Biden's newest affirmative action hire claim thats #1 cause of obesity is genetics.. and the health industry geos nuts


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Hard to imagine that the Deputy of Health would actually say something so moronic.
That obesity is not caused by eating too much.. but it's mainly genetics.
Unbelievable... of course the reaction to that was predictable: That is completely false.
So once again the Biden Administration chooses woke over reality. Feel good fiction over facts.
It is true you have a significant higher chance of being fat through genetics..... IF YOU ALSO OVEREAT LIKE EVERYONE IN YOUR FAMILY DOES. Who knew??

*Note... not a big fan of Rubin, but it is the best video of this I could find... look at Leslie Stahls face. You could see the WTF??

A qualified physician, like Dr. Nick, could explain to this dame how to gain weight and it has nothing to do with genetics.
The irresponsibility of saying such garbage is off the chart.
That even if you have a proper diet and exercise you will still be obese because you are born that way. Just wow. And goes against every known nutritional fact that exists.
Tater put this guy in charge of HHS, so what do you expect?


Obesity is genetics
Males can get pregnant
Children should chop their dick off
Biden isnt an incestuous pedo
At least they are consistent with their delusions :dunno:
I think genetics does play apart in how your body processes food. Of course, eatting too much is a very close second. I've seen plenty of skinny people eat 3k per day and be perfectly skinny and on the otherhand seen the exact opposite for heavy people that hardly eat anything....Genetics matters.
I think genetics does play apart in how your body processes food. Of course, eatting too much is a very close second. I've seen plenty of skinny people eat 3k per day and be perfectly skinny and on the otherhand seen the exact opposite for heavy people that hardly eat anything....Genetics matters.
I think genetics does play apart in how your body processes food. Of course, eatting too much is a very close second. I've seen plenty of skinny people eat 3k per day and be perfectly skinny and on the otherhand seen the exact opposite for heavy people that hardly eat anything....Genetics matters.
You have that backwards.
Eating too much is #1... genetics is second.
What genetics does is significantly increase your propensity to get obese... IF YOU EAT TOO MUCH.

No matter what a person's genes are they are absolutely not destined to be obese. That is a grossly irresponsible opinion. Note - we are talking obesity, not just overweight. Dramatically overweight.
This woman is proof that education and intelligence are not the same thing.

Genes express themselves differently under different conditions. Everyone who eats nothing but potato chips and Coke and never gets off the couch will become obese.

Pre cognitive declined Biden would not have hired such an idiot
Pretty bad when you are a doctor, and are willing to sit there and lie through your teeth to push a woke agenda that is extremally irresponsible and dangerous.
Bad enough there are so many brain dead parents giving their kids gallons of soda, potato chips, snack cakes and allowing them to sit on their asses all day.. now you have the Biden administration telling you that you might as well let them... they are doomed anyway.
Hard to imagine that the Deputy of Health would actually say something so moronic.
That obesity is not caused by eating too much.. but it's mainly genetics.
Unbelievable... of course the reaction to that was predictable: That is completely false.
So once again the Biden Administration chooses woke over reality. Feel good fiction over facts.
It is true you have a significant higher chance of being fat through genetics..... IF YOU ALSO OVEREAT LIKE EVERYONE IN YOUR FAMILY DOES. Who knew??

*Note... not a big fan of Rubin, but it is the best video of this I could find... look at Leslie Stahls face. You could see the WTF??

She is right. This is from 1970. Not a lot of fat people in this picture. So it’s diet too.


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