Biden wont be running in 2024 ,but Trump will !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
thats right dems the guy you voted for wont be running in 2024 ! oh no ! you see the corruption surrounding the Biden family is starting to leak out to the dems mostly uninformed voting base ! as Bidens already disastrous policies have him polling in the basement they hid him in the revelations coming out about his corruption has already started effecting his chances for 2024 in a negative way ... so the left will pressure the Big Guy behind the scene's to step down because of health reasons ! lol ! in other words Biden aint running in 2024 ! and guess what !! Trump will be running in 2024 ! bwahaa haa haa !
thats right dems the guy you voted for wont be running in 2024 ! oh no ! you see the corruption surrounding the Biden family is starting to leak out to the dems mostly uninformed voting base ! as Bidens already disastrous policies have him polling in the basement they hid him in the revelations coming out about his corruption has already started effecting his chances for 2024 in a negative way ... so the left will pressure the Big Guy behind the scene's to step down because of health reasons ! lol ! in other words Biden aint running in 2024 ! and guess what !! Trump will be running in 2024 ! bwahaa haa haa !View attachment 814813
Permanent vacation for Jumpin' Joe no doubt as it is @ current.
Majority of Democrats prefer Trump as the GOP nominee, because he’s the only one that Biden has a fighting chance in a general election. This is all a dog and pony show created by the Dems. These indictments are designed to suck the oxygen out of the other GOP nominees, elevate Trump in the primaries, while weakening him in time for the general election. The Leftist media can juxtapose court hearings and proceedings vs Trump speaking at a rally. Truth is if it’s ANY of the candidates like Desantis, Scott, etc. Biden and the Democrats lose in a landslide, and they know it. Their only chance is to keep talking about Trump and not the catastrophic presidency of Biden.
thats right dems the guy you voted for wont be running in 2024 ! oh no ! you see the corruption surrounding the Biden family is starting to leak out to the dems mostly uninformed voting base ! as Bidens already disastrous policies have him polling in the basement they hid him in the revelations coming out about his corruption has already started effecting his chances for 2024 in a negative way ... so the left will pressure the Big Guy behind the scene's to step down because of health reasons ! lol ! in other words Biden aint running in 2024 ! and guess what !! Trump will be running in 2024 ! bwahaa haa haa !View attachment 814813
and Trump is now beating Biden in the polls ! face dims the Big Guy aint running ! yall better hury up and figure out who yall are gonna run instead of the 1st black female VP who's even more unpopular than Biden ! will the racist dems give Newsom a white rich guy the nomination instead of Harris ? lol !
with the findings from the briben document investigation implying that briben cant be prosecuted because of his lack of mental acuity along with the questions about said problem by the entire WH press core [yes including dim reporters] it is obvious he will not be the nominee .. and no... dim voters will not be allowed to chose the nominee .. said nominee will be installed at the upcoming convention .
You have what evidence of any of this?
Off course there is no evidence towards these kind of speculations.

1. senile Biden is not fit to run for another 4 years - and the Democrats and the majority of Americans are fully aware of this.
2. Trump might very well be deservedly behind bars or effectively prevented from running for a presidency - before the factual election.
As such senile Biden could very well stay in the running. (and the election outcome would depend vastly on who is nominated vice-president).
3. The majority of Americans are NOT in favor of the scumbag - how this will be documented during the election, we will all see.

In conclusion, the scumbag can only win - if he ain't behind bars, and a senile Biden, candidates together with a "non-credible" vice president.

So, it's entirely, and only up to the Democrats - to succeed or fail in the 2024 election.

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