Biden sucks at handling crime...and most everything


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
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Boston, MA

As the national murder rates see historic jumps, only a little more than 1 in 3 Americans (36%) approve of Biden's handling of crime

How about foreign relations?

Poll finds that most Americans (55%) disapprove of how Biden is handling relations with Russia. Further, only 38% of Americans trust Biden to negotiate on America's behalf with Putin

Nope he sucks there too...


More than two-thirds of Americans (69%) disapprove of how Biden is handling inflation (only 28% approve) while more than half (57%) disapprove of his handling of the economic recovery.

I guess Biden just sucks.

Truth over Facts
20% want their vote back
Embarrassment in Chief
Well, o.k., he doesn't handle these things particularly well.

He sure knows how to handle an 8 year old breast, though, that's for sure.
No president has been able to handle crime.

No President has ever seen this high of a spike in crime before either. While his DOJ is busying themselves with prosecuting some people who showed up at a protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the city streets are turning into blood-soaked havens for drugs, assaults, murders, human trafficing, robberies, illegal guns, home-invasions, and swarms of Black youths invading retail shops and walking out with whatever they want.

Joe Biden is failing as a President. Never before have we had a President who is so out of control of the country he is supposed to be leading.
No president has been able to handle crime.

All presidents know how to end crime, if they wanted to.
All they have to do is end the illegal War on Drugs, subsidize education, support unions, make it illegal to offshore jobs and technology, etc.
Look at how productive Detroit used to be 50 years ago?
It is bad business choices that sent all those jobs to Mexico.
No President has ever seen this high of a spike in crime before either. While his DOJ is busying themselves with prosecuting some people who showed up at a protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the city streets are turning into blood-soaked havens for drugs, assaults, murders, human trafficing, robberies, illegal guns, home-invasions, and swarms of Black youths invading retail shops and walking out with whatever they want.

Joe Biden is failing as a President. Never before have we had a President who is so out of control of the country he is supposed to be leading.
Not as much as tramp failure.
No President has ever seen this high of a spike in crime before either. While his DOJ is busying themselves with prosecuting some people who showed up at a protest at the Capitol on Jan. 6, the city streets are turning into blood-soaked havens for drugs, assaults, murders, human trafficing, robberies, illegal guns, home-invasions, and swarms of Black youths invading retail shops and walking out with whatever they want.

Joe Biden is failing as a President. Never before have we had a President who is so out of control of the country he is supposed to be leading.
No other president in modern history has had to shut down society over a pandemic. The president doesn't control every aspect of human interaction or human actions as you would like everyone to believe. He is not yer Judean/Christian God who has a myth of being omnipresent. The lawlessness they see Trump and his gang accomplish while free from jail of prosecution only invigorates the malaise.

As the national murder rates see historic jumps, only a little more than 1 in 3 Americans (36%) approve of Biden's handling of crime

How about foreign relations?

Poll finds that most Americans (55%) disapprove of how Biden is handling relations with Russia. Further, only 38% of Americans trust Biden to negotiate on America's behalf with Putin

Nope he sucks there too...


More than two-thirds of Americans (69%) disapprove of how Biden is handling inflation (only 28% approve) while more than half (57%) disapprove of his handling of the economic recovery.

I guess Biden just sucks.

Truth over Facts
20% want their vote back
Embarrassment in Chief
A president (any president) is responsible for local crime/murder rates, not local law enforcement? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Not much on Federalism, the constitution, or states rights and local responsibilities, eh? Are you sure you are not looking for an all powerful, national leader, with responsibility authority to dictate and enforce down to the lowest levels of American society. Just which non-communist, totalitarian country ever had that? And, you wish Joe Biden had and exercised this kind of power, or any other president, for that matter and would gladly cede this kind of power to a president every four years or more likely forever? What country are you really from Zog?
A president (any president) is responsible for local crime/murder rates, not local law enforcement? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Not much on Federalism, the constitution, or states rights and local responsibilities, eh? Are you sure you are not looking for an all powerful, national leader, with responsibility authority to dictate and enforce down to the lowest levels of American society. Just which non-communist, totalitarian country ever had that? And, you wish Joe Biden had and exercised this kind of power, or any other president, for that matter and would gladly cede this kind of power to a president every four years or more likely forever? What country are you really from Zog?
When you’re the head of your party and your party’s mantra is open borders and defund the police, much of the onus falls on you.
When you’re the head of your party and your party’s mantra is open borders and defund the police, much of the onus falls on you.
Only in your mind. Does that mean you are with your party's mantra of racism, opposition to free elections, and against constitutional mandate and rule of law? Or is that just some of the loudmouths in your party. Let not your heart be troubled. As a lifelong independent it is obvious neither party is in control of their outspoken crazed factions, though they rarely include those positions in their official party platforms, just as neither party had them in their official party platforms in 2016 or 2020. You are spooked by com chatter. Get a filter and get a grip.
Only in your mind. Does that mean you are with your party's mantra of racism, opposition to free elections, and against constitutional mandate and rule of law? Or is that just some of the loudmouths in your party. Let not your heart be troubled. As a lifelong independent it is obvious neither party is in control of their outspoken crazed factions, though they rarely include those positions in their official party platforms, just as neither party had them in their official party platforms in 2016 or 2020. You are spooked by com chatter. Get a filter and get a grip.
Not only in my mind as the polls clearly reflect.
This is what Democrats do when they lose control of their city.

"Lightfoot said Monday that some retailers themselves haven't taken adequate measures to prevent themselves from being victims of crime.

"Some of the retailers downtown in Michigan Avenue, I will tell you, I'm disappointed that they are not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. For example, we still have retailers that won't institute plans like having security officers in their stores," Lightfoot said during a crime summit at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Even if the police arrest these scumbags they're out on the street before the end of the day. Lightfoot and Foxx are worthless.
No other president in modern history has had to shut down society over a pandemic. The president doesn't control every aspect of human interaction or human actions as you would like everyone to believe. He is not yer Judean/Christian God who has a myth of being omnipresent. The lawlessness they see Trump and his gang accomplish while free from jail of prosecution only invigorates the malaise.

Him and the dems were completely for shutting down society. It was on them. We should never have shut down for one millisecond. Period.
Not only in my mind as the polls clearly reflect.
Well, if you live and die, deciding local policy, holding national leaders responsible for local problems, you can be just as unthinking, as the polled people, whose results you like to quote, but never even being one of the polled.
Let me know how it works out, when you write a nasty letter to Joe, because your garbage pickup people go on strike for better working conditions. That is pretty much the same as your local crime situation or anybody else's. Both police and sanitation workers are mostly there to control and take out the trash. Just think. You could elect the stupidest, most crooked populous, left wing, local, suck up politicians in your county, town, city or state, and then instead of holding the responsible to do their job, blame all your local issues on the President of the United States. What a sweet deal. Think how much better you would feel and sleep at night as well as your local politicos, without any responsibilities at all, and having one guy to blame, maybe 2,000 plus miles away and the efficiency of it. So, naturally you wish Joe had and properly wielded this kind of power over your day-to-day life and living condition, regardless of constitutional restraints on presidential power and authority.
I don't know, man. Perhaps you grew up learning from different history, civics books or some version of the US Constitution, not published down here, or maybe you flushed all the real teachings out of your head, the afternoon after the tests, glad you never had to take that stuff into account again.
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