Biden's Maga speech

A big Bah Fongu to your Commie bullshit. All Americans (real Americans) know deep down what I'm talking about, assface. Dementia Joe is not pulling his own marionette strings. Duh!

Thanks for proving you're just hallucinating that.
Trump called everyone who opposed him socialists and commies and nazis and any other scary shit he could dream up. He accused people of having the most terrible goals and made it clear they were coming for whatever it is you happen to value. Shit worked on you. So why is Biden out of line again?
I don't recall that prime time speech
Yeah, I know, Trump is always the victim.
/----/ I'm not saying Trump is always the victim. I'm saying NYC was mostly segregated at the time and still is. If you wanted to rent your high-end apartments and condos to rich NY liberals - they expected segregated buildings. It was a common practice. I know, I saw it first hand. You didn't. Did you even bother to read the link I posted?

How about the liberal TIMe magazine? They acknowledge it was a wide spread problem.
As This American Life deftly showed in 2013, discriminatory rental practices are still very much a problem—and the tactics developed back in the 1960s are still in use, with testers posing as renters to test landlord bias. “If you’re discriminated against in getting housing, there’s a decent chance you don’t know it happened. Maybe you don’t even suspect it,” note the show’s Nancy Updike. “The whole idea seems like a throwback.”
If you had any integrity, you'd be wondering "Why the fuck did my side cheat?" and questioning your loyalty to that party.
But you're a devoid of integrity douchebag, so that's not going to happen.
Disenfranchising a supermajority of Americans was not a good plan.

You will find that out.


It's been almost 2 years now. How many more years do you need to prove the election was stolen?


Case: United States v. Fred C. Trump, Donald Trump, and Trump Management, Inc.
What name appears first there, dumbass? Derp!

There's no real proof of that lawsuit ever actually existing by following your link.
It leads to a WaPo article then "The Village Voice" and really only contains rhetoric.

It's looking like a circular lie right now.
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I"M NOT THE ONE whinging about telling people they don't have the freedom of speech in this country. YOU DID THAT. YOU are the whiney baby cause you can't get your way and deep down.. you know the dems did steal it. :funnyface: :spank:

yeah ya do.

The 2020 election was stolen. That's a direct assault on American Democracy and that's not going away, fucktard. And everyone knows that Democrats did that. If they don't, they're stupid. November is the time to do things lawfully. If Democrats cheat this time? Lord have mercy on their souls.

Don't just say it was stolen -- Prove it...
You think that the voting is going to go okay? They have done it before they are going to do it again. The ends justify the means.

View attachment 691160


Thanks to you too for proving Biden was right...

"Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today." (Applause.)
Matters not whose name is first. All that matters is whose names are on it. And you idiotically denied Crazy Donald's name was on it. Being stupid comes so naturally to you.
I'm not denying that the thing may be real, but nothing in your link proves it at all.

Matter of fact, it says this:
" We are working to obtain the relevant documents. In the meantime, "

Looks like bullshit if you ask me.
You denied he was a defendant in that lawsuit.
You have failed to prove there was a lawsuit at all. As it stands, some allegations were made with no valid proof of said lawsuit ever existing. If you can find some, I'll concede.
Because if anybody reacts too strongly right now there won't be any midterms which is what the Dems want. They want to declare Martial law, and not have midterms because they'll get shellacked, and start with concentration camps and things like that. But first: The confiscation of the guns, which Biden was pushing for this very morning.


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