they acknowledge that fact or not is a moot issue. They are doing his work. - Jeremiah

Wrong. Communism has no "god" because it's not a religion. And something being mentioned in the bible doesn't make it a real thing. What's more, declaring something you're opposed to (or don't understand) to be "doing the work of a devil" is childish and an act of intellectual cowardice.

Captain Obvious
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Clapping hands don't make it so.
You right wingers are consumed by hatred, is that gods way?

Exactly, because most Christians are very dogmatic, and anything that goes against their particular dogma is considered "sinful" by them, because you don't believe as they do.

They then tell you how bad a person you are for not believing as they do.

Personally? I think that everyone could benefit from investigating other belief systems than the one they grew up with.

I also believe religion is a way to teach you about God, but if you only stay in your own little belief bubble (i.e. your dogma), you lose out on a lot of information that could expand your view of who God really is.

God is too big to be confined to just one belief system.

Wrong. He is confined to HIS WORD & bound to perform it. God has a system. The plan for His System is in the bible. It is all in there. There are no mistakes. God is not bound to act according to YOUR system but according to His Own.

If you go to work at McDonalds you'll find they have a system. They follow the directions, flip burger twice, two shakes of salt, lettuce mayo,etc. Go to New York you'll get the same exact Big Mac you'll get in California. Why? They are all on the same system and following it so the success is there. Same goes for the bible. We have a system. We follow it and we get answers to prayer, enjoy a great relationship with the creator and have a God to go to in a time of trouble. Why? Because Christians follow the system God has laid out in his Word.

Do not pray to allah and expect God to answer. He won't. He's not allah and he isn't hearing the prayers of idolaters because his word says so. You want to pray to him you come to him in the name of Jesus Christ his son. You haven't accepted Christ? There is a system to being born again. Read Romans 10:8 and do it. If you don't follow Gods plan you really can't blame him for the outcome. The way of the transgressor is hard.

- Jeremiah

Really? You want to follow the actual Word of God? Look no further than the first 5 books of the Bible known as the Torah.

Christians muddled up the waters with the New Testament.
Clapping hands don't make it so.
You right wingers are consumed by hatred, is that gods way?
did or did not Obama say he was influenced by Rules for Radicals ??did he not say it was one of his playbooks for community organizing ??

Did he say he idolizes Saul Alinsky? Or did you just make that up?

If one is "influenced" by something does that mean that one idolizes the writer?

Your hatred of the President is very unhealthy for you and coming from all like you, unhealthy for our country.

Consumed by hatred. You will never be happy. Always seeing evil in those that are different from you. I truly feel for you. Sad life.

The left-wing ilk hated for the last 12 years, you can give it but you cry like a little babies when it comes back to ya. Feel sorry for yo-selves...:eusa_angel:

why does the left hate - Google Search


I hated what Bush did but hating him would be like hating a puppet.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.
Consumed by hatred. You will never be happy. Always seeing evil in those that are different from you. I truly feel for you. Sad life.

The left-wing ilk hated for the last 12 years, you can give it but you cry like a little babies when it comes back to ya. Feel sorry for yo-selves...:eusa_angel:

why does the left hate - Google Search


I hated what Bush did but hating him would be like hating a puppet.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.

Touche'. Most intelligent folks know that Cheney was the power behind Bush.
Consumed by hatred. You will never be happy. Always seeing evil in those that are different from you. I truly feel for you. Sad life.

The left-wing ilk hated for the last 12 years, you can give it but you cry like a little babies when it comes back to ya. Feel sorry for yo-selves...:eusa_angel:

why does the left hate - Google Search


I hated what Bush did but hating him would be like hating a puppet.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.

That was to EZ...I told you morons to get non glare for your monitors...:splat:
The left-wing ilk hated for the last 12 years, you can give it but you cry like a little babies when it comes back to ya. Feel sorry for yo-selves...:eusa_angel:

why does the left hate - Google Search


I hated what Bush did but hating him would be like hating a puppet.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.

Touche'. Most intelligent folks know that Cheney was the power behind Bush.

Thanks for the red dot, It's like gold coming from a silly negroid like you, back to Ya...:eusa_angel:
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I hated what Bush did but hating him would be like hating a puppet.

At least youre not denying that you hate everyone who doesn't think like you.

Touche'. Most intelligent folks know that Cheney was the power behind Bush.

Thanks for the red dot, It's like gold coming from a silly negroid like you, back to Ya...:eusa_angel:

Silly??? Who is the one who can't distinguish a noun from an adjective????? Moron.

Consumed by hatred. You will never be happy. Always seeing evil in those that are different from you. I truly feel for you. Sad life.

The left-wing ilk hated for the last 12 years, you can give it but you cry like a little babies when it comes back to ya. Feel sorry for yo-selves...:eusa_angel:

why does the left hate - Google Search


Way to go American Jackass.........................a Google search that has a whole bunch of right wing blog sites, but no real proof.

Good to know you're such a loyal partisan hack for the right.
Bill O Reilly would not know a Christian sentiment if Christ himself came up and overturned his money changing table.

He's a pandering whore of the first degree.
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Thanks for the red dot, It's like gold coming from a silly negroid like you, back to Ya...:eusa_angel:

Silly??? Who is the one who can't distinguish a noun from an adjective????? Moron.

What difference does it make, its obongo's fault... Silly negroid...:razz:

Really? It's Obama's fault?

You made the stupid comment.

Someone else thought it was appropriate to neg you for the stupid comment.

You decided to blame it on Obama????????????????

Way to go American Jackass.................apparently FAUX Nooze is your friend.

Bill O’Reilly: Shulman’s 157 White House visits ‘a smoking gun’ in IRS scandal

Jeff Poor

For his “Talking Points Memo” segment during his Thursday show, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly called Internal Revenue Service commissioner Douglas Shulman’s 157 known trips to the White House, which were first reported by The Daily Caller, might be the “smoking gun” in the IRS auditing scandal.

“Is there now a smoking gun in the IRS scandal?” O’Reilly said. “That is the subject of this evening’s ‘Talking Points Memo.’ We do expect criminal charges to be leveled against some people working in the IRS because they abused their power by targeting conservative groups and individuals. But the major question remains unanswered: Did the campaign of intimidation come from the White House? Well, today, there is disturbing information. This man, former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, visited the White House — ready — 157 times. Incredible. By comparison then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to the White House 43 times. Then-CIA Director Leon Panetta: 20 times. So what the heck was Mr. Shulman doing the White House with that kind of frequency? In his testimony before Congress, Schulman was a wise guy.”

O’Reilly said Obama should explain why Shulman was visiting the White House.


Read more: Bill O'Reilly: Shulman's 157 White House visits 'a smoking gun' in IRS scandal | The Daily Caller

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