Biden won’t cancel student loan debt via executive order


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011

First of all it wold be an unconstitutional executive order that would get slapped down by the courts. Second of all it’s not fair that people who paid their student loan debt will be forced to pay for other people who have not paid off their debt. Third of all cancelling student loan debt doesn’t address the problem of all these students who made bad decisions by accumulating debt in a bad investment that was encouraged by the government. People are just going to accumulate student loan debt again. What are we going to do? Keep canceling it?
I’m not a big advocate of canceling student loan debt. I can understand why people are pushing for it but I agree that it misses the bigger issue and would cause a ton of issues as well.

The rising costs of education are making it increasingly difficult for people to stay competitive in the market. I’m in favor of offering more affordable options moving forward.

First of all it wold be an unconstitutional executive order that would get slapped down by the courts. Second of all it’s not fair that people who paid their student loan debt will be forced to pay for other people who have not paid off their debt. Third of all cancelling student loan debt doesn’t address the problem of all these students who made bad decisions by accumulating debt in a bad investment that was encouraged by the government. People are just going to accumulate student loan debt again. What are we going to do? Keep canceling it?
But the rubes thought he would, just like they thought they were going to all get a $2000 check like he promised.


First of all it wold be an unconstitutional executive order that would get slapped down by the courts. Second of all it’s not fair that people who paid their student loan debt will be forced to pay for other people who have not paid off their debt. Third of all cancelling student loan debt doesn’t address the problem of all these students who made bad decisions by accumulating debt in a bad investment that was encouraged by the government. People are just going to accumulate student loan debt again. What are we going to do? Keep canceling it?
But the rubes thought he would, just like they thought they were going to all get a $2000 check like he promised.


Idiots like Chucky Cheese Schumer pushed for it publicly just to keep his street cred With the progressives. Everyone knew cancelling 50k worth of student loans with an executive order wasn’t possible.

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