Biden's hotel bill

I am not a fan of our less than illustrious Vice President.

On the other hand, when he travels on official business, it doesn't surprise me that there are some serious costs involved.

And it also doesn't much bother me.

I don't like his politics at all. But I do want him safe.

So quibbling about these expenditures is just kind of petty.

I agree with you, I was pointing out the democrat hypocrisy, sorry if I was not clearer.

Obozo is cutting visible things rather than complying with the sequester which would have impacted no one.

Actually, my beef wasn't with you or your OP. So, I am sorry that I was unclear.

I saw that "headline" linked in Drudge yesterday. And while I love to lampoon Vice President Biden, I thought that one was probably just a cheap shot. Hotels for the man and his entourage are probably expensive as is food and the costs of travel are not inconsequential either. Plus lots of security.

The figure may be inflated including all of those costs. I think Phoenixops suggested as much. But even if it accurate to the penny, I still think the "Drudge" story is just silly. I don't begrudge the costs to feed, lodge, transport and protect the Vice President and his retinue.

Just as I thought. Con sites (almost always Drudge as Rightists have that set as one of therir homepage tabs
) directed the user from the Big Easy to read a London paper. :eusa_hand:

From the article:

'They are in line with high-level travel across multiple administrations,' the official said. 'The contract costs cover the entire range of support, including accommodations for military, communications, secret service staff, and other support professionals. Security experts are also required to travel in advance of the president or vice president. Safety and security are not negotiable.'

The cost of foreign trips is always a lightning rod for conservatives who balk at the idea of paying so much for government officials to travel.

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I agree with you, I was pointing out the democrat hypocrisy, sorry if I was not clearer.

Obozo is cutting visible things rather than complying with the sequester which would have impacted no one.

Actually, my beef wasn't with you or your OP. So, I am sorry that I was unclear.

I saw that "headline" linked in Drudge yesterday. And while I love to lampoon Vice President Biden, I thought that one was probably just a cheap shot. Hotels for the man and his entourage are probably expensive as is food and the costs of travel are not inconsequential either. Plus lots of security.

The figure may be inflated including all of those costs. I think Phoenixops suggested as much. But even if it accurate to the penny, I still think the "Drudge" story is just silly. I don't begrudge the costs to feed, lodge, transport and protect the Vice President and his retinue.

Just as I thought. Con sites (almost always Drudge as Rightists have that set as one of therir homepage tabs
) directed the user from the Big Easy to read a London paper. :eusa_hand:

From the article:

'They are in line with high-level travel across multiple administrations,' the official said. 'The contract costs cover the entire range of support, including accommodations for military, communications, secret service staff, and other support professionals. Security experts are also required to travel in advance of the president or vice president. Safety and security are not negotiable.'

The cost of foreign trips is always a lightning rod for conservatives who balk at the idea of paying so much for government officials to travel.

Read more: Outrage as Joe Biden's hotel tab runs up to more than 1MILLION for just TWO NIGHTS in London and Paris | Mail Online
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I'm right in your mother fucking face. I'm all around you. Many feel the same way. Not having a problem with this.

Do you just want to jerk off on thinking all conservatives feel the same way?

Truly. Do you just want to blather on?
There is some kind of perverse enjoyment in seeing just how much the people will really take. The Russians and Chinese probably have a pool going. What will be the next excuse democrats make and how long can they keep it going? More than anything else what will happen when enough is enough? Can they really hang on if they end up causing the class civil war they threaten?
There is some kind of perverse enjoyment in seeing just how much the people will really take. The Russians and Chinese probably have a pool going. What will be the next excuse democrats make and how long can they keep it going? More than anything else what will happen when enough is enough? Can they really hang on if they end up causing the class civil war they threaten?

^ Hey asswipe!!!: can you answer the question already asked? V you don't have to be a partisan hack EVERY SINGLE DAY you know.

why did NONE of you complain about Bush or Cheneys protection costs?
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