Biden’s China-Style CBDC Control Currency Would Force Mandatory Vaccinations, Other Mandated “Medical Interventions” by Cutting-Off Food


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "
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When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "
In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.
When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "

That will be Tree of Liberty Time
In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.
Too bad your mRNA SHOTS are in NO WAY a "VACCINE" no matter what publishers of dictionaries CHANGED to suit this DEMONIC serum you assholes FORCED on the People!!!
In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.

But THOSE vaccination drugs have been TESTED OVER DECADES and PROVEN to fight the virus without damaging the human cell structure or causing deadly side effects.
In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.

Only if you plan to put that child in public school.

So, not "mandatory" by any commonly accepted definition.

Please be a bit more factual in your future posts.

There is no vaccine for Covid

There's the real issue

Covid has been proven to be nothing more than a harsh strain of the flu.
Everybody I know that contracted it and NEVER got "the jab" complained of flu symptoms, and then they got over it in two - three weeks.
I've got a friend where she contracted it three times, got over it, and never had any kind of vaccination for it. NONE! And she's absolutely fine.
She's got mediocre health and she's in her 70's.

And all she ever got from COVID was a headache, feeling run down, and a slight fever for a few weeks, and then she was over it. Both her AND her husband!!

Same goes for my sister and both my nephews, and everybody else I know or have met that got it. Hell, even the nurses and doctors that have contracted it say it was nothing more than a bad cold or nasty flu.

Besides..............a "mandate" is nothing more than an official REQUEST! There are NO LAWS backing it. And cutting people off from their money is a federal offense. Only the IRS can do it, and they HAVE to have validated, reasonable cause to do it. It is rare the IRS has ever seized anyones bank account, because it's a difficult and time consuming thing to get done.
That will be Tree of Liberty Time
Code for watering with the blood of patriots?

Code for civil war?

Over vaccinations?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... funny stuff, that...

Over the re-awakening of an actual Central Bank of the US?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... it didn't happen last time we had an actual Central Bank... it won't happen now, either... but another good morning laugh...
When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "
That happens now, so...
In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.
You mean necessary for admittance to public school

Thats different from biden libs forcing starvation for non compliance
When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "

Between this and esg scores globalists like the world economic forum the damage to America will be irreparable.

Glen explains how the UK adopting ESG will automatically spread to America.

But yes a government controlled digital currency will be the leash around all of our necks. You won't even be able to buy a pack of gum without a digital receipt showing what you bought, how much, where and when. You won't be able to have cash in your wallet or safe that no one knows about, every penny you have is on record.

Buy a box of ammo? You're on a list. The only way you can get that ammo is to find someone who will barter for it with goods, you help them in some way or pay with gold and silver.

If we had this during the pandemic I have no doubt they would fine people for not getting vaccinated and you wouldn't pay the fine, they would just take the fine. If it was around during the Jan 6th thing I'm sure they would instantly freeze everyone's assets that were there.

This in combination with the rise of AI were all in big trouble if this current administration is allowed to stay in power. Even if they lose in the next election we're still only half way there, we still have almost 2 years to go. That's a long time.
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Tell us about freedom and nazis again. Progs fear the elimination of anything medical due to their unhealthy lifestyles at a much higher percentage.
There is no freedom and yous guys prove you be the Nazis by wanting to kill off the LGBT crowd.
When people from RFK Jr. to Sen. Ted Cruz are dead set against it, it's a bad idea.

"Fitts cautions that with CBDC:

“You can implement complete control. Let’s say I want to mandate a vaccine, your access to your financial assets can be denied or stopped if you don’t do what you are told.” "

In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.

Are they mandatory for all or just those that go to public school?

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