‘A flood of disinformation’: rumors and lies abound amid Los Angeles wildfires

Who is leading the charge on disinformation?

"I Live in Pacific Palisades and I Know Who Caused the Fire
It is prima facie negligence by City leaders

By James Breslo, January 12, 2025 6:00 pm

As officials investigate what caused Los Angeles’ devasting fires, I know the answer. It was the homeless. The LA Fire Department reports that 54% of fires in 2023 were started by homeless. They responded to almost 14,000 fires that year alone related to homelessness!

Regardless of whether the Pacific Palisades fire was directly started by a homeless person, the extent of the destruction from the fire can be attributed to the homeless. A few months ago, a LA City Council person reported to me that she spends 80 percent of her time on LA’s homeless problem. Eighty percent! That does not leave much time to focus on the basic needs of the average tax paying LA resident, such as water, power, sanitation, safety, security, roads, sidewalks, traffic, parks, beaches, schools, firefighting and fire prevention. And when the mayor feels free to jet off to Ghana for a presidential inauguration on the other side of the globe, we cannot assume the other twenty percent of time is well spent.

In addition, the Council passed a budget for this year providing $1.3 Billion for homeless-related expenses. The same budget cut spending on the fire department by $17 million!

If the Council was focused on what it should have been, it likely would have known that the main reservoir needed to fight fires in Pacific Palisades was under repair and unavailable to provide water to fight fires in the middle of the Santa Ana winds fire season. Firefighters had access to only 3 million gallons of water which ran out on the first night of fires. The reservoir normally contains 117 million gallons of water! None was available. "

The same cause of the Skirball fire in Bel Air.

Bill, you probably voted for this. If Californians stopped voting for Democrats the state would improve dramatically.

Bill makes points but lets be clear...

Can you show us one of those complaints coming from a GOP politician before the fire?

Bill is right in asking for better government but lets go back in time, before we had hinesight...

If anyone wanted to rip up roads and lay down bigger pipes for wildfires they would have been told are you mad...

This was a perfect storm of events... The main problem was the 100mphs winds...

People made decisions and reasonable have to see how those decisions could be improved with hinesight...

Example: The fire dept had to face cuts and the fire chief (yes the lesbian one) did say before the fire that it would effect the service. She wasn't listened too..

We can only prepare so much for these one off events...

Let's us also point out, if this type of even happened in Alabama they would faired a lot worse...

The basic facts here are... To mitigate this type event in the future is going to involve money... More Taxpayers money on infratructure and more regulation on private companies to more safer practices (e.g. bury electrical lines, more fire retardent buildings...)
The other big cost is getting better experts and listening to them... They cost money and are independent..
I don't think he said it. This Democrat did:

What do you think he meant?

You must be exhausted from being wrong all the time.

It was Winston Churchill who first uttered the words, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Link previously provided.

The Hollywood sign was not on fire. Firefighters weren’t using women’s purses to put out fires. A fish is not responsible for the blazes. The Los Angeles fire department didn’t see big budget cuts. The fires were not started deliberately as some kind of mass plot related to high-speed rail or the 2028 Olympics. Firefighting efforts did not include spraying a mood stabilizer into the air to put locals into a trance. Diversity measures are not to blame.

Fires are still burning in Los Angeles, and with them has come a near-constant stream of rumors, half-truths, conspiracy theories and outright lies. Natural disasters have long led to the spread of misinformation as people try to make sense of destruction and grasp for control when the world around them is destroyed. In the aftermath of the disaster, a lot is still unknown: what caused it, what could have prevented it, who could be to blame.
‘A flood of disinformation’: rumors and lies abound amid Los Angeles wildfires

Who is leading the charge on disinformation?

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Maybe since you are so smart you can answer some basic climate questions for us...

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Link previously provided.

The Hollywood sign was not on fire. Firefighters weren’t using women’s purses to put out fires. A fish is not responsible for the blazes. The Los Angeles fire department didn’t see big budget cuts. The fires were not started deliberately as some kind of mass plot related to high-speed rail or the 2028 Olympics. Firefighting efforts did not include spraying a mood stabilizer into the air to put locals into a trance. Diversity measures are not to blame.

Fires are still burning in Los Angeles, and with them has come a near-constant stream of rumors, half-truths, conspiracy theories and outright lies. Natural disasters have long led to the spread of misinformation as people try to make sense of destruction and grasp for control when the world around them is destroyed. In the aftermath of the disaster, a lot is still unknown: what caused it, what could have prevented it, who could be to blame.
Political hacks like Trump and his conspiracy minded supporters need to be extinguished like the fires they produce.
Bill makes points but lets be clear...

Can you show us one of those complaints coming from a GOP politician before the fire?

Bill is right in asking for better government but lets go back in time, before we had hinesight...

If anyone wanted to rip up roads and lay down bigger pipes for wildfires they would have been told are you mad...

This was a perfect storm of events... The main problem was the 100mphs winds...

People made decisions and reasonable have to see how those decisions could be improved with hinesight...

Example: The fire dept had to face cuts and the fire chief (yes the lesbian one) did say before the fire that it would effect the service. She wasn't listened too..

We can only prepare so much for these one off events...

Let's us also point out, if this type of even happened in Alabama they would faired a lot worse...

The basic facts here are... To mitigate this type event in the future is going to involve money... More Taxpayers money on infratructure and more regulation on private companies to more safer practices (e.g. bury electrical lines, more fire retardent buildings...)
The other big cost is getting better experts and listening to them... They cost money and are independent..

In other words, the problem is not giving Democrats more $$$ to steal....

We had a big debate in California about desalination 25 years ago.

The DEMOCRATS opposed it....
Political hacks like Trump and his conspiracy minded supporters need to be extinguished like the fires they produce.

This is the "ideology" of the California Democrat Lesbian.

Political hacks like Trump and his conspiracy minded supporters need to be extinguished like the fires they produce.

You aren't a left wing lesbian former US Marine, are you....


Left Wing lesbian former US Marines in California murder hetro white males and are enabled to do so by fellow woke bigots in the DA and AG offices...
You aren't a left wing lesbian former US Marine, are you....


Left Wing lesbian former US Marines in California murder hetro white males and are enabled to do so by fellow woke bigots in the DA and AG offices...
No, I'm a white male that can knock out faggots like you.

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