Biden’s Mental Decline Is Obvious to Everyone

If Biden is suffering from such serious mental decline, yet even now he can get the world to follow his lead in arming Ukraine against the Russian invasion. Virtually getting 90% of the world behind Zelensky. Uniting the world, to the point countries are now lining up to join Nato.

Imagine what Biden could have done running on all cylinders?
Right, because the rest of the world wouldn't have backed Zelensky without Biden.
Why do you suppose Finland & Sweden now want to join NATO? For protection from the same thing happening to them or because they are so impressed with Biden's leadership?
Hint: it is not the latter.
Putin was supposed to have taken Ukraine in days. That didn't happen.
Ukraine is turning into Russia's next Afghanistan.

Worse than that

Putin had no backup plans for an extended invasion
Almost as bad as Hitler invading Russia without winter gear
Our President is leading a multi-national coalition to cripple Putin and prevent the spread of the war.

Meanwhile, the guy YOU voted for cheered Putin’s invasion and called him a Genius

Who is unsuited to be President?
Only the Biden administration says Biden is 'leading'. Leaders of other nations continue to meet and discuss the Ukrainian situation -- without Biden.

Setting aside that incorrect but irrelevant bit of information - and the following bit of disinformation - the simple fact is that Biden has screwed up every major action he has undertaken, and accomplished nothing of significance.

And he frequently lies in his speeches and comments to the news media. Is that acceptable to you?
If Biden is suffering from such serious mental decline, yet even now he can get the world to follow his lead in arming Ukraine against the Russian invasion. Virtually getting 90% of the world behind Zelensky. Uniting the world, to the point countries are now lining up to join Nato.

Imagine what Biden could have done running on all cylinders?
Only Biden and his administration tell you Biden is leading. Other world leaders are meeting and acting without him.
Before Putin invaded Ukraine, how people viewed Russia


Weeks after Putins invasion of Ukraine, how people view Russia.


And Trump called Putin's handling of Ukraine "genius"
Meanwhile Putin has exactly the territories he wanted thanks to Joe Biden telling Putin to make a minor incursion into Uranus.
Worse than that

Putin had no backup plans for an extended invasion
Almost as bad as Hitler invading Russia without winter gear
Biden Colluded with Putin to gain territory in Ukraine and Biden told Putin to make a minor incursion in to Uranus and he did exactly that.
I think you'll find that a great many Democrats and Independents and fence-sitters who voted for Biden last time are ALSO concerned about this.
I don't think there's much doubt that there is age-related physiological decline. Actual mental decline? I don't know.

The distinction is both too complicated and entirely irrelevant to the orange rubes, of course.

Regardless, still significantly preferable to the alternative.
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Again let’s look at the two choices in 2020

One invoked crippling sanctions against Putin for leading an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and is supplying US weapons

The other cheered Putin and called the invasion “smart” and mocked NATO

THAT is the President we could have ended up with
Biden did away with Trump's sanctions, then gave him a pipeline to fund his war. Then put sanctions on him to hurt only Russian citizens. Oh, and he is giving Putin the power to devalue our dollar. Looks like Biden is giving Putin all he wants. That's what happens when you own someone.
The US Dollar is the Gold Standard

For you to compare it to Putin’s Ruble shows what a Putin Stooge you are
Russia, China, and India are getting away from the dollar. Biden's inflation is not helping. Oh and Russia and China own Biden. I hope it's not to late for Trump to fix this mess when he wins in 2024.

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