Big wins for same sex marriage


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
For the first time voters in Maine and Maryland approved same sex marriage

Voters approve same-sex marriage for the first time -

In a historic turnaround, the ballot box is showing America's shifting attitudes about same-sex marriage. After gay marriage rights died at the polls dozens of times in the past, on Tuesday they passed in at least two states.

Rarely do popular votes reflect such dramatic social changes.

The result: Maryland and Maine will now allow couples like Cyrino Patane and James Trinidad to tie the knot.

The Maryland couple has been together for seven years, and now, after the historic vote, they plan to marry in the next six months to a year.

"Both families will be at the wedding," Patane said.

"We've lost at the ballot box 32 times," said Paul Guequierre of Human Rights Campaign. "History was made tonight."
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Gay marriage also passed in Washington state. Minnesota shot down a "marriage is one-man and one-woman" thing. So the freedom forces went 4-for-4 there.

On the marijuana front, Massachusetts legalized medical marijuana, while Colorado and Washington just plain legalized recreational use.

It will be interesting, to see how the Feds react to legalization by the states. I'm going to guess that, like as on gay marriage, Obama's position will "evolve", based on the way popular opinion in the USA moving on marijuana.
For the first time voters in Maine and Maryland approved same sex marriage

Voters approve same-sex marriage for the first time -

In a historic turnaround, the ballot box is showing America's shifting attitudes about same-sex marriage. After gay marriage rights died at the polls dozens of times in the past, on Tuesday they passed in at least two states.

Rarely do popular votes reflect such dramatic social changes.

The result: Maryland and Maine will now allow couples like Cyrino Patane and James Trinidad to tie the knot.

The Maryland couple has been together for seven years, and now, after the historic vote, they plan to marry in the next six months to a year.

"Both families will be at the wedding," Patane said.

"We've lost at the ballot box 32 times," said Paul Guequierre of Human Rights Campaign. "History was made tonight."

Well, gay marriage should be a state decision and not federal one..So good for them.
For the first time voters in Maine and Maryland approved same sex marriage

Voters approve same-sex marriage for the first time -

In a historic turnaround, the ballot box is showing America's shifting attitudes about same-sex marriage. After gay marriage rights died at the polls dozens of times in the past, on Tuesday they passed in at least two states.

Rarely do popular votes reflect such dramatic social changes.

The result: Maryland and Maine will now allow couples like Cyrino Patane and James Trinidad to tie the knot.

The Maryland couple has been together for seven years, and now, after the historic vote, they plan to marry in the next six months to a year.

"Both families will be at the wedding," Patane said.

"We've lost at the ballot box 32 times," said Paul Guequierre of Human Rights Campaign. "History was made tonight."

And it was done the right way, via a popular vote, not making up some right and going through the courts.

The courts are where you decide if reciprocity applies to these marriages or not.
Maine, Maryland, Washington, and Colorado are harbingers of things to come.
Well, gay marriage should be a state decision and not federal one..So good for them.

And exactly how are the states supposed to vote on whether or not a gay couple is eligible for Social Security death benefits?

How is Kansas supposed to decide if gays can file a federal married tax return?

Rights are not to be voted on. They are rights.

And it was done the right way, via a popular vote, not making up some right and going through the courts.

The courts are where you decide if reciprocity applies to these marriages or not.

The idiots who passed DOMA on the federal level ensured this is a court issue and not a state level one.

This is about rights and equal protection of the laws, which puts it squarely in the judicial branch's bucket. You can thank the bigots for that.

States deciding for themselves? How constitutional.

As it should be.

Please tell us the wording of a state measure to approve gays to file a federal married tax return and to be able to collect Social Security death benefits.

Cons must be smarting today.

"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem."
-- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean
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States deciding for themselves? How constitutional.

As it should be.

Please tell us the wording of a state measure to approve gays to file a federal married tax return and to be able to collect Social Security death benefits.

Let me know what that has to do with my post.


I am pointing out the blazing blind spot you have. Gay marriage is not a state issue. It was made a federal issue by DOMA.

Nor is it a states rights issue. It is an individual rights issue, which puts it in the judicial bucket, not the legislative one.

Please tell us the wording of a state measure to approve gays to file a federal married tax return and to be able to collect Social Security death benefits.

Let me know what that has to do with my post.


I am pointing out the blazing blind spot you have. Gay marriage is not a state issue. It was made a federal issue by DOMA.

Nor is it a states rights issue. It is an individual rights issue, which puts it in the judicial bucket, not the legislative one.

Actually, it's an individual issue and government should never have had dick to do with it in the first place.
And it was done the right way, via a popular vote, not making up some right and going through the courts.

The courts are where you decide if reciprocity applies to these marriages or not.

The idiots who passed DOMA on the federal level ensured this is a court issue and not a state level one.

This is about rights and equal protection of the laws, which puts it squarely in the judicial branch's bucket. You can thank the bigots for that.


Its actually about the desire to be accepted by society, as shown by the rejection of civil unions that would give the exact same rights as a marriage, but would not be called such.
And it was done the right way, via a popular vote, not making up some right and going through the courts.

The courts are where you decide if reciprocity applies to these marriages or not.

The idiots who passed DOMA on the federal level ensured this is a court issue and not a state level one.

This is about rights and equal protection of the laws, which puts it squarely in the judicial branch's bucket. You can thank the bigots for that.


Its actually about the desire to be accepted by society, as shown by the rejection of civil unions that would give the exact same rights as a marriage, but would not be called such.
Voters have moved on from that, obviously.
Let me know what that has to do with my post.


I am pointing out the blazing blind spot you have. Gay marriage is not a state issue. It was made a federal issue by DOMA.

Nor is it a states rights issue. It is an individual rights issue, which puts it in the judicial bucket, not the legislative one.

Actually, it's an individual issue and government should never have had dick to do with it in the first place.

I am coming around to the Libertarian view that government should be entirely out of the marriage business.


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