Biden to name Republican as Ambassador to UK

Who cares? That's the least of Biden's problems.

Biden doesn't have any problems. Neither does Cindy McCain.

Trump has many problems. So does Ivanka. Which will get worse next year.
If Biden ascends to the presidency, he will be stained by the get-go as no other president hs been before. But even worse, he lacks the intellectual and mental facilities to run an administration.

I am quite sure that even those that voted for him don't think he has a reasonable chance of success or even to survive his term.
If she has an R by her name, it stands for RINO

What is not Republican about what she has said ?

Cindy McCain realizes that Trump is a Cancer on the Republican Party.

So did her husband

It seems to me that Trump did more to save the Republican Party than many prior Republican presidents.

Real Republicans like these kind of accomplishments...

- Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
- New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
- Building the Wall.
- Mexico indirectly paying for the wall (USMCA, troops in Mexico now helping to protect our border under threats of more tariffs if they stop).
- Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
- Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
- Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
- ISIS pretty much devastated; don't even hear much about them anymore.
- Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
- Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
- Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
- Stock market rocketed.
- Fake media is being recognized.
- President shames NFL kneelers.
- US negotiates from a position of strength again.
- Jerusalem is recognized as the capital of Israel.
- Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
- Lowest African American employment ever.
- Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
- Lowest female unemployment in decades.
- Terminated Obama's Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
- Obliterated Iran's top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
- North Korea releases US hostages and returns remains of 55 soldiers.
- North Korea has not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
- NATO members are paying more.
- Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
- America is leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
- Military and law enforcement are respected by the executive branch again.
- Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
- Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain. Maybe five more countries to come.

Promises kept. Putting America First. Putting you & me first while contributing to global peace.

Other than Trump's personality, what is there for Republicans not to like?
You really can’t get much more traditionally “Republican” than being a Republican from Arizona and also widow of Republican Presidential candidate John McCain. Arizona is historically the home of 5-term Republican Senator Barry Goldwater. Of course Cindy McCain also opposed that longtime contributor to Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton — the patent medicine salesman “the Donald.” I guess these days that means she is automatically dubbed ... “a RINO.” Along with Republican Senator Jeff Flake she can reasonably claim credit for having thrown Arizona to Biden. She apparently is a well-known “Anglophile” and up-to-speed on British affairs.

I think the whole McCain family was truly and even archaically “Republican.” She was born into big Republican money, and even became the “Junior Rodeo Queen of Arizona” in 1968! Her husband’s father was also a Republican and an Admiral in the U.S. Navy. Besides money and typical Republican business acumen (she kept her family money separate from her husband during their marriage), Cindy apparently has at least an ounce of self-respect and common decency, like her husband showed when he corrected that woman supporter of his who publicly repeated a racist slander against Obama back in 2008.

Anyway the UK may need all the help it can get from strong U.S. Anglophiles now that it’s leaving the European Community.... Anybody in favor of making England the 51st State?
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She's definitely a Republican. But just to piss off the Trumpbots somemore.

Who cares? That's the least of Biden's problems.

Biden doesn't have any problems. Neither does Cindy McCain.

Trump has many problems. So does Ivanka. Which will get worse next year.
If Biden ascends to the presidency, he will be stained by the get-go as no other president hs been before. But even worse, he lacks the intellectual and mental facilities to run an administration.

I am quite sure that even those that voted for him don't think he has a reasonable chance of success or even to survive his term.

How long have you been on planet earth?

You do know it was Obama-Bidens economy Trump inherited, that had the longest streak of job growth, and recovery in history right? The economy that Trump promptly ran into the ground, tripled the deficit, and increased the national debt $7 Trillion in less than four years, with 1 in 4 small businesses closing, and the steepest rise in farm foreclosures in 20 years.

Fortunately, it will be Biden that will now come back to put a screeching halt to the Trump failure, and he already has experience cleaning up Republican recessions.
Who cares? That's the least of Biden's problems.

Biden doesn't have any problems. Neither does Cindy McCain.

Trump has many problems. So does Ivanka. Which will get worse next year.
If Biden ascends to the presidency, he will be stained by the get-go as no other president hs been before. But even worse, he lacks the intellectual and mental facilities to run an administration.

I am quite sure that even those that voted for him don't think he has a reasonable chance of success or even to survive his term.

How long have you been on planet earth?

You do know it was Obama-Bidens economy Trump inherited, that had the longest streak of job growth, and recovery in history right? The economy that Trump promptly ran into the ground, tripled the deficit, and increased the national debt $7 Trillion in less than four years, with 1 in 4 small businesses closing, and the steepest rise in farm foreclosures in 20 years.

Fortunately, it will be Biden that will now come back to put a screeching halt to the Trump failure, and he already has experience cleaning up Republican recessions.
Very tired. Seriously. Come up with something new, or at least with an iota of honesty.

Enough sleaze ffs!

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