Bill Gates Says Life-Saving Travel Bans 'Probably Accelerated / Worsened' The Coronavirus Pandemic...HUH?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

Does he think that about the rest of the world who did the same thing?

What a political patsy. I hope he is judged accordingly by his Maker when his time comes.
Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

Just wait, Bill will soon blame the Middle Eastern peace treaty for spreading Covid because people feel safer traveling.
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

I really despise that guy. Gates made billions by charging for endless updates to a shitty operating system and now he is trying to be some sort of global player in the WHO.
Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

I really despise that guy. Gates made billions by charging for endless updates to a shitty operating system and now he is trying to be some sort of global player in the WHO.
And he always has a smile on his face.

I can understand smiling some of the time but I never trust anyone who smiles constantly

Very annoying. Not even Jesus Christ smiled 24/7.

Something is very wrong there
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
What point is that? That he is trying to score points with the communist murdering chinese and the communist murdering libs by spewing nonsense at the same time? Don't really think his comments require a comment----his greed is speaking for itself. His foundation needs to be investigated and he needs to be paying his fair share of taxes btw....
Gates claims that banning flights from Wuhan, Europe, and other infected nations 'probably' caused MORE infections, 'probably' accelerated the number of infections we have had in the United States....

According to Gates, the Life-Saving travel ban caused a RUSH of foreign travelers to sneak / come into America before the final complete ban had been imposed....which means the Travel Bans caused infected patients to try to come here FASTER instead of on a 'normal schedule'....?!

"And so that seeded the disease here. You know, the ban probably accelerated that, the way it was executed," Gates said.

武漢肺炎名字不能改的原因!Why China hate the name Wuhan Virus? - YouTube

No, you crazy, filthy-rich bastard. The travl ban kept people from infected locations /countries from coming into the US. Travelers coming into the US, already carrying the he VIRUS, is how the virus was how the US was 'seeded'. HOW FAST people were coming into the US doesn't have any affect on the US being introduced to the virus. It is people carrying the virus into the US that affects that.

Even Gov Cuomo, the largest mass murderer in the US, conceded that the travel bans were a good idea but claimed Trump was responsible for the people he murdered in NY because Trump did not impose MORE (On Europe) and FASTER.

“There’s no question the United States missed the opportunity to get ahead of the novel coronavirus,” Gates wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on March 31."

On THIS I agree:

If the Pelosi / Democrats had not been pre-occupied in attempting to affect their own coup they would have seen the pandemic coming and could hace done something.

Id Biden had not called the Life-Saving travel bans 'Xenophobic', if he had not led opposition to them, if Democrats had not wasted time authoring legislation to block them and legislation to prevent Trump being the only one taking action at that time to protect the US /US citizens...

If Democrats had not been telling people there was nothing to the virus, to go on and live their lives as nothing was wrong, to come to China Town, etc....and would have for once worked WITH the Trump administration more could have been done.

In other words, "Wah! I want more H1-Bs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
What point is that? That he is trying to score points with the communist murdering chinese and the communist murdering libs by spewing nonsense at the same time? Don't really think his comments require a comment----his greed is speaking for itself. His foundation needs to be investigated and he needs to be paying his fair share of taxes btw....
What’s nonsense about his point? Trumps travel ban wasn’t even a ban. It restricted non citizens. As a result of the “ban” (which never was) citizens rushed home without proper screening in place to find out who had coronavirus, thus spreading the disease here.
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
What point is that? That he is trying to score points with the communist murdering chinese and the communist murdering libs by spewing nonsense at the same time? Don't really think his comments require a comment----his greed is speaking for itself. His foundation needs to be investigated and he needs to be paying his fair share of taxes btw....
What’s nonsense about his point? Trumps travel ban wasn’t even a ban. It restricted non citizens. As a result of the “ban” (which never was) citizens rushed home without proper screening in place to find out who had coronavirus, thus spreading the disease here.
Why weren't you posting about this headline news back in January?
Why did you go along with the media and let us suffer so?
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
What point is that? That he is trying to score points with the communist murdering chinese and the communist murdering libs by spewing nonsense at the same time? Don't really think his comments require a comment----his greed is speaking for itself. His foundation needs to be investigated and he needs to be paying his fair share of taxes btw....
What’s nonsense about his point? Trumps travel ban wasn’t even a ban. It restricted non citizens. As a result of the “ban” (which never was) citizens rushed home without proper screening in place to find out who had coronavirus, thus spreading the disease here.
At that point, Americans other than vacation babies weren't considered to have been exposed to the virus ---------so thusly very very little threat bringing our people back home. Their rush home would in fact supposedly lower their chances of being exposed overseas before returning home before the virus fully had the opportunity to spread widely. Of course, you goofy Trump haters would be advocating for leaving our people overseas longer increasing their exposure and then letting them come home infected. Gee, I wonder how many more thousands of Americans that would have resulted in killing off. Thankfully, we got Trump in and I am so thankful for him everyday.
The left will say Trump didn't close the country soon enough out of one side of their mouths and they dump shit like this in the media saying just the opposite. IOW it's always "Orange Man Bad".....Kinda like a nagging wife. It doesn't matter, she'll blame hubby for doing things wrong and turn around and blame him for not doing things. There is no winning with that type of narcissistic, victim thinking.
Did y’all notice how you didn’t even bother to address the point Gates was trying to make?
What point is that? That he is trying to score points with the communist murdering chinese and the communist murdering libs by spewing nonsense at the same time? Don't really think his comments require a comment----his greed is speaking for itself. His foundation needs to be investigated and he needs to be paying his fair share of taxes btw....
What’s nonsense about his point? Trumps travel ban wasn’t even a ban. It restricted non citizens. As a result of the “ban” (which never was) citizens rushed home without proper screening in place to find out who had coronavirus, thus spreading the disease here.
Thats why everyone coming back from that region, that were US Citizens, was quarintined.... You really are a disingenuous POS..

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