Biden supporters, tell us specifically WHY you support his border policy.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I get lots of funny ratings and bizarre attacks for my posts about the US border disaster. So I would like to see if any Biden supporters can clearly state WHY they support Biden's border policies. Also state why you believe taking in 200,000+ undocumented immigrants per month should continue without any resistance by our government.
I get lots of funny ratings and bizarre attacks for my posts about the US border disaster. So I would like to see if any Biden supporters can clearly state WHY they support Biden's border policies. Also state why you believe taking in 200,000+ undocumented immigrants per month should continue without any resistance by our government.
You first. Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.

The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew in order to manipulate simple minded individuals like you. Every economist and every legitimate study has concluded that immigration is a net positive to the United States. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, our birth rate would be less than zero. A contracting and aging population is not conducive to an expanding economy.

Besides, this nation was founded and built on immigration. And since the ink was still wet on the Constitution there have been screams about how terrible that immigration was. The Irish were going to destroy our country. The Asians were going to destroy our country. Now it's the Hispanics, they are going to destroy our country. It wasn't true then, it is not true today.
I am a former card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, and a member of Trump's figurative army, but I can tell you why the entire political Left supports Biden's lack of any discernible policy on the border:

They like it. Simple as that. They want as many wretched third-world bastards in the country as possible, because there is a plan in place to make every single one of them - except the convicted felons - into registered Democrat voters. The name of this insidious program is "Immigration Reform." If necessary, it will have a couple different phases - first it will legalize them and give them Green Cards, then a few years later it will allow them to apply for citizenship, and it will be a done deal.

Considering that the country is evenly divided right now, and considering that 80% of the aforesaid immigrant-wretches will be largely dependent on the Federal Government for life's necessities, and considering that the Democrats are endlessly attempting to re-write the Constitutional and provide more and more goodies to non-working wretches, essentially ALL OF THEM will register and vote Democrat, thus signaling the end of the world as we know it.

Thankfully, I will be either dead or senile before this nefarious plan comes to fruition.

Parenthetically, essentially NONE of the wretches invading our border is legally eligible to come here and live, even temporarily. They are NOT "refugees" as defined in international law, and even if they were, they would be required to apply for sanctuary in the first country they reach after leaving their own shit-hole country - which is NEVER the United States.

We have clear and concise immigration laws; we decline to enforce them. Indeed, anyone who suggests that we enforce our own existing immigration laws is castigated as a xenophobe and a bigot.
The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew
You know about as much about the border problem as you know about English language usage. Allowing a 5 million illegal immigrant invasion in two years overwhelming systems that have been put in place by and for AMERICANS is ridiculous by any measure.
You first. Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.

The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew in order to manipulate simple minded individuals like you. Every economist and every legitimate study has concluded that immigration is a net positive to the United States. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, our birth rate would be less than zero. A contracting and aging population is not conducive to an expanding economy.

Besides, this nation was founded and built on immigration. And since the ink was still wet on the Constitution there have been screams about how terrible that immigration was. The Irish were going to destroy our country. The Asians were going to destroy our country. Now it's the Hispanics, they are going to destroy our country. It wasn't true then, it is not true today.
another who lives hundreds of miles away but knows whats happening only know what someone told you winston....
You first. Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.

The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew in order to manipulate simple minded individuals like you. Every economist and every legitimate study has concluded that immigration is a net positive to the United States. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, our birth rate would be less than zero. A contracting and aging population is not conducive to an expanding economy.

Besides, this nation was founded and built on immigration. And since the ink was still wet on the Constitution there have been screams about how terrible that immigration was. The Irish were going to destroy our country. The Asians were going to destroy our country. Now it's the Hispanics, they are going to destroy our country. It wasn't true then, it is not true today.
So nothing that the Biden administration has done decreased border security or encouraged migration across the border?

Why did this happen under Biden but not Trump, then:





Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.
Tell me, just why have illegal border crossings surged over the past two years? Do you think that is a good thing?
You first. Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.

The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew in order to manipulate simple minded individuals like you. Every economist and every legitimate study has concluded that immigration is a net positive to the United States. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, our birth rate would be less than zero. A contracting and aging population is not conducive to an expanding economy.

Besides, this nation was founded and built on immigration. And since the ink was still wet on the Constitution there have been screams about how terrible that immigration was. The Irish were going to destroy our country. The Asians were going to destroy our country. Now it's the Hispanics, they are going to destroy our country. It wasn't true then, it is not true today.
man you need to lay off that legaiized weed....your fantasy land is being crushed by many immigrants are you taking into your home by the wayt
You first. Tell me, just what border policy changes has Biden implemented? Title 42 is still in place and actually was expanded to include all Venezuelans in October. Yes, Biden has stopped the building of that big beautiful wall in some places, but unlike Trump, Biden actually got Mexico to cough up some money for border security.

The "border" is just a dog whistle that Republicans have continually blew in order to manipulate simple minded individuals like you. Every economist and every legitimate study has concluded that immigration is a net positive to the United States. Without immigration, both legal and illegal, our birth rate would be less than zero. A contracting and aging population is not conducive to an expanding economy.

Besides, this nation was founded and built on immigration. And since the ink was still wet on the Constitution there have been screams about how terrible that immigration was. The Irish were going to destroy our country. The Asians were going to destroy our country. Now it's the Hispanics, they are going to destroy our country. It wasn't true then, it is not true today.
He has dismantled every border policy President Trump enacted such as "stay in Venezuela", Title 42, border wall funding, the shipping container wall that Governor Ducey built with state money in Arizona JUST TO NAME A FEW. By dismantling President Trump's border strengthening policies, Biden has implemented his Open Border policies. He also named Myorkas Homeland Secretary who is obviously a staunch advocate of Open Borders.

OK I complied with your request, let's hear why you support the current administration's border policies. My guess is you will cut and run.
Well as I expected, we have the "cricket chorus" from all of our Liberal friends on support for Biden's border policies. It's so much easier to just chirp "The border is secure" like birds on a wire.
He has dismantled every border policy President Trump enacted such as "stay in Venezuela", Title 42, border wall funding, the shipping container wall that Governor Ducey built with state money in Arizona JUST TO NAME A FEW. By dismantling President Trump's border strengthening policies, Biden has implemented his Open Border policies. He also named Myorkas Homeland Secretary who is obviously a staunch advocate of Open Borders.

OK I complied with your request, let's hear why you support the current administration's border policies. My guess is you will cut and run.
Are you not paying attention. Title 42 is still active, it was never "dismantled", and while it was used to expel those from Central America and Mexico, Biden has actually expanded it to South America, a la Venezuela. Hell, if you think about it, Title 42 could be a big part of the problem. For years we have just stacked them up in Mexico instead of bringing them in and processing them. What is the number, two million apprehended at the border, but how many of that two million are multiple offenders?

And yes, Biden stopped construction of some of the wall, but funding? He got Mexico to cough up a billion dollars for border security. How much did Trump get Mexico to pay? And Ducey's wall, nothing but a shit show, highly ineffective, some toppled over in the wind because the damn things are empty, some were pushed over by the very immigrants they pretended to stop. And yep, state money paid for it and state money will pay to haul them away. Those millions of dollars could have been better spent being burnt to heat the homes of the poor in Arizonia, what a dumbass.

And again, you seem to have reading comprehension problems. While little has changed, I support Biden's policies because this nation was founded on migration, without it we would have a negative birth rate. Every economist worth two shits will testify, immigration, both legal and illegal, is a positive for the US economy. But I don't need an economist to tell me shit, I see it, I live it.

Both of my grandparents were farmers. One, wealthy, inherited, King's grant, hundreds of acres. The other, raised a migrant farm worker, hard work, wise decisions, and the poker table got him his hundreds of acres. Sadly, all that land is now gone, sold to IMMIGRANTS, who were the only people willing to work it, and they make bank. But Mom is sitting pretty. But the reality is for years we leased that land to native Americans who barely paid the property tax and used it to graze their cows. Now, that land is in production, producing vegetables, and in five years, they paid that land off.

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