Biden, top lawmakers say Cuomo must resign


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden, top lawmakers say Cuomo must resign

3 Aug 2021 ~~ Reuters
BIDEN: “I think he should resign.”
U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday joined a chorus of lawmakers calling on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign, after a report by the state's attorney general found that he had sexually harassed 11 women.

Flash Back:
Democrats want to drop Joe Biden for Andrew Cuomo, poll finds

Sixteen months ago Democrats and the Quisling Media were prepared to draft and nominate Gov, Andrew Cuomo for the presidency over Joey Xi Bai Dung....
Today Democrats have become "Woke" and Andy boy is on their "No No List".
But beside the fact that this harasser of women has gotten away with this for so long everyone seems to forget his worst action last year when he consciously killed thousands of the elderly in Nursing Homes.
The question is: What is the greater crime? Is it harassment of women or the death of those thousands of elderly?
Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats were not bothered by the deaths of the elderly in those Nursing Homes last year, but Andy has crossed the Rubicon when the word got out about his harassment of women. First there was one, then two now eleven. That was his step too far in the "New Brave World of Wokism".
Meanwhile Joey Xi Bai who was neck deep in the Bursima, CCP and Russian scandals created by his crack addicted son Hunter along with accusations of assaulting women was elected to the presidency.

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Remember when they were hyping that sleazy porn lawyer? They have zero real leadership. Biden is the cream of the crop and he wants someone who couldn't get more than 2% of liberal support to take the reigns if something happens. Their future is bleak.

Biden, top lawmakers say Cuomo must resign

3 Aug 2021 ~~ Reuters
BIDEN: “I think he should resign.”
U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday joined a chorus of lawmakers calling on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign, after a report by the state's attorney general found that he had sexually harassed 11 women.

Flash Back:
Democrats want to drop Joe Biden for Andrew Cuomo, poll finds

Sixteen months ago Democrats and the Quisling Media were prepared to draft and nominate Gov, Andrew Cuomo for the presidency over Joey Xi Bai Dung....
Today Democrats have become "Woke" and Andy boy is on their "No No List".
But beside the fact that this harasser of women has gotten away with this for so long everyone seems to forget his worst action last year when he consciously killed thousands of the elderly in Nursing Homes.
The question is: What is the greater crime? Is it harassment of women or the death of those thousands of elderly?
Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats were not bothered by the deaths of the elderly in those Nursing Homes last year, but Andy has crossed the Rubicon when the word got out about his harassment of women. First there was one, then two now eleven. That was his step too far in the "New Brave World of Wokism".
Meanwhile Joey Xi Bai who was neck deep in the Bursima, CCP and Russian scandals created by his crack addicted son Hunter along with accusations of assaulting women was elected to the presidency.

He should, but he won't. That is not how the game on either side is played in 2021. Integrity is out the window, when it is needed most.
Since he is not planning to run again, he will not resign. What can Dems do? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I remember when under the Trump Administration, Governor became the "Media Darling". So much so, anything he (Cuomo) said, the media would turn to him. It didn't matter what he said (although, he was lying to New Yorkers and rest of the nation with his press conferences), the media would listen.

Looks like the tables have been turned on him.
So this is what it looks like when a party shuns one of it's own for his overtly egregious actions. Though not perfect much better than the alternative.
If Coumo doesn't resign it really makes Biden look pretty weak. Since he told all of us on national television that he was the DNC.
So, nobody let's the Creepy Joe know he should resign for involvement on the big steal and sexually groping girls on live television?
He should, but he won't. That is not how the game on either side is played in 2021. Integrity is out the window, when it is needed most.

There has never been any integrity in the Democrats when its come to elections.. My dad died 25 years ago and they still have him registered as a Democrat Party voter in NYC. They continue to send him information and I continue to toss it into the trash......and I don't live in NY any more....
Hopefully they will impeach him...then, charge him with retaliation and hopefully convict him.
It will take months. By that time, It will be out of the news cycle. Will Dems want to kill one of their own, especially he was one of their big stars? I highly doubt it.
There has never been any integrity in the Democrats when its come to elections.. My dad died 25 years ago and they still have him registered as a Democrat Party voter in NYC. They continue to send him information and I continue to toss it into the trash......and I don't live in NY any more....
Don't act, thing or try to push, the sh#t from your own party doesn't stink. Were you born yesterday? Dude, if your dad died 25 years ago, why haven't you or the executor had him taken of the voting rolls. Are you voting for him or just do not care if somebody else does? You people slay me, with your thinking that everything is automatic, when you, I and most do not know what procedures are in place in the public or who is at fault for not taking simple steps to safeguard voting rights and obligations of yourself and your family. Personal responsibility out the window at your level?

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