Biden's first 100 days: Has he really acccomplished anything?

He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
What's wrong with going to Chinatown? Do you blame Chinese American's for what happened in China?
Yeah! Everyone should be doing this during a pandemic, along with getting your hair done illegally!
View attachment 485245
Remember trump rallies? Remember you wanted to make everyone come stand in line to vote during a global pandemic?

Suddenly you’re for social distancing?
Yes. But Trump fans aren't fucking lecturing people about wearing 2 masks, getting anally swabbed and taking 3 shots.
Wear one mask, stop going to rallies and get your 2 shots. The rest is just you being a partisan pussy.
Why do you need a mask if you have been vaccinated? Show me the science, not some clown on TV saying you need to.
I'm not going to discuss the science with someone who doesn't believe science. Do you believe humans are causing global warming? Do you believe the election was rigged? Then you're a kook.

You don't wear a mask to protect yourself as much as you are protecting other people.

And there is another strain out there because of you cons not doing what needed to be done. Now it's stronger and deadlier. Now it will kill children. So now I need to wear a mask, or, YOU need to wear a mask because you might give me the new deadlier strain.

You idiots need to just die. If mother nature was real, if god were real, Trump would have died of corona and so would have half the people who attended his rallies. And 100% of the insurrectionists should have died in January. Death by cop.


And all of this is based on Statistics, not "science". Where are the dispersion experiments? The controlled exposure vs levels of masking and distance?

What strains are going after children now?

President Joe Biden has spent his first 100 days pushing massive spending bills, proposing higher taxes and enacting progressive policies. But unlike his Democratic predecessor, President Barack Obama, a mass movement in opposition hasn’t materialized yet.
Biden's first 100 days: Has he really acccomplished anything?

The amount of Trumpster tears alone are worth it. Everything else is just extra.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
What's wrong with going to Chinatown? Do you blame Chinese American's for what happened in China?
Yeah! Everyone should be doing this during a pandemic, along with getting your hair done illegally!
View attachment 485245
Remember trump rallies? Remember you wanted to make everyone come stand in line to vote during a global pandemic?

Suddenly you’re for social distancing?
Yes. But Trump fans aren't fucking lecturing people about wearing 2 masks, getting anally swabbed and taking 3 shots.
Wear one mask, stop going to rallies and get your 2 shots. The rest is just you being a partisan pussy.
Why do you need a mask if you have been vaccinated? Show me the science, not some clown on TV saying you need to.
I'm not going to discuss the science with someone who doesn't believe science. Do you believe humans are causing global warming? Do you believe the election was rigged? Then you're a kook.

You don't wear a mask to protect yourself as much as you are protecting other people.

And there is another strain out there because of you cons not doing what needed to be done. Now it's stronger and deadlier. Now it will kill children. So now I need to wear a mask, or, YOU need to wear a mask because you might give me the new deadlier strain.

You idiots need to just die. If mother nature was real, if god were real, Trump would have died of corona and so would have half the people who attended his rallies. And 100% of the insurrectionists should have died in January. Death by cop.
Instead the covid hoax is becoming more apparent. The rebellion against the communists is growing. For every patriot on January 6, there are 1,000 more that didn't go. Please take your all idiotic the opposition needs to die and all of your wishful thinking about gassing whites and do something. Finally. Stop yammering and drooling into your pudding and do something about it.

Let's face it. Biden is doing a good job, he's popular and it's frustrating you guys.

At this point in his presidency, Obama faced the Tea Party revolt. On April 15, 2009 ― Tax Day ― thousands of Republican protesters took to the streets in cities across the U.S. to demonstrate against high taxes and increased government spending following the Great Recession. In Washington, D.C., a crowd even forced a temporary shutdown of the White House after they hurled tea bags onto the executive mansion’s lawn.

Republicans insist the same type of backlash is coming for Biden if he continues down the path he’s on. But the party, still reeling from years of Donald Trump and a Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, faces a problem: some of Biden’s policies are very popular.

GOP senators think it’s only a matter of time before Biden faces another grassroots repudiation of big tax-and-spend Democratic policies, especially if Democratic lawmakers pass his $2 trillion American Jobs Plan and $1.8 trillion American Families Plan. The huge injection of money on things like roads and bridges, child care, community college and middle-class tax credits would be offset with increased taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

“This embrace of an extreme agenda will accelerate the nation’s movement back in the direction of fiscal sanity and I believe is going to result in a very good election for Republicans in 2022 and 2024,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who rose to prominence with the support of the Tea Party and is now considered a potential 2024 presidential candidate, told HuffPost.

Cruz called Biden “boring but radical” ― two contrary notions that reveal how even one of America’s loudest bomb-throwers has had trouble animating the base over the new administration.

Polls have shown that majorities of voters ― even Republican ones ― like Biden’s policies and like the president personally. His coronavirus policies have been overwhelmingly popular, and voters like his ideas for an infrastructure and jobs overhaul. The president’s overall approval rating stands at just 53%, however, with voters giving him the strongest marks on the pandemic and the economy, according to a recent Monmouth University poll.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
What's wrong with going to Chinatown? Do you blame Chinese American's for what happened in China?
Yeah! Everyone should be doing this during a pandemic, along with getting your hair done illegally!
View attachment 485245
Remember trump rallies? Remember you wanted to make everyone come stand in line to vote during a global pandemic?

Suddenly you’re for social distancing?
Yes. But Trump fans aren't fucking lecturing people about wearing 2 masks, getting anally swabbed and taking 3 shots.
Wear one mask, stop going to rallies and get your 2 shots. The rest is just you being a partisan pussy.
Why do you need a mask if you have been vaccinated? Show me the science, not some clown on TV saying you need to.
I'm not going to discuss the science with someone who doesn't believe science. Do you believe humans are causing global warming? Do you believe the election was rigged? Then you're a kook.

You don't wear a mask to protect yourself as much as you are protecting other people.

And there is another strain out there because of you cons not doing what needed to be done. Now it's stronger and deadlier. Now it will kill children. So now I need to wear a mask, or, YOU need to wear a mask because you might give me the new deadlier strain.

You idiots need to just die. If mother nature was real, if god were real, Trump would have died of corona and so would have half the people who attended his rallies. And 100% of the insurrectionists should have died in January. Death by cop.


And all of this is based on Statistics, not "science". Where are the dispersion experiments? The controlled exposure vs levels of masking and distance?

What strains are going after children now?

President Joe Biden has spent his first 100 days pushing massive spending bills, proposing higher taxes and enacting progressive policies. But unlike his Democratic predecessor, President Barack Obama, a mass movement in opposition hasn’t materialized yet.

Oh, it's materialized, it's just not reported on by his bend over buddies in the MSM.

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