Biden's DOD furthers more division with diversity training in military


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training


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Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training

View attachment 466087
I bet he could do a great job designing the interior of the barracks, fabulous stuff!
Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training

View attachment 466087
I bet he could do a great job designing the interior of the barracks, fabulous stuff!
The barracks are now quad apartments.
Conservatives are always outraged at the idea of diversity.
One of the reasons it took so long to integrate
That silly ass woke shit has nothing to do with combat readiness and is a waste of time.

All it does is kiss the ass of the queers, transsexuals and Negroes. Disgusting and the troops know it and hate it.

The Obama administration purged the military of all the real leaders and all we have now are yes men and affirmative action dumbasses.

China Joe will weaken the military.

Anybody that voted for China Joe and the Ho is a friggin idiot.
Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training

The government can tell the armed forces how wonderful "diversity" is.

But it cannot make them believe it.

The armed forces all have their personal opinions on this topic, based on their own personal experiences.

The armed forces, of course, can discharge any members who they suspect are not that much in love with "diversity."

So those members would be wise to refrain from expressing their views in public.
Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training
Weakening the military, one day at a time. You can bet the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the Russian Armed Forces, and radical Islamic terrorist groups don't have to put up with crap about learning to tolerate transgenders in their ranks.

No. They are training to defeat us.

"The Pentagon has resumed its diversity training efforts, reversing the Trump administration’s cutbacks on such programs, reported.

One of President Joe Biden’s executive orders on his first day in office revoked former President Donald Trump's halt to training on subjects like race theory and white privilege, declaring, "Our diversity is one of our country's greatest strengths."

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin followed with a memo rescinding the Trump administration's restriction on diversity training, and the services followed suit, reported.

The reversal ends the Trump administration’s move six months ago, when it labeled diversity training programs as “un-American propaganda training sessions."

Defense Department Has Resumed Military's Diversity Training

Diversity Training has nothing to do with Operational Excellence.

Thank goodness not all of the military is interested in some Pentagon nit-wit grass chewer's ideas on social engineering.
The material is passed out, time is allotted for review, the requirements are made clear, the file gets stored on your computer ...

Then you go back to learning how to proficiently break things and kill people.

The Rush Limbaugh rule should apply: Any new initiative must be evaluated on whether it makes us better at killing people and breaking stuff...which are the mission of the Armed Forces. If it don't do that, then don't go forward with the initiative.

I challenge anyone to point out any circumstances where "diversity training" will have any positive effect. It never has and never will, and usually breeds resentment and contempt.

I pity the white male officers who serve honorably and well, whose promotions will be withheld from them so that they can be given to POC's and women.
The Rush Limbaugh rule should apply: Any new initiative must be evaluated on whether it makes us better at killing people and breaking stuff...which are the mission of the Armed Forces. If it don't do that, then don't go forward with the initiative.

I challenge anyone to point out any circumstances where "diversity training" will have any positive effect. It never has and never will, and usually breeds resentment and contempt.

I pity the white male officers who serve honorably and well, whose promotions will be withheld from them so that they can be given to POC's and women.

In The End ... Lethality, Efficiency, Operational Success ... It Isn't Social Engineering.
(I Don't Know What The Hell They Are Doing)

The last thing we need is more diversity in the military. We have enough trash in the military already.

Our volunteer armed forces are populated with blacks, Hispanics, women and even gays

Having an exclusive white, male NCO and Officer corps makes no sense
Our volunteer armed forces are populated with blacks, Hispanics, women and even gays

Having an exclusive white, male NCO and Officer corps makes no sense

If ever given an opportunity, try to talk the bullet out of killing you ... :auiqs.jpg:


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