Biden spending blow out !!!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

We’re looking at numbers that make both Obama and Trump seem tiny

These lying Pol Pots are saying it won’t cost anything ?? Only a complete peon would believe that .
This new fake spending in infrastructure is all
about extreme leftist redistribution of wealth
When you add on Xiden other upcoming spending you get 15 trillion coming your way

The middle class will be taxed to death soon and become the new lower class

We’re looking at numbers that make both Obama and Trump seem tiny

These lying Pol Pots are saying it won’t cost anything ?? Only a complete peon would believe that .
This new fake spending in infrastructure is all
about extreme leftist redistribution of wealth
It won't be that much. And at least some of it won't be going to the debt because they're raising taxes.

That's all worth arguing over, but Trumpsters are in no position to pretend to be fiscally responsible in comparison. They are not.

The rich can only pay for a fraction of this
The MC will be obliterated next
Your kids and grandkids will be obliterated
This and the millions of illegal and illiterate peasants coming in will end your leftist utopia and the USA
The tax on the rich and corporation is only a small return but will only further obliterate both the economy and stock market
We're looking for a few good Democrats to defeat this suicidal spending bill. It doesn't seem possible that the whole damn party went nuts, all at the same time.

We’re looking at numbers that make both Obama and Trump seem tiny

These lying Pol Pots are saying it won’t cost anything ?? Only a complete peon would believe that .
This new fake spending in infrastructure is all
about extreme leftist redistribution of wealth

How did Trump try to monetize Veterans' health records?
For starters, the federal debt is the amount of money the government currently owes for spending on payments such as Social Security, Medicare, military salaries and tax refunds.

“Increasing or suspending the debt limit does not increase government spending, nor does it authorize spending for future budget proposals; it simply allows Treasury to pay for previously enacted expenditures,” Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement Monday.
Yellen: Congress should increase or suspend debt limit

so you idiot this is paying for past me the post where you objected to trump raising the ceiling three times? of course you rah rah rahed that now didnt ya...unamerican pos you are
The problem, is the malfunction of the filibuster that has occurred the past 12 yrs

This has driven the Senate in to not debating anything.... where both sides used to offer their ideas on legislation, and amendments needed for the proposed legislation etc..

The Senate was the great deliberative body of Congress, and only on extreme issues, was the filibuster used, where it took 60 votes to bring a bill to the floor.

Now, filibuster abuse is the norm.... there us no legislation that can pass on a normal vote, majority vote. The Senate has come to a halt and is no longer democratic in nature and ruled now by the minority.

This has FORCED the Senate in to doing this Mega Huge Everything in one Omnibus, reconciliation bill so that the Senate can get something done with a majority vote.

instead of the different issues being debated by both sides and standing on it's own merits with individual legislation... a cram it all in to one reconciliation bill is the only option to avoid the filibuster stopping everything that is brought to the floor just by calling one.

Something has got to change with the filibuster.

Or, it needs to be serves no purpose anymore, the way it is being abused by both sides.
I'm just hoping the country can survive three more years of the Bidung/Kameltoe shit show. Good Lord.
5 to 1, the GOP presidents increased spending vs Democratic presidents, since JFK.

Republicans ARE the true BIG SPENDERS and debt increasers.... pretending like the Rs and Ds both do it, or are equally guilty, is a right wing, spun lie.
Funny how the Democrats always pretend to be somehow fiscally reasonable yet if you look at history they have always been the biggest spenders. Every time they have been slowed down it was because of a Republican held congress.
To claim that some how taxing the rich will pay for the new proposals being brought in front of congress is to say the least a showing of complete lack of financial understanding.
We can not continue to spend on the government credit card. It is a disastrous plan. Always has been but the thing that makes it worse today then before is the amount of interest has risen to the point we are getting to a point that interest alone will swallow every thing.
When you add on Xiden other upcoming spending you get 15 trillion coming your way

The middle class will be taxed to death soon and become the new lower class
Is earning $400k in taxable income a year and more, middle class?

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