Biggest. Hoax. Ever.


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

On Day One, ObamaCare is gone!


My replacement is beautiful. Bleev me. Terrific. You are going to get tired of being healthy.



I also have some used condos I can sell you.


We are no longer going to fine rich people for not buying insurance.


I spend more on cigars than I did on that fine.

That was your plan?
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ObamaCare lives. Health care costs are still rising.

The man's a genius.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Make sure to put the above quotes in memory so you can keep pulling it out and calling Trump a liar for the next ten years.
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
And the rubes ate it up
Make sure to put the above quotes in memory so you can keep pulling it out and calling Trump a liar for the next ten years.

He's going to be President for TEN years?!? :ack-1:

But I get your point. Especially the bit about "make healthcare more affordable".
That damned lying media keeps reporting HIS WORDS!!!! How dare they? They are out to get him!
That damned lying media keeps reporting HIS WORDS!!!! How dare they? They are out to get him!
TRUMP: On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

CONWAY: What Dear Leader meant was that rich people will take the two hundred dollars they would have spent on the mandate fine and use it to create jobs. If the media was honest, they would have explained it that way.

PENCE: Look, what Our Savior is trying to do is let the ACA repeal itself. The ACA is being uncooperative, but that isn't the President's fault. We need the ACA to kill itself, then we can go back to the days of doing nothing and letting health care costs rise 10 percent a year like they used to before the ACA.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
You morons aren't winning any hearts and minds with this stupid shit. This is why we kicked your politicians out of power. We are tired of your lies, your hate, your violence, and your stupidity. You won't convince a single Trump supporter, all this bull shit will do is cause you to lose independants.
Trump lied. He promised to repeal ObamaCare on day one and provide reforms for immediate implementation that would lower health care costs.

Instead, he wrote an EO asking his billionaire friends in his Cabinet not to fine rich people if they don't buy health insurance.

And then you rubes jumped up and down with glee!

"Mission accomplished!"

What a sack of retarded potatoes you are.
Only a total fool would think that having insurance means you're covered, there is no guarantee just because you have insurance that it's going to pay for shit…
Trump is learning that he needs Congress to write the laws.

Good for him
He promised the rubes to have a package of reforms ready to give to Congress on Day One which would lower health care costs.

Instead, you tards got an EO for rich people and spunked your jeans. :lol:
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Actually, the biggest hoax ever was Social Security. It dispossessed more would-be millionaires than any program in the history of any government on earth.

High on the list is the first implementation of Obamacare, which lived up to none of its promises., and raised everybody's medical costs yuugely.

The idea that we should replace that awful government program, with yet another big government program, is very questionable.
Obama delivered his health care reform plan 18 months BEFORE the 2008 election.

Trump delivered a gigantic hoax. You rubes are STILL drinking it.
Obama delivered his health care reform plan 18 months BEFORE the 2008 election.

Trump delivered a gigantic hoax. You rubes are STILL drinking it.
Obama care = Legalized extortion

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