Bill Clinton Accuser Wants FBI To Probe Violent Rape Claim After Hillary Bobbles Kavanaugh Question


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good point. Need to get the FBI on this


Hours after Hillary Clinton sidestepped a question involving her husband's rape allegations, one of Bill Clinton's accusers, Juanita Broaddrick, demanded an FBI investigation into her claim that the former President committed a "forcible, brutal rape" in a Little Rock, Arkansas hotel room on April 25, 1978 in which she says Clinton nearly bit her lip off.


Broaddrick described the incident in a 2016 interview:

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.


I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. -Juanita Broaddrick, 2016

The former nursing home administrator also claimed in January 2016 that Hillary Clinton "tried to silence" her:

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now never goes away.

Hillary dodges the question...

Appearing on MSNBC with host Rachel Maddow Tuesday night to discuss an 11th hour accusation levied against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Clinton completely ignored the question over whether we have learned anything about "due process" in the aftermath of the Bill Clinton rape allegations.

Maddow questioned, "Your husband when he was president faced allegations that were not the same as this, certainly, but had connections to these kinds of old allegations from years ago. And I know you had concerns at the time. Your husband certainly had concerns at the time that he never really had due process to defend himself from allegations like this. Have we learned anything over the years about due process not just for the accusers but also for the accused?"

Clinton - who once tweeted that "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported," promptly changed the focus from her husband to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of an attempted rape 35 years ago - saying that Ford's due process rights are paramount

Bill Clinton Accuser Wants FBI To Probe Violent Rape Claim After Hillary Bobbles Kavanaugh Question
Good point. Need to get the FBI on this


Hours after Hillary Clinton sidestepped a question involving her husband's rape allegations, one of Bill Clinton's accusers, Juanita Broaddrick, demanded an FBI investigation into her claim that the former President committed a "forcible, brutal rape" in a Little Rock, Arkansas hotel room on April 25, 1978 in which she says Clinton nearly bit her lip off.


Broaddrick described the incident in a 2016 interview:

And he grabbed me again, very forcefully. And started biting on my top lip. And this was extremely painful. I thought he was going to bite my lip off. And that’s when he pushed me back onto the bed.


I was completely dressed. I had a skirt and a blouse. He tore the waist of my skirt. And then he ripped my pantyhose. And he raped me. It was very vicious. I was just pinned down… I did not know what to do. I was so frightened. -Juanita Broaddrick, 2016

The former nursing home administrator also claimed in January 2016 that Hillary Clinton "tried to silence" her:

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now never goes away.

Hillary dodges the question...

Appearing on MSNBC with host Rachel Maddow Tuesday night to discuss an 11th hour accusation levied against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Clinton completely ignored the question over whether we have learned anything about "due process" in the aftermath of the Bill Clinton rape allegations.

Maddow questioned, "Your husband when he was president faced allegations that were not the same as this, certainly, but had connections to these kinds of old allegations from years ago. And I know you had concerns at the time. Your husband certainly had concerns at the time that he never really had due process to defend himself from allegations like this. Have we learned anything over the years about due process not just for the accusers but also for the accused?"

Clinton - who once tweeted that "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported," promptly changed the focus from her husband to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of an attempted rape 35 years ago - saying that Ford's due process rights are paramount

Bill Clinton Accuser Wants FBI To Probe Violent Rape Claim After Hillary Bobbles Kavanaugh Question
Rape is OK if it’s a Democrat.
It's a damned shame, but the rapist Bill will probably go scott-free.

The Arkansas statute of limitations for the Class Y felony of rape is 15 years during which time a prosecution can be commenced only if based on forensic DNA testing.

But he'll probably have a slow and agonizing death from the syphilis that's eating away at his brain, so that's good enough for me.
It's a damned shame, but the rapist Bill will probably go scott-free.

The Arkansas statute of limitations for the Class Y felony of rape is 15 years during which time a prosecution can be commenced only if based on forensic DNA testing.

But he'll probably have a slow and agonizing death from the syphilis that's eating away at his brain, so that's good enough for me.
Dude looks like he's dying on the vine now. Mouth hangs agape and he looks deranged

It's a damned shame, but the rapist Bill will probably go scott-free.

The Arkansas statute of limitations for the Class Y felony of rape is 15 years during which time a prosecution can be commenced only if based on forensic DNA testing.

But he'll probably have a slow and agonizing death from the syphilis that's eating away at his brain, so that's good enough for me.
Dude looks like he's dying on the vine now. Mouth hangs agape and he looks deranged


Hopefully he'll be burning in Hell before too long: Right along side Ted Kennedy, John Murtha, John Kerry, and Jane Fonda.

What's that you say? Kerry and Fonda aren't dead yet?

Aww, that's too bad. I drank all this beer hoping to piss on their graves, but I'll have to wait, won't I? That's ok, we're not going to run out of beer anytime soon.


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