Biden transfers millions in aid from Israel and Egypt to terrorist organization Hezbollah.

If you saw a man beating a woman in the street you'd just stand there until some other "viable alternative method" sprang to mind as to how they can resolve their differences.

Was her hair uncovered? Were her ankles visible?
Yes and Yes.
Horseshit. Your concern is clearly focused on just the Jewish people. You’re a transparent hack.
Yes that is my current focus, in previous years it was Serbia and before that Iraq.
Nope. Your view is simply anti Semitic. Nothing more.
That's ridiculous as my views are shared by huge numbers of Jews, you're trying to be melodramatic again, seeking attention and trying to appear relevant, like Elon Musk does.
Don’t try so hard to be an asshole. You’ve already got it covered. And don’t tell me what I Would or wouldn’t do. You hack.
So no answer, hypocrites often struggle when confronted with such questions.
What you know but will never admit is that no laws were broken. Your claim is empty.
I believe the experts at the ICC, like I said the same processes led to arrest warrants for Putin and many others, you don't complain about them because as you just said "Your concern is clearly focused" on defending the Zionist Jew Supremacist colony, you're a complete idiot, defending genocide and lying to yourself that it's not, what a fuckin sicko.

You'd have done well as a propaganda minister for the Nazis, you're tailor made for such a role.
Being a skell liar is no way to go through life, Hemlock Homeless, no matter how committed to it you are.
Go and lick your wounds and come back for another bitch slapping in an hour or two, I should have an open slot around then.

You can't built a homeland in an area ALREADY POPULATED

Historian Norman Finkelstein , himself a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor states :

"The goal of "disappearing" the
indigenous Arab population
points to a virtual truism buried
beneath a mountain of
apologetic Zionist literature:
what spurred Palestinians'
opposition to Zionism was not
anti-Semitism in the sense of
an irrational hatred of Jews
but rather the prospect -
very real - of their expulsion."
Don't ever quote a leftist ,wako ,self hating , nutjob as evidence of anything...your fake country never existed
Biden loves him some terrorists. He is funding them around the globe to the detriment of America and our allies.

Worst POTUS in history. Not even close.

The Biden administration in its final days is shifting more than $100 million in military aid from Israel and Egypt to Lebanon as it tries to bolster a ceasefire agreement it helped mediate between Israel and Hezbollah.

In separate notices sent to Congress, the State Department said it was moving $95 million in military assistance intended for Egypt and $7.5 million for Israel toward supporting the Lebanese army and its government. The notices were dated Jan. 3 and obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Your link:

"The Lebanese Army is controlled by a Hezbollah puppet government. This hasn’t stopped us from spending a fortune propping it up on the theory that the puppet is somehow supposed to stop the puppeteer."

Two questions:

1. What's the name of the alleged puppet?

2. Why did Hezbollah come into existence?
Your link:

"The Lebanese Army is controlled by a Hezbollah puppet government. This hasn’t stopped us from spending a fortune propping it up on the theory that the puppet is somehow supposed to stop the puppeteer."

Two questions:

1. What's the name of the alleged puppet?

2. Why did Hezbollah come into existence?

Hezballah is an Iranian, puppet, terrorist, organization that's taken over the government of Lebanon ... Islamic fundamentalist killed the former Christian president .... Now it's nothing but another s*** hole there where it was once a thriving prosperous country , although it was invented by the French and the British... Just like Syria, Saudi Arabia ,Iraq, Jordan ECT .all those are European created countries
Hezballah is an Iranian, puppet, terrorist, organization that's taken over the government of Lebanon ... Islamic fundamentalist killed the former Christian president .... Now it's nothing but another s*** hole there where it was once a thriving prosperous country , although it was invented by the French and the British... Just like Syria, Saudi Arabia ,Iraq, Jordan ECT .all those are European created countries
Hezbollah was created in response to IDF terror inflicted on Lebanon in 1982; even Ronald Reagan recognize Israel's war crimes during that blatant attempt at stealing Arab land and forced the Jews to leave Lebanon:

Hezbollah - Wikipedia

"Hezbollah was founded in 1982 by Lebanese clerics in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon"

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

"By September 18, it became clear that the Israelis had allowed Maronite militiamen to enter the Sabra and Shatilla camps and massacre Palestinian civilians.

"An international outcry ensued, and Reagan decided to commit Marines to a new MNF.

"On October 28, Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 64, calling for the United States to work toward the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, help rebuild the Lebanese Army, and contribute to an expanded MNF if necessary."
Hezbollah was created in response to IDF terror inflicted on Lebanon in 1982; even Ronald Reagan recognize Israel's war crimes during that blatant attempt at stealing Arab land and forced the Jews to leave Lebanon:

Hezbollah - Wikipedia

"Hezbollah was founded in 1982 by Lebanese clerics in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon"

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

"By September 18, it became clear that the Israelis had allowed Maronite militiamen to enter the Sabra and Shatilla camps and massacre Palestinian civilians.

"An international outcry ensued, and Reagan decided to commit Marines to a new MNF.

"On October 28, Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 64, calling for the United States to work toward the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, help rebuild the Lebanese Army, and contribute to an expanded MNF if necessary."

It was awful that Christians who had been slaughtered by muslims turned around and
slaughtered some right back. It just shows that muslims can't behave in civilized nations.
Hezbollah was created in response to IDF terror inflicted on Lebanon in 1982; even Ronald Reagan recognize Israel's war crimes during that blatant attempt at stealing Arab land and forced the Jews to leave Lebanon:

Hezbollah - Wikipedia

"Hezbollah was founded in 1982 by Lebanese clerics in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon"

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian

"By September 18, it became clear that the Israelis had allowed Maronite militiamen to enter the Sabra and Shatilla camps and massacre Palestinian civilians.

"An international outcry ensued, and Reagan decided to commit Marines to a new MNF.

"On October 28, Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 64, calling for the United States to work toward the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, help rebuild the Lebanese Army, and contribute to an expanded MNF if necessary."
I had forgotten about you and how stupid you were. You just proved it with that dumb ass post. They killed Christians to gain power Christians in Lebanon have been there way before there was an Islam and the population is steadily declined they also killed other Muslims to gain power you fool... Iran funds them , they're an Iranian proxy group dumbass..... if you actually had half a brain you wouldn't defend terrorist groups , but with your sub 70 IQ you have no control over you're own stupidity
It was awful that Christians who had been slaughtered by muslims turned around and
slaughtered some right back. It just shows that muslims can't behave in civilized nations.
What role did greedy, racist Israeli Jews play in the slaughter of Christians and Muslims in Lebanon five decades ago?

Sabra and Shatila massacre - Wikipedia

"The Sabra and Shatila[a] massacre was the 16–18 September 1982 killing of between 1,300 and 3,500 civilians—mostly Palestinians and Lebanese Shias—in the city of Beirut during the Lebanese Civil War.

"It was perpetrated by the Lebanese Forces, one of the main Christian militias in Lebanon, and supported by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that had surrounded Beirut's Sabra neighbourhood and the adjacent Shatila refugee camp."
I had forgotten about you and how stupid you were. You just proved it with that dumb ass post. They killed Christians to gain power Christians in Lebanon have been there way before there was an Islam and the population is steadily declined they also killed other Muslims to gain power you fool... Iran funds them , they're an Iranian proxy group dumbass..... if you actually had half a brain you wouldn't defend terrorist groups , but with your sub 70 IQ you have no control over you're own stupidity
Who are "they"?

No doubt your ignorance of West Asia includes the role of Israel's ethnic cleansing in 1948 and 1967 and how it drove thousands of Palestinians from the homes, farms, and businesses and into Lebanon thereby changing the political demographics:

Lebanese Civil War - Wikipedia

"The link between politics and religion was reinforced under the French Mandate from 1920 to 1943, and the country's parliamentary structure favoured a leading position for Lebanese Christians, who constituted the majority of the population.

"However, Lebanon's Muslims comprised a large minority and the influx of thousands of Palestinians—first in 1948 and again in 1967contributed to Lebanon's demographic shift towards an eventual Muslim majority."
Who are "they"?

No doubt your ignorance of West Asia includes the role of Israel's ethnic cleansing in 1948 and 1967 and how it drove thousands of Palestinians from the homes, farms, and businesses and into Lebanon thereby changing the political demographics:

Lebanese Civil War - Wikipedia

"The link between politics and religion was reinforced under the French Mandate from 1920 to 1943, and the country's parliamentary structure favoured a leading position for Lebanese Christians, who constituted the majority of the population.

"However, Lebanon's Muslims comprised a large minority and the influx of thousands of Palestinians—first in 1948 and again in 1967contributed to Lebanon's demographic shift towards an eventual Muslim majority."
The so-called "Palestinians" the majority in Jordan another made up country so I declare Jordan is "Palestine " ..... Everywhere they go they cause death and destruction nobody wants them not even other Arabs
A desolate land was nothing there until the Jews came back and built up thier homeland.. the Arabs flocked in later for work ..

Mark Twain visited the Holy Land, then known as Palestine, in 1867. The trip was part of a six-month journey that also included Europe and Africa. Twain's impressions of the Holy Land were mixed, with some appreciation and some cynicism.

What happened during the trip?
  • Twain sailed on the Quaker City, a former American Civil War warship

    • He was part of a group of pilgrims called "the innocents"
    • He was excited to reach the Promised Land, but was disappointed by what he saw
    • He witnessed fellow travelers removing antiquities from their resting places as souvenirs
What did Twain say about the Holy Land?
    • He described the land as desolate, with few trees or shrubs
    • He expressed cynical views of the Holy Land, which were different from the romantic image of the time
What was the result of the trip?

    • The trip inspired Twain's book The Innocents Abroad
The so-called "Palestinians" the majority in Jordan another made up country so I declare Jordan is "Palestine " ..... Everywhere they go they cause death and destruction nobody wants them not even other Arabs
You're right about Jordan and the territory of Palestine being creations of western imperial empires at the end of WWI.

That's not the case for the indigenous people who have been living in the region of Palestine for thousands of years

Palestinians - Wikipedia

"Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيون, romanized: al-Filasṭīniyyūn) are an Arab ethnonational group native to the region of Palestine.[35][36][37][38]

"In 1919, Palestinian Muslims and Palestinian Christians constituted 90 percent of the population of Palestine, just before the third wave of Jewish immigration and the setting up of British Mandatory Palestine after World War I"

Origin of the Palestinians - Wikipedia

"Genetic studies indicate a genetic affinity between Palestinians and other Levantine populations, as well as other Arab and Semitic groups in the Middle East and North Africa.[8][9]

"Historical records and later genetic studies indicate that the Palestinian people descend mostly from Ancient Levantines extending back to Bronze Age inhabitants of Levan."

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