Biden & Staff Just Reached New Height in Cluelessness


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Note: When I use the term "Bidens", I'm referring to Joe Biden and his administration members dealing with foreign policy, not necessarily people whose last name is Biden.

Yesterday, 2 members of Joe Biden's staff went on the Sunday morning MSM political TV shows, and talked about Afghanistan. They should have gone golfing. Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken both were asked the obvious question >> "How are you going to deal with hundreds of Americans, thousands of friendly Afghans, and tens of Billions$ in equipment being left behind, if all the US troops are withdrawn on September 1st ?"

Both of them replied the same way. They said they will use diplomacy with the Taliban, backed up by "LEVERAGE". And what does this alleged "leverage" consist of in the minds of the Bidens ? They claimed there would be 2 things : international community recognition......and........economic pressure in Billions of $$$.


1. The Taliban are uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Barbarians don't care about what the international community thinks of them. They have about as much concern for that, as a pack of wild dogs.

2. To think that the Taliban is going to be pressured economically by the Bidens, is almost equally laughable. The Taliban is now a very wealthy organization. They are now the # 1 arms dealer in the world, with $83 Billion of top notch, US military equipment. They make huge amounts if money in the illegal drug trade. Most of all, they recently have become the owners of the richest mining interests in the world.

The Chinese have already been meeting with them with regard to Afghanistan's FORTUNE in rare earth minerals, notably lithium, which the wealthy Chinese need, in the manufacture of electric cars, cell phones, television sets, laptops, etc.

3. The Taliban are Islamic fanatics. Cracking the shell of their Koran-based ideology is about impossible.

So much for "leverage". There is one thing that the US does possess which can be leverage over the Taliban. Military might, and Joe is cancelling that out right at this moment.

I knew a week or so ago that this was not going to end well, when I hear Blinken talking about negotiations, economic pressure, and diplomacy. Not once was the word military mentioned in his discussion.

Later this week, I fear that we are going to see the disastrous results of this foreign policy cluelessness, when the Taliban have American citizens, friendly Afghans, and Billions of $$ of military hardware in their control, and no US troops there to exert actual "leverage". Horrendous hostage situation made-to-order for the Taliban.

Anther example of how Democrats cannot be trusted to handle anything dealing with the military, guns, or law enforcement. New height in cluelessness.
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Note: When I use the term "Bidens", I'm referring to Joe Biden and his administration members dealing with foreign policy, not necessarily people whose last name is Biden.

Yesterday, 2 members of Joe Biden's staff went on the Sunday morning MSM political TV shows, and talked about Afghanistan. They should have gone golfing. Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken both were asked the obvious question >> "How are you going to deal with hundreds of Americans, thousands of friendly Afghans, and tens of Billions$ in equipment being left behind, if all the US troops are withdrawn on September 1st ?"

Both of them replied the same way. They said they will use diplomacy with the Taliban, backed up by "LEVERAGE". And what does this alleged "leverage" consist of in the minds of the Bidens ? They claimed there would be 2 things : international community recognition......and........economic pressure in Billions of $$$.


1. The Taliban are uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Barbarians don't care about what the international community thinks of them. They have about as much concern for that, as a pack of wild dogs.

2. To think that the Taliban is going to be pressured economically by the Bidens, is almost equally laughable. The Taliban is now a very wealthy organization. They are now the # 1 arms dealer in the world, with $83 Billion of top notch, US military equipment. They make huge amounts if money in the illegal drug trade. Most of all, they recently have become the owners of the richest mining interests in the world.

The Chinese have already been meeting with them with regard to Afghanistan's FORTUNE in rare earth minerals, notably lithium, which the wealthy Chinese need, in the manufacture of electric cars, cell phones, television sets, laptops, etc.

So much for "leverage". There is one thing that the US does possess which can be leverage over the Taliban. Military might, and Joe is cancelling that out right at this moment.

I knew a week or so ago that this was not going to end well, when I hear Blinken talking about negotiations, economic pressure, and diplomacy. Not once was the word military mentioned in his discussion.

Later this week, I fear that we are going to see the disastrous results of this foreign policy cluelessness, when the Taliban have American citizens, friendly Afghans, and Billions of $$ of military hardware in their control, and no US troops there to exert actual "leverage". Horrendous hostage situation made-to-order for the Taliban.

Anther example of how Democrats cannot be trusted to handle anything dealing with the military, guns, or law enforcement. New height in cluelessness.
What I got out of it is that if the Taliban played nicey nicey for a while, Biden would give the Taliban the 10 billion dollars of Afghanistan's money currently being held in New York City banks.
What I got out of it is that if the Taliban played nicey nicey for a while, Biden would give the Taliban the 10 billion dollars of Afghanistan's money currently being held in New York City banks.

That's probably the "leverage" they were referring to. And if that's not enough, I'm sure the Biden administration could find a couple pallets and convert a pile of USD to afghani currency.

This is for all practical purposes the same administration that paid off the Iranian mullahs with pallets of cash on the tarmac.
Sounds like they are all pretty good at shoveling shit.

The Taliban aren't stupid. They now have billions of dollars worth of American military vehicles, planes and choppers. They can sell them all over the world. And they have all the natural resources of the Stan. They will be even richer.

What Bidumb should be doing is bombing the hell out of Bargram and destroying all that equipment which he didn't pull out. He doesn't have leverage on the Taliban. They have leverage on him with thousands of Americans and friendlies in the country.
Note: When I use the term "Bidens", I'm referring to Joe Biden and his administration members dealing with foreign policy, not necessarily people whose last name is Biden.

Yesterday, 2 members of Joe Biden's staff went on the Sunday morning MSM political TV shows, and talked about Afghanistan. They should have gone golfing. Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken both were asked the obvious question >> "How are you going to deal with hundreds of Americans, thousands of friendly Afghans, and tens of Billions$ in equipment being left behind, if all the US troops are withdrawn on September 1st ?"

Both of them replied the same way. They said they will use diplomacy with the Taliban, backed up by "LEVERAGE". And what does this alleged "leverage" consist of in the minds of the Bidens ? They claimed there would be 2 things : international community recognition......and........economic pressure in Billions of $$$.


1. The Taliban are uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Barbarians don't care about what the international community thinks of them. They have about as much concern for that, as a pack of wild dogs.

2. To think that the Taliban is going to be pressured economically by the Bidens, is almost equally laughable. The Taliban is now a very wealthy organization. They are now the # 1 arms dealer in the world, with $83 Billion of top notch, US military equipment. They make huge amounts if money in the illegal drug trade. Most of all, they recently have become the owners of the richest mining interests in the world.

The Chinese have already been meeting with them with regard to Afghanistan's FORTUNE in rare earth minerals, notably lithium, which the wealthy Chinese need, in the manufacture of electric cars, cell phones, television sets, laptops, etc.

3. The Taliban are Islamic fanatics. Cracking the shell of their Koran-based ideology is about impossible.

So much for "leverage". There is one thing that the US does possess which can be leverage over the Taliban. Military might, and Joe is cancelling that out right at this moment.

I knew a week or so ago that this was not going to end well, when I hear Blinken talking about negotiations, economic pressure, and diplomacy. Not once was the word military mentioned in his discussion.

Later this week, I fear that we are going to see the disastrous results of this foreign policy cluelessness, when the Taliban have American citizens, friendly Afghans, and Billions of $$ of military hardware in their control, and no US troops there to exert actual "leverage". Horrendous hostage situation made-to-order for the Taliban.

Anther example of how Democrats cannot be trusted to handle anything dealing with the military, guns, or law enforcement. New height in cluelessness.
Ironic OP.
Now, the ridiculous Pentagon fools are announcing the end of the Afghanistan War. "War is Over" they're announcing.

No it's not. No Islamic jihad war is ever over, until the absolute last jihadist is dead. Just because you don't attack your enemy, doesn't mean he doesn't attack you. Quite likely the Taliban will be killing Americans in Afghanistan later this week. That is war.

So is all the attacks we are sure to get here inside the US, after many of the Afghans Biden is bringing here, get settled, and start attacking us.
Note: When I use the term "Bidens", I'm referring to Joe Biden and his administration members dealing with foreign policy, not necessarily people whose last name is Biden.

Yesterday, 2 members of Joe Biden's staff went on the Sunday morning MSM political TV shows, and talked about Afghanistan. They should have gone golfing. Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken both were asked the obvious question >> "How are you going to deal with hundreds of Americans, thousands of friendly Afghans, and tens of Billions$ in equipment being left behind, if all the US troops are withdrawn on September 1st ?"

Both of them replied the same way. They said they will use diplomacy with the Taliban, backed up by "LEVERAGE". And what does this alleged "leverage" consist of in the minds of the Bidens ? They claimed there would be 2 things : international community recognition......and........economic pressure in Billions of $$$.


1. The Taliban are uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Barbarians don't care about what the international community thinks of them. They have about as much concern for that, as a pack of wild dogs.

2. To think that the Taliban is going to be pressured economically by the Bidens, is almost equally laughable. The Taliban is now a very wealthy organization. They are now the # 1 arms dealer in the world, with $83 Billion of top notch, US military equipment. They make huge amounts if money in the illegal drug trade. Most of all, they recently have become the owners of the richest mining interests in the world.

The Chinese have already been meeting with them with regard to Afghanistan's FORTUNE in rare earth minerals, notably lithium, which the wealthy Chinese need, in the manufacture of electric cars, cell phones, television sets, laptops, etc.

3. The Taliban are Islamic fanatics. Cracking the shell of their Koran-based ideology is about impossible.

So much for "leverage". There is one thing that the US does possess which can be leverage over the Taliban. Military might, and Joe is cancelling that out right at this moment.

I knew a week or so ago that this was not going to end well, when I hear Blinken talking about negotiations, economic pressure, and diplomacy. Not once was the word military mentioned in his discussion.

Later this week, I fear that we are going to see the disastrous results of this foreign policy cluelessness, when the Taliban have American citizens, friendly Afghans, and Billions of $$ of military hardware in their control, and no US troops there to exert actual "leverage". Horrendous hostage situation made-to-order for the Taliban.

Anther example of how Democrats cannot be trusted to handle anything dealing with the military, guns, or law enforcement. New height in cluelessness.
What should they do Protectionist?
That's probably the "leverage" they were referring to. And if that's not enough, I'm sure the Biden administration could find a couple pallets and convert a pile of USD to afghani currency.

This is for all practical purposes the same administration that paid off the Iranian mullahs with pallets of cash on the tarmac.
Exactly. We paid X amount of money for all of those weapons, vehicles, etc. used in Afghanistan and now we are going to pay them 10 billion more to get them back. Well, maybe it won't technically be our money, but the Taliban will be the benefactors of 10 billion dollars, which they will use to further terrorize. I say we don't recognize the Taliban as the legitimate leaders of the country because they were not elected and hold the money until the elected leaders return to power.
What should they do Protectionist?
They should have never quit. They should have kept fighting the Taliban. The same reasons why we went there 20 years ago, still exist.

If is a secondary scenario - if we were to withdraw, they certainly should not have done it by pulling out US troops while Americans were still there, while thousands of friendly Afghans were still there, and while $85 Billion of US equipment was still there.

I also would not have allowed tens of thousands of UNVETTED, UNDOCUMENTED Afghans to come to the US (many of whom likely are Taliban-friendly, if not Taliban themselves)
They should have never quit. They should have kept fighting the Taliban. The same reasons why we went there 20 years ago, still exist.
Why did we go there 20yrs ago again? You weren't saying that when Trump was talking about leaving.
If is a secondary scenario - if we were to withdraw, they certainly should not have done it by pulling out US troops while Americans were still there, while thousands of friendly Afghans were still there, and while $85 Billion of US equipment was still there.
Hmmm, you weren't saying that when Trump was pulling out troops. Where was the Afghan Army? Isn't that what we have been training them for the last 20yrs to do is protect their country. How did they just give up 85billion in equipment?
I also would not have allowed tens of thousands of UNVETTED, UNDOCUMENTED Afghans to come to the US (many of whom likely are Taliban-friendly, if not Taliban themselves)
Isn't that how the Taliban took over the country so fast, because so the so called Army we have been training and equipping was with the Taliban.
They should have never quit. They should have kept fighting the Taliban. The same reasons why we went there 20 years ago, still exist.

If is a secondary scenario - if we were to withdraw, they certainly should not have done it by pulling out US troops while Americans were still there, while thousands of friendly Afghans were still there, and while $85 Billion of US equipment was still there.

I also would not have allowed tens of thousands of UNVETTED, UNDOCUMENTED Afghans to come to the US (many of whom likely are Taliban-friendly, if not Taliban themselves)

We just don't have the political leadership necessary to fight them. Just a bunch of feckless pussies who have no problem with the US being shamed by the Taliban.
We just don't have the political leadership necessary to fight them. Just a bunch of feckless pussies who have no problem with the US being shamed by the Taliban.
That is it in a nutshell. The weakness of Biden that Trump supporters justifiably ranted and railed about, during the campaign last year, is now right before our eyes. I hate to say it, but I'm about positive it's going to get really bloody this week.
That is it in a nutshell. The weakness of Biden that Trump supporters justifiably ranted and railed about, during the campaign last year, is now right before our eyes. I hate to say it, but I'm about positive it's going to get really bloody this week.
Tell us Protectionist what your savior would have done differently.
Why did we go there 20yrs ago again? You weren't saying that when Trump was talking about leaving.

Hmmm, you weren't saying that when Trump was pulling out troops. Where was the Afghan Army? Isn't that what we have been training them for the last 20yrs to do is protect their country. How did they just give up 85billion in equipment?

Isn't that how the Taliban took over the country so fast, because so the so called Army we have been training and equipping was with the Taliban.
This isn't about Trump, Biden screwed up badly.
Why did we go there 20yrs ago again? You weren't saying that when Trump was talking about leaving.

Hmmm, you weren't saying that when Trump was pulling out troops. Where was the Afghan Army? Isn't that what we have been training them for the last 20yrs to do is protect their country. How did they just give up 85billion in equipment?

Isn't that how the Taliban took over the country so fast, because so the so called Army we have been training and equipping was with the Taliban.
FALSE! I have ALWAYS said that the US needs to keep fighting in Afghanistan, to keep it from being used as a terrorist breeding ground, and also to have troops close to Pakistan, in case they are needed to cross the border and seize the Paki nukes.

I opposed Trump's Doha agreement in Feb. 2020, and I oppose it now. I understand what motivated him to make that agreement, but we are seeing now why withdrawl from Afghanistan is a bad idea. I fear we will see much more of that in the coming days.

The collapse of the Afghan army is another reason why US withdrawl was wrong. They were good fighters while they were backed up by US military might, but without that backing, they lost confidence.

No, the Afghan army wasn't "with the Taliban", they were just too much reliant on the US military, and Biden with all of his "300,000 Afghan troops" boasting in July, should have known that. He had plenty of intelligence and military advice, to not know it.
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