Big protests in Arizona

BHO was correct, irresponsible non-action at the federal level leads to worse action at the state level. Absolutely correct, whistle.

So Obama as usual gets a pass. He doesn't do anything and he is able to look down his nose at anyone who does.

Explain to me how it's okay to break the law?

Why does Obama seem to support breaking the law?

After all being critical of anyone who dares to enforce the law is encouraging law-breaking.

In what way does fairness equate to entering this country illegally?

Obama, of course, does not get a pass and the Congress does not get a pass, anymore than the Bush era gets a pass.

Breaking the law is governed by federal law in this issue, not state.

To suggest Obama condones breaking the law is shallow and insipid thinking.

I hope you would have been critical of the Germans who enforced illegal and immoral police codes in Hitler's Germany.

The issue of "fairness" about illegal immigration is not the issue: what is the issue is that the federal legislature has to act and act now.

WTF does Germany have to do with this???
It's kinda ironic that the OP thinks 2,000 people protesting this issue is a huge amount - while dismissing the hundreds of thousands who turned out for Tax Day protests as a fringe movement.

Go figure.
Key elements of the law
Story (0) Comments Posted: Friday, April 23, 2010 11:02 pm | Comments

• Bars governments and agencies from limiting or restricting their employees from enforcing immigration laws "to less than the full extent permitted by federal law."

• Requires police, where there is "reasonable suspicion" the person is an illegal immigrant, to make a "reasonable attempt ... when practicable" to determine that person's legal status.

• Contains an exception if pursuing that inquiry "may hinder or obstruct an investigation."

• Prohibits race, color or national origin from being the sole factor used in determining whether to pursue investigating someone's immigration status.

• Says governments cannot prohibit their employees from sending, receiving or maintaining information about someone's immigration status to determine whether they are eligible for public benefits or services.

• Permits any legal resident to sue if a government agency adopts any policy or practice that restricts the ability of its workers to enforce immigration laws, with judges required to impose penalties of up to $5,000 a day.

• Makes it a violation of state law to be in this country illegally, linking it to the failure to have the requisite "alien registration document."

• Makes it illegal to stop on a road to hire day laborers, or enter a car stopped on a road to get temporary work.

• Criminalizes transporting, concealing, harboring or shielding an illegal immigrant from detection if the person knows or "recklessly disregards" that the other person is in this country illegally.

Capitol Media Services

The law says it prohibits using race, but you'd have to be a fool to believe that's actually going to occur.
Dood. There are plenty of laws on the books already. If a cop is going to harass someone based on race, he doesn't need this law as a pretext.
What does this law allow law enforcement to do that they couldn't do before under existing law?


One most notable is the requirement to carry proof of citizenship.

Can't have that going on....according to Obama.

Reminds me of the voter registration ID that was proposed.

Can't have one with an actual picture of the voter on it. How the heck are they going to vote multiple times or in more then one district if they keep better control of exactly where folks are voting.
What does this law allow law enforcement to do that they couldn't do before under existing law?


Specifically law enforcement officers in this state are 'state certified' officers. State certified officers are given the jurisdiction of enforcing state laws. In order to enforce federal laws, such as even asking about citizenship staus, law enforcement officers needed to have 'federal certification'. They needed federal law enforcement certification simply to ask if the person they pulled over for a speeding violation. The dual certifications were held by relativley few officers.
With the new law, officers possessing a state certification are now allowed to ask about citizenship status. If it is found that they are illegal, they still have to be turned over to ICE, just like always. The law specifically says that people can't be stopped simply to check their status.
Now as far as some of the people that claim the police here will use this law to harrass latinos, please consider;
We have a lot of Latinos in the state, some are even police officers. Our county sherrif is a Navajo man.
I have lived here most of my life. You have to be doing something stupid even to get pulled over in a car. the police behave like that old dylan song and they just don't need you.
I have visited eastern states, especially NY, MA and PA. The police there are miserable.A close 4th is CA. I remember driving across I86 in Ny and seeing a cop every 10 miles or so just waiting for someone to go 56mph. The cops here dont do that, at least I never saw it.
The police here are actually about safety, and not there just to collect revenue for the state.
I also must comment that while watching the phoenix news last nite, I saw a guy with a tshirt that said 'tea party racist' on it getting dragged away by the cops for throwing something at one of them. The news says there were several arrests.
How is that justified? What purpose does it serve?
I also must comment that while watching the phoenix news last nite, I saw a guy with a tshirt that said 'tea party racist' on it getting dragged away by the cops for throwing something at one of them. The news says there were several arrests.
How is that justified? What purpose does it serve?

Are you asking why would someone be arrested for assualting a police officer?
I also must comment that while watching the phoenix news last nite, I saw a guy with a tshirt that said 'tea party racist' on it getting dragged away by the cops for throwing something at one of them. The news says there were several arrests.
How is that justified? What purpose does it serve?

Are you asking why would someone be arrested for assualting a police officer?

nope, why was it not a peaceful protest?


In case you didn't know, immigrants have been required to carry their papers for a long time. Just like you need your passport in Mexico or france.

It is not required to carry ID for citizens, but I would advise it. Here's why;
I have been involved with search and rescue several times and have found a couple of bodies that had no id. I also know of a family that had a man in his 20's go missing. They don't know what happened to him, he left his id home.
I don't need to suspect it. It's a picture from their protest last fall.

And you jump to the conclusion, that the person who is holding that sign is actually a protester who agrees with the tea party.

I suspect he is, but that does not make it so... politics cause people to do dishonest things including showing up at events of the opponent and making them look like imbeciles and/or racists.


That argument would be a lot more credible if it was a one-shot occurrence. Noting there are hundreds of similar signs, one of two things are true:
1. The number of opponents showing up at the rallies to make them look stupid is larger than the movement itself.
2. The tea party is filled with idiots.

Option two is the far more likely occurrence.

Damn, we agree on something three times in one week!

I'm not saying that some of the tea party protesters are not racist. I'm also not saying that those signs do not belong to them.

What I am saying is that until I have proof that they do, I am going to hold open the thought that there is a possibility that some of those signs are being held by people that simply want to make tea party protesters look like frigging racists and idiots. Which ones those signs are, if any are, I have no idea, but I don't put it past the left wing to try such a maneuver. Before you ask, neither would I put it past some right wingers either.

So how do the people against "big gubmint" square that belief with their support for the Papers Please law?

If you were asking me... I didn't know that I supported the "Papers Please" law. :D

In fact, from the little bit I have read here about it, I don't support it.

These people protesting are americans and have a right to protest.

oh they are?.....all of them?......more "Truth" from "TRUTHMATTERS"....geezus you are clueless....

this is land is our land this land is your land whatever happen to that? we share lands we love when people come here.

there abosultying fuck up law here.

just because you are "here"....does not mean you are an American ....and Woody Guthrie wrote that song in reference to AMERICANS.....he was tired of hearing Kate Smith sing "God Bless America" he wrote his own America song which he originally called..."God Blessed America for Me".....
Kate Smith and her singing . . . shudder. Google her folks on youtube. God bless your courage.
It's kinda ironic that the OP thinks 2,000 people protesting this issue is a huge amount - while dismissing the hundreds of thousands who turned out for Tax Day protests as a fringe movement.

Go figure.

thats because she agreed with one and disagreed with the other.....typical hack....

Typical of some leftist radicals and some rightist reactionaries.
The law says it prohibits using race, but you'd have to be a fool to believe that's actually going to occur.

sure it will....but when you live among countless illegals for a period of time.... you usually can get pretty accurate in knowing who is and who isnt....ESPECIALLY if you talk to them....dead giveaway....
The law says it prohibits using race, but you'd have to be a fool to believe that's actually going to occur.

sure it will....but when you live among countless illegals for a period of time.... you usually can get pretty accurate in knowing who is and who isnt....ESPECIALLY if you talk to them....dead giveaway....

"Countless"? The illegals compose about 3% of our population. When "you talk to them"?

Have you lived in rural Mississippi? They sound like the early 18th century. Have you listed to Sarah? She sounds like a descendent of a Scandanavian immigrant from the midwest who was repatriated to Alaska farmlng valleys during and after the Great Depression.

You sound, simply, silly.

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