Big Sis Be Watching You


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(Tweet the words "Drill" or "Illegal Immigrant" and you end up on a DHS watch list.
Simply amazing what Barack hath wrought in spite of the Constitutional provisions we all mistakenly thought were in place protecting us. With the new defense appropriations authorization all Americans are now subject to the same Drone, Apache and Warthog surveillance and elimination techniques that are currently in use in Afghanistan against al Qaeda and the Taliban)

"(Daily Mail) — The Department of Homeland Security makes fake Twitter and Facebook profiles for the specific purpose of scanning the networks for ‘sensitive’ words – and tracking people who use them.

Simply using a word or phrase from the DHS’s ‘watch’ list could mean that spies from the government read your posts, investigate your account, and attempt to identify you from it, acccording to an online privacy group.

The words which attract attention range from ones seemingly related to diseases or bioweapons such as ‘human to animal’ and ‘outbreak’ to other, more obscure words such as ‘drill’ and ‘strain’.

The DHS also watches for words such as ‘illegal immigrant’.

The DHS outlined plans to scans blogs, Twitter and Facebook for words such as ‘illegal immigrant’, ‘outbreak’, ‘drill’, ‘strain’, ‘virus’, ‘recovery’, ‘deaths’, ‘collapse’, ‘human to animal’ and ‘trojan’, according to an ‘impact asssessment’ document filed by the agency."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Tweeting Words “Drill” And “Illegal Immigrant” Could Land You On DHS Watch List…
(If you choose to play possum, you're only inviting another fifty to one hundred rounds poured down upon you to ensure you're not playing. Hiding in the vegetation offers no recourse. The only possible avenue to safety is in finding a defillade sheltering you from sight out of the drones FLIR, but when the drone is loitering at up to a ten mile height, whats the correct angle to gain protection?)

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Wednesday Morning War Porn…

(Remember the scene from "Saving Private Ryan", the assault on the MG42 position underneath the radar antenna, where Hanks argues that they have to take it out because the Air Corps wouldn't waste ordnance on a single machine gun. One reason why today's wars are so expensive)
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List, shmist, if I'm not already on the radar then this government truely is too incompetent to worry about and if I AM on their screens and still on the loose ( which I am) then the same applies.

A couple of years ago, somebody on my home forum got their mitts on an alleged list like this and we had a complete BALL with it. :D That's not to say that I trust the government (one should never turn your back on an untrustworthy servant) but drones with my name on them aren't my concern yet.
(If you choose to play possum, you're only inviting another fifty to one hundred rounds poured down upon you to ensure you're not playing. Hiding in the vegetation offers no recourse. The only possible avenue to safety is in finding a defillade sheltering you from sight out of the drones FLIR, but when the drone is loitering at up to a ten mile height, whats the correct angle to gain protection?)

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Wednesday Morning War Porn…

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Encore: Best War Porn Evah!…

(Remember the scene from "Saving Private Ryan", the assault on the MG42 position underneath the radar antenna, where Hanks argues that they have to take it out because the Air Corps wouldn't waste ordnance on a single machine gun. One reason why today's wars are so expensive)

No one ever chooses to play possum. I'm not trying to insult you here. I'm just trying to make sure you know what you are saying when you use the phrase.

When one is playing possum you are trying to save yourself. Actually it's a most amazing defense mechanism.

But by no means does it mean you are giving up. It just allows your attackers to think you're smoked and after they move on for other kills bingo bango you get to jump up and live another day.

And in the human realm, you get to jump up and live another day and wreak vengeance.
It must suck to be that afraid.

Actually it is not about being afraid. It's about being able to have linear thought process so when you learn that some local yahoo cop can now summon a predator drone to decimate your family over 6 cows who have wandered onto your property, you can go "whoa geeze" and wonder what's next?
I can't worry about stuff like this. The world's not gonna collapse is my impact assessment, with few consequences whatsoever. Instead, with the tenacity of an illegal immigrant I go about my normal daily drill. True, it's been a bit of a strain lately as I seek recovery from some sort of virus outbreak, but at least it hasn't been real bad as no deaths have been reported. Maybe it's a trojan horse, hiding something worse to come? Or something really out of the ordinary like a new unheard of before human to animal disease that will wipe out much of our food sources? Hmmm...maybe there is cause for concern afterall.

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