Biden Wants Another 2 1/2 T over 8 Years, AOC wants 10 T Over 10 Years!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand?
Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?
Sunni Man, it's just spamming if you can't even say what it is on which you disagree.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So undortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So unfortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?

I was thinking Russia or China.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?
Real Americans.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So unfortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?

I was thinking Russia or China.

Think of it this way:
Trump wants to fix it for the people with his solution of 'fascism'.

Biden wants to fix it for the people with socialism, communism, and gifts to people who are just too lazy to work harder to get it themselves.

But Canada already has 'it' and the world's leading countries have 'it' too, and they got 'it' be turning to socialism, or in their opinions, socially responsible government.

There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Halfassed solutions won't do the job this time.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So unfortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?

I was thinking Russia or China.

Think of it this way:
Trump wants to fix it for the people with his solution of 'fascism'.

Biden wants to fix it for the people with socialism, communism, and gifts to people who are just too lazy to work harder to get it themselves.

But Canada already has 'it' and the world's leading countries have 'it' too, and they got 'it' be turning to socialism, or in their opinions, socially responsible government.

There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Halfassed solutions won't do the job this time.
There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Biden isn't even thinking like Biden right now, and never will again....His head is almost as empty as his suit.
All this infrastructure spending will pay for itself!
Yes of course it will and it can't happen fast enough!
Or can it??

Listening to the tone of the Dem media there appears to be some footdragging even on Biden's offer of 2.5 trillion. What chance is there in the real progress that AOC is showing to be capable of?

If Americans come to fully appreciate the huge threat of fascism's takeover with Trump, they may start to change their attitudes in a very big hurry.
All this infrastructure spending will pay for itself!
Yes of course it will and it can't happen fast enough!
Or can it??

Listening to the tone of the Dem media there appears to be some footdragging even on Biden's offer of 2.5 trillion. What chance is there in the real progress that AOC is showing to be capable of?

If Americans come to fully appreciate the huge threat of fascism's takeover with Trump, they may start to change their attitudes in a very big hurry.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So unfortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?

I was thinking Russia or China.

Think of it this way:
Trump wants to fix it for the people with his solution of 'fascism'.

Biden wants to fix it for the people with socialism, communism, and gifts to people who are just too lazy to work harder to get it themselves.

But Canada already has 'it' and the world's leading countries have 'it' too, and they got 'it' be turning to socialism, or in their opinions, socially responsible government.

There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Halfassed solutions won't do the job this time.
There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Biden isn't even thinking like Biden right now, and never will again....His head is almost as empty as his suit.

I think there could be a bit of hidden fact and truth in what you say. It seems thats Biden is in a half-comatose state, just no more than mouthing what is so obviously needed.

It could be that his handlers are keeping Biden more or less in gear!

Not to be insulting against Biden but to suggest that all presidents are more or less puppets or figureheads who push the party's agenda. Trump's obvious low intelligence really should have brought that home to all Americans.

But let's not stray too far from the topic. The situation is critical for both Biden and Trump.
Biden has the right idea on how to hold off America's turn to fascism but he's still dragging his feet at this extremely critical time.

AOC on the other hand seems to understand that it's a time for very quick and very significant action! She somehow understands that if the American people arent' allowed quick and definite prosperity that is in tune with what their country should be capable of bringing, the people will choose FASCICM as their way forward.

But does Biden even stand a chance with his offering, with the Democrat congress still lagging so far behind with their thinking of allowing the failed 'American way' of inequality to continue?

The two choices are the 'only' two choices and no time can be wasted.

Trump waits patiently in the wings for Biden's failure!

These are the simple facts of the case folks! Are Americans ready to understand. Which solution to the problem will Americans choose?
Don't forget the extra four years he gets, because the Republicans are so intent on ruining the first four.
Thanks for your on-topic reply.
It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.
And that's not even taking into account his age and the approaching senility.

It's almost entirely certain that Biden won't get another 4 years in which to win the battle to save America.

" win the battle to save America."

For who?

I think I get the subtle point you're trying to make. So unfortunately it has to include America's black people and other off-white people. Did I get it right?

I was thinking Russia or China.

Think of it this way:
Trump wants to fix it for the people with his solution of 'fascism'.

Biden wants to fix it for the people with socialism, communism, and gifts to people who are just too lazy to work harder to get it themselves.

But Canada already has 'it' and the world's leading countries have 'it' too, and they got 'it' be turning to socialism, or in their opinions, socially responsible government.

There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Halfassed solutions won't do the job this time.
There are still just two choices and Trump's way looks to be very promising right now. Biden needs to start thinking more like AOC.

Biden isn't even thinking like Biden right now, and never will again....His head is almost as empty as his suit.

I think there could be a bit of hidden fact and truth in what you say. It seems thats Biden is in a half-comatose state, just no more than mouthing what is so obviously needed.

It could be that his handlers are keeping Biden more or less in gear!

Not to be insulting against Biden but to suggest that all presidents are more or less puppets or figureheads who push the party's agenda. Trump's obvious low intelligence really should have brought that home to all Americans.

But let's not stray too far from the topic. The situation is critical for both Biden and Trump.
I'd be wary of accusing others of having low intelligence, comrade Leon.

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