Bidens advisor says we're in a "Liberal world order". Now it's a reality folks.

Here we go again.

When speaking in a global context, which he is, "liberal" means "liberal democracy", as compared to authoritarianism. Not American partisan politics.

How in the world do people not know this?

Holy crap.
You know the academic definition of the term.

As you can see by reading the thread, the Trumpers think it means, "Let all the scary brown people in."
Learns to speak Chinese.

Chinese despotism would be just fine with the Left.

I already speak several dialects.:p

I'm odd that way. I speak 14 languages, about ten of them fluently.

Lakota, is one of them. Go figure.
This is the arrogant ignorance that's gaining steam.

It can be a little depressing.

30 years ago this was relegated to places where like minded people gathered... bars, bowling leagues, weekend parties. Because if they popped off elsewhere, they would get the eye roll and be placed on the crazy list.

Now they are more likely to get a pat on the back and 10,000 likes on Twitter.
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Meh, these liberal punks will be defeated.

Yes they will. I'm not worried. I'll be in Tulsa in two hours, I can't even tell you what a treat it is to be out of Los Angeles. There are real people out here, as distinct from plastic fantastic Hollywood. I'm cooling my heels in Denver at the moment, these people actually say Good Morning! They'll look at you and smile! Nothing at all like Smell A.
Here we go again.

When speaking in a global context, which he is, "liberal" means "liberal democracy", as compared to authoritarianism. Not American partisan politics.

How in the world do people not know this?

Holy crap.
Mac1985 should run for an elected office as a far-left socialist. He has just shown that he is adept at walking back an unintended truism coming from the mouth of a left-wing liberal. The statement made was true and accurate, liberals want us living in a liberal world order and will do anything to get it.
Mac1985 should run for an elected office as a far-left socialist.
And another cult member who is clueless about my politics.

Mac1985 should run for an elected office as a far-left socialist. He has just shown that he is adept at walking back an unintended truism coming from the mouth of a left-wing liberal. The statement made was true and accurate, liberals want us living in a liberal world order and will do anything to get it.
Well, we can't account for 10s of millions of undereducated, low information Americans who don't understand the terms. So we have to dumb it down for you.
says the poster who calls anybody who does not match in lockstep with the DNC platform a "Trumpster".
You're free to list out my positions on the ACTUAL ISSUES and POLICIES. Prove how left wing I am.

This is about the 50th time I've made this offer, and you rubes STILL don't have the balls to take me up on it.

Go ahead, Karen. Back it up.
You know the academic definition of the term.

As you can see by reading the thread, the Trumpers think it means, "Let all the scary brown people in."
The future rulers the Chinese will put the scary brown people in their place.
Here we go again.

When speaking in a global context, which he is, "liberal" means "liberal democracy", as compared to authoritarianism. Not American partisan politics.

How in the world do people not know this?

Holy crap.
Liberal intolerance and fascism is what they want. It is very clear free people have to go.
You know the academic definition of the term.

As you can see by reading the thread, the Trumpers think it means, "Let all the scary brown people in."
I am all for letting in the well educated, successful, professional, law abiding black and brown people that we can find into my country. That is not what we are getting under Biden. Damn you all for supporting his border policies.
I am all for letting in the well educated, successful, professional, law abiding black and brown people that we can find into my country. That is not what we are getting under Biden. Damn you all for supporting his border policies.
No you aren't. Else you would support a faster track to citizenship. More courts, more judges, more ways for immigrants that are already here to become American citizens. Spare me your embarrassing lies.
No you aren't. Else you would support a faster track to citizenship. More courts, more judges, more ways for immigrants that are already here to become American citizens. Spare me your embarrassing lies.
Typical leftist spouted BS. It ain't fair, It's too hard and it is most likely racist. Whine, whine, whine. Becoming a citizen should be a hard earned privilege. It should not be as easy as getting welfare once they are hear. Just more of the same leftist garbage. Another thing, why in the hell should they be rewarded with citizenship after gaining entry into this country illegally? Drop dead!
Typical leftist spouted BS. It ain't fair, It's too hard and it is most likely racist. Whine, whine, whine. Becoming a citizen should be a hard earned privilege. It should not be as easy as getting welfare once they are hear. Just more of the same leftist garbage. Another thing, why in the hell should they be rewarded with citizenship after gaining entry into this country illegally? Drop dead!
None of that has anything to do with the fact that you are an ignorant, low IQ idiot who doesn't understand what any of these terms mean.

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