Big Oil's Long-Running Climate Disinformation Campaign Detailed in Congressional Report

It's amazing how climate change people don't believe in "Supply Chain Economics" until it becomes convenient.


Then there's the whole climate change models that have yet to prove a cause relationship with petroleum or coal use.

Mercury in soil and waterways does have a relationship with using coal...but it's possible to fix that.

If we can find a cheaper alternative to petroleum we will use that instead. That's supply side economics. Find suitable and cheaper replacements.
They're correct on that one....Your "97% of scientists agree" trope is a 100% lie.
I have significant evidence that it is not. Visit the Wikipedia article on "Scientific Consensus on Climate Change" What evidence do you have?
Shocking that they'd want to protect themselves from commie charlatans and pseudo-scientific hoaxers....Shocking I say!
The science assessed by the IPCC in the composition of their reports come from all over the world. Though I'm certain that includes some scientists from communist nations, where do you get "commie charlatans"? There is no pseudo science in the IPCC assessment reports. If you disagree, do show it to us.

The disinformation campaign the fossil fuel industry is running here is ethically identical to that run by the tobacco company. Identical.
I have significant evidence that it is not. Visit the Wikipedia article on "Scientific Consensus on Climate Change" What evidence do you have?

The science assessed by the IPCC in the composition of their reports come from all over the world. Though I'm certain that includes some scientists from communist nations, where do you get "commie charlatans"? There is no pseudo science in the IPCC assessment reports. If you disagree, do show it to us.

The disinformation campaign the fossil fuel industry is running here is ethically identical to that run by the tobacco company. Identical.

Fossil fuels are a lot more useful than tobacco.
I have significant evidence that it is not. Visit the Wikipedia article on "Scientific Consensus on Climate Change" What evidence do you have?

The science assessed by the IPCC in the composition of their reports come from all over the world. Though I'm certain that includes some scientists from communist nations, where do you get "commie charlatans"? There is no pseudo science in the IPCC assessment reports. If you disagree, do show it to us.

The disinformation campaign the fossil fuel industry is running here is ethically identical to that run by the tobacco company. Identical.
The evidence I have is the actions of the hoaxers.

Every one of them has the most corbon-intensive lifestyle anyone can have, and many own costly seaside property which would be the first to be inundated were the hoax real.

You can wave all the pretty colored charts, cite pal-reviewed pablum, and recite all the scare stories you want, when the high priests of your cult don't walk the walk that they talk so well, you're totally full of shit.
The evidence I have is the actions of the hoaxers.

Every one of them has the most corbon-intensive lifestyle anyone can have, and many own costly seaside property which would be the first to be inundated were the hoax real.

You can wave all the pretty colored charts, cite pal-reviewed pablum, and recite all the scare stories you want, when the high priests of your cult don't walk the walk that they talk so well, you're totally full of shit.
God are you stupid.
God, you are a fucking gullible rube.

NONE of your high priests live the austere life that they want you to live, and you're such a fucking dope to actually take them seriously.
Not to mention they live in oceanfront mansions that were probably bought with 30 year mortgages. Which is odd considering that the rising oceans will inundate them in (fill in the latest Doomsday Countdown) years
God, you are a fucking gullible rube.

NONE of your high priests live the austere life that they want you to live, and you're such a fucking dope to actually take them seriously.
I am not the one being a useful idiot for the fossil fuel industry. If you want to refute the science, you're going to have to talk about the science. Barack Obama (who is no one's "high priest") buying a waterfront home in Hawaii does not refute the science. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.
I am not the one being a useful idiot for the fossil fuel industry. If you want to refute the science, you're going to have to talk about the science. Barack Obama (who is no one's "high priest") buying a waterfront home in Hawaii does not refute the science. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.
The concept that earth based hydrocarbons "fossil fuels" comes from dead dinosaurs is the biggest fraud put forth by Big Oil to give the illusion of were saying about
I am not the one being a useful idiot for the fossil fuel industry.
I am not the one being a useful idiot for the fossil fuel industry. If you want to refute the science, you're going to have to talk about the science. Barack Obama (who is no one's "high priest") buying a waterfront home in Hawaii does not refute the science. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions.
Your hundreds of fraud high priests all fly in private jets numerous times a year.....Any one of which on a short 1 hr. flight emits more CO2 than my car does in an entire year.

And you worship and genuflect to these fucking frauds.

the useful idjit is you, Buckwheat.
“These hearings and reports have been historic because we succeeded in bringing in the heads of Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, API, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to testify under oath for the first time ever about efforts to mislead the public on climate and forced them to provide explosive internal documents” Khanna told CNN in a statement. “I have no doubt that this work will be analyzed for years to come and help deepen our understanding about the entire industry’s role in funding and facilitating climate disinformation.”

Making the lot of you their useful idiots
Of course they are greenwashing. So are you.
“These hearings and reports have been historic because we succeeded in bringing in the heads of Exxon, Chevron, Shell, BP, API, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to testify under oath for the first time ever about efforts to mislead the public on climate and forced them to provide explosive internal documents” Khanna told CNN in a statement. “I have no doubt that this work will be analyzed for years to come and help deepen our understanding about the entire industry’s role in funding and facilitating climate disinformation.”

Making the lot of you their useful idiots
The title is a little misleading.
Your hundreds of fraud high priests all fly in private jets numerous times a year.....Any one of which on a short 1 hr. flight emits more CO2 than my car does in an entire year.

And you worship and genuflect to these fucking frauds.

the useful idjit is you, Buckwheat.
Thousands of scientists from every nation on Earth, for decades now, have held that the planet is warming and that the primary cause is human GHG emissions. That you and the fools you run with think this is somehow refuted by Obama buying a waterfront home marks you, clear as day, as a blithering idiot.
Thousands of scientists from every nation on Earth, for decades now, have held that the planet is warming and that the primary cause is human GHG emissions. That you and the fools you run with think this is somehow refuted by Obama buying a waterfront home marks you, clear as day, as a blithering idiot.
Thousands of scientists also disagree....You only listen to the ones you want to hear, fucking cultist.
Thousands of scientists also disagree....You only listen to the ones you want to hear, fucking cultist.
This will be the third time in the last twenty four hours I have asked this: where is your evidence that thousands of scientists disagree?

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