Biden threatens Israel that they have a short window

Biden asked Israel to open a window to get our citizens trapped in Gaza out. Israel refused. No matter why our citizens were there, they are as much of US citizens as anyone. Ike wouldn't have put up with our 'allies' placing our citizens in harms way. I like to think Trump wouldn't either. We have two carrier groups right there. If Israel won't lift a finger for our citizens, we need only open the window ourselves.
It is Egypt that is in the way of getting our people out. They're afraid to open the Rafah crossing.

Maybe you're not a dumbass but you get your information from them.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the media isn't just disgusting filth; they're stupid too
Lib please :eusa_hand:
Here is the last guy to do it, over thirty years ago.

"One of the most controversial moments of his single-term presidency was when Bush delayed Israel loan guarantees until it halted its settlement building in the West Bank and Gaza and entered a peace conference with the Palestinians, what would later became known as the Madrid Peace Conference."

"Bush at the time enjoyed a 70 percent approval rating. While the American Jewish community was mobilized on the issue, it was not prepared to declare all-out war on the popular president over it.

AIPAC and Congressional leaders dropped the fight over the 120-day delay. Eventually, Bush’s diplomatic efforts worked and Israel entered the Madrid Peace Conference in October 1991.

While an undeniable achievement for Bush, that episode was not without its costs. Bush’s backing by American Jews took a nosedive immediately thereafter, despite his landmark support for helping Jews escape trouble spots around the world, from Russia to Syria to Ethiopia."
It is Egypt that is in the way of getting our people out. They're afraid to open the Rafah crossing.

Maybe you're not a dumbass but you get your information from them.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the media isn't just disgusting filth; they're stupid too
Don't be stupid, it is the bombing that kept them in Gaza. It's been weeks, they should have been rescued in the first few days. There are thousands of foreign nationals from various countries trapped in Gaza. Blaming Eygpt is pathetic. Egypt isn't keeping Gaza under siege. Once again our government abandons its citizens because they are cowards.
Why the hatred for Israel?
Lol. There it is again. How is it possible so many of you read from the same script? The establishment propaganda really puts you guys in a circle jerk.

The thinking of a child. A dumb child at that.
So Israel said they purposefully targeted civilians?

Lol. So in your mind, they aren’t guilty if they DIDN‘T say they purposely targeted civilians. Lol. Could you be anymore hypocritical?
Lol. So in your mind, they aren’t guilty if they DIDN‘T say they purposely targeted civilians. Lol. Could you be anymore hypocritical?
View attachment 852842
Civilians should not be targeted; everyone knows that but Hamas apparently.

Why is this concept hard to understand?

During any war, civilians are killed, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, but to dance in the streets after admitting to it is a new low in human history.
Civilians should not be targeted; everyone knows that but Hamas apparently.

Why is this concept hard to understand?

During any war, civilians are killed, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not, but to dance in the streets after admitting to it is a new low in human history.
Yet you support Israel and they target civilians every day. WTF is wrong with you? Are you an admitted hypocrite?
Yet you support Israel and they target civilians every day. WTF is wrong with you? Are you an admitted hypocrite?
You can make allegations all day long, most of which are probably false, like Israel being an apartheid state, but at the end of the day there is no moral equivalency to what Israel does or any other nation does and what Hamas does, which is openly target civilians for death and dance in the streets when they do.

You should be ashamed, but you are too much of an antisemite to do so.
You can make allegations all day long, most of which are probably false, like Israel being an apartheid state, but at the end of the day there is no moral equivalency to what Israel does or any other nation does and what Hamas does, which is openly target civilians for death and dance in the streets when they do.

You should be ashamed, but you are too much of an antisemite to do so.
When did you switch to bring a dumb Joe supporter and becoming a democrat?

When did you switch to bring a dumb Joe supporter and becoming a democrat?

View attachment 852993
Who supports Hamas here?

Every Left-wing university, the Squad, China and Putin and Iran, that's who.

Again, I can't help you with your Jew hate, but I am in no way going to condemn Israel, a people who have been through hell already, while the world continues to turn a blind eye to the rest of the hoodlum nations on earth, like Iran, NK, and the Sudan. For the UN to focus all their energy on Israel building walls and ignore a genocide in the Sudan going on at the same time is beyond unconscionable. They are more rabidly antisemitic than even you.

But hey, get out there in the streets singing "Gas the Jews" and pretend you have some moral equivalency to the Zionist nation.
Who supports Hamas here?

Every Left-wing university, the Squad, China and Putin and Iran, that's who.

Again, I can't help you with your Jew hate, but I am in no way going to condemn Israel, a people who have been through hell already, while the world continues to turn a blind eye to the rest of the hoodlum nations on earth, like Iran, NK, and the Sudan. For the UN to focus all their energy on Israel building walls and ignore a genocide in the Sudan going on at the same time is beyond unconscionable. They are more rabidly antisemitic than even you.

But hey, get out there in the streets singing "Gas the Jews" and pretend you have some moral equivalency to the Zionist nation.
You damn liberals are the worst.
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They want the Ukraine war to go on forever, but Israel only has a week to fix everything without hurting anyone.

Israel has been killing Palestinians and stealing their land for 70 years...

Ben Gurion had made a statement at Tel Hai, which is one of the group meetings in Palestine. "As soon as the war in Europe is over, the war in the Middle East will begin." The Zionists had no question but that they were going to fight and drive out the Arabs. This has been written in many of their documents, and Mr. Truman didn't know this. [John Davis The Evasive Peace, Chapter 5, "The Palestine Refugee Problem," Cleveland, 1976.]
Who supports Hamas here?

Every Left-wing university, the Squad, China and Putin and Iran, that's who.

Again, I can't help you with your Jew hate, but I am in no way going to condemn Israel, a people who have been through hell already, while the world continues to turn a blind eye to the rest of the hoodlum nations on earth, like Iran, NK, and the Sudan. For the UN to focus all their energy on Israel building walls and ignore a genocide in the Sudan going on at the same time is beyond unconscionable. They are more rabidly antisemitic than even you.

But hey, get out there in the streets singing "Gas the Jews" and pretend you have some moral equivalency to the Zionist nation.

Gas the Jews?? You're crazy. The Holocaust was in Europe not Palestine.

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