Biden waived congressional mandate for report on risks of U.S. troop withdrawal in Afghanistan

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The Biden administration under the federal statute was barred from reducing troops in Afghanistan to less than 2,000 without first briefing Congress about the expected impact on U.S. counterterrorism operations and the risk to American personnel.

However, Biden waived the mandate, arguing that providing this information to Congress could undermine "the national security interests of the United States," according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The administration reportedly assured Congress for months that U.S.-trained Afghan forces could forestall a Taliban takeover when U.S. troops left. However, the Taliban overran the Afghan National Army and took control of Kabul on Aug. 15, as the last troops were leaving, resulting in the chaotic and deadly evacuation of U.S. personnel and allies.

National security experts and Republican lawmakers told the Washington Free Beacon that the waiver blocked Congress and the public from reviewing the administration's internal national security assessments prior to the withdrawal.

"If we had answers to these questions we might not be in the horrible debacle we're in now," said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. "I think the fact that they used the national security waiver to refuse to answer these questions in the light of day tells me their answers could not have stood up to scrutiny."

(Excerpt) Read more at .

This is the problem, as reported in a Prague newspaper:


Trump would have been impeached and convicted under similar circumstances.
The Biden administration under the federal statute was barred from reducing troops in Afghanistan to less than 2,000 without first briefing Congress about the expected impact on U.S. counterterrorism operations and the risk to American personnel.

However, Biden waived the mandate, arguing that providing this information to Congress could undermine "the national security interests of the United States," according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The administration reportedly assured Congress for months that U.S.-trained Afghan forces could forestall a Taliban takeover when U.S. troops left. However, the Taliban overran the Afghan National Army and took control of Kabul on Aug. 15, as the last troops were leaving, resulting in the chaotic and deadly evacuation of U.S. personnel and allies.

National security experts and Republican lawmakers told the Washington Free Beacon that the waiver blocked Congress and the public from reviewing the administration's internal national security assessments prior to the withdrawal.

"If we had answers to these questions we might not be in the horrible debacle we're in now," said Bradley Bowman, senior director of the Center on Military and Political Power at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. "I think the fact that they used the national security waiver to refuse to answer these questions in the light of day tells me their answers could not have stood up to scrutiny."

(Excerpt) Read more at .

This is the problem, as reported in a Prague newspaper:


Trump would have been impeached and convicted under similar circumstances.
Just what Federal statute are they referring to and when was it passed. Sounds like BS to me. Prove me wrong.
"I think the fact that they used the national security waiver to refuse to answer these questions in the light of day tells me their answers could not have stood up to scrutiny"

"It is increasingly clear that President Biden never had a plan in place to safely withdraw from Afghanistan, so it is no surprise he never shared it with Congress like the law requires."

"Against the advice of the military, the [intelligence community], and our diplomats—as evidenced by the dissent cable—the Biden administration continued its blind rush to the exits without regard for the consequences"

"Apart from the collapse of the Afghan government and the humanitarian catastrophe at the airport, we are just now seeing the long-term implications of this rushed withdrawal, to include a renewed terror threat against U.S. interests, the proliferation of captured equipment, and the loss of hard-earned rights for Afghanistan's women and girls."

Not to mention:
- Loss of trust from our allies and loss of respect from both allies and enemies
- Future support from allies - The UK has declared it will not support any more US military endeavors as long as Biden is President
- Loss of complete credibility

There is a great reason for this lawful requirement which Biden so recklessly waived off / ignored - it is to prevent stupid people from making stupid decisions alone, and to prevent disastrous outcomes, such as Biden's FAILED Afghanistan withdrawal.

Biden said he would waive the requirement because he "determined that a waiver of the limitation under subsection 1215(a) is important to the national security interests of the United States" in a June 8 letter to Congress.

- June 8th is important because released evidence proves that President Biden had already been advised by his CIA, Pentagon, and diplomatic advisors that the Taliban were moving swiftly through Afghanistan, taking cities, and that Kabul. the Afghan Govt, and the Afghan Military were under great threat of rapidly falling to the Taliban.

BIDEN KNEW the Taliban were taking over and the country would fall swiftly; however 1) He waived the requirement to have Congress briefed on this fact, & 2) Biden had told Americans that every thing that DID happen would NOT. His were not 'MISTAKES' - Biden made the conscious decisions to lie to Americans, withhold this knowledge from Congress despite it being REQUIRED BY LAW.

The law, which was instituted as part of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, prohibited the Department of Defense from using its budget to reduce troop levels without first providing Congress with a report about the impact a withdrawal would have on the "ongoing U.S. counterterrorism mission against the Islamic State, al Qaeda, and associated forces; the risk to U.S. personnel in Afghanistan; and the risk for the expansion of existing or the formation of new international terrorist safe havens inside Afghanistan."

The Pentagon was also required to provide details on "the threat posed by the Taliban and other terrorist organizations in Afghanistan" and "the capacity of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces to effectively prevent or defend against attacks by the Taliban."


"We will withdraw responsibly, deliberately, and safely, in full coordination with our allies and partners," wrote Biden.

The FACTS are just the OPPOSITE: Bide, Sect of Defense Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff Gen Milley, & US CENTCOM Commander McKinzie did NOT:
- Withdraw responsibly
- Withdraw deliberately
- Withdraw safely
- Withdraw in full coordination with out allies and partners

- The decisions made were strategically and tactically irresponsible.

- They were not 'deliberate' because the decisions made were not ones calculated and thought out but driven by the Taliban who imposed conditions and circumstances onto Biden and the evacuation.

- They were not carried out safely - from the surrendering tof Bagram to refusing to secure Kabul and allowing the terrorists /enemies to control the city to allowing the terrorists to encircle the airport and establish checkpoints that prevented Americans from being able to reach the airport, to making our military and evacuees 'fish in a barrel' ripe for terrorist attack NONE of Biden's disaster was carried out 'safely'

"Our NATO allies and operational partners, who have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us for almost 20 years and who have also made great sacrifices, will now withdraw alongside our forces as we stand by our enduring principle of ‘in together, out together.'"

- Our allies were caught flat-footed, completely unaware that this horrific non-plan would be executed, leaving them scrambling to send their own SpecOps forces in to rescue their own people - and some of ours - and planes in to get them out. The UK was so pissed their Parliament voted to hold Biden in Contempt of British Parliament AND vowed not to support any military US endeavor again as long as Biden is President, killing any chance of there being a future US-led Coalition that included Britain!

'In together, Out together'?! In the midst of the Biden clusterfu@k, the UK - and France - went in alone, did what the US military was not allowed to do - identify, find, rescue, & get their people out - then left on their own.

If Biden would not have waived the law all of this would have been brought out in the open, & this whole disaster would have been avoided.

Biden's waiving of this law was deliberate, calculated, and deceitful. THIS, along with the disastrous results - to include leaving US citizens behind - is enough to qualify for grounds of impeachment, despite the fact that we all know that will not happen.


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