Biden Refuses To Accept Responsibility For High Inflation

The printing finally stopped. Biden has added to the debt though and yes, that is a contributing factor. Just the same as the 7.8 trillion that was added under Trump.
Yes and who was in control of the money when most of it was spent? Think about it when Trump is back in 2024 and has to spend to replace all of the military equipment Biden has given away.
You twit, Democratic policies have made inflation worse than it would have been. By the way you twit, Covid was all around the world as well but that didn't stop you guys from attacking Trump for not taking responsibility for it.


Trump wasn't blamed for the covid pandemic. Trump was attacked for his handling of the covid crisis, which was to do NOTHING and let the virus run wild, killing over a million Americans, and crashing the economy. Please note that no other first world country managed to crash their economies in the pandemic. Only in the USA.

Biden isn't responsible for inflation and NO, Democratic policies didn't make it worse. The USA had some of the lowest inflation in the first world, even when it was at its highest. Biden may have been a bit slow at getting inflation fighting policies in place, but he did it, and they're working.

Best economic recovery in history! Lowest unemployment rates since 1969. Wages rising at the fastest rates for the lowest paid Americans.

Republicans have been pushing "supply side economics" for 40 years, and it's destroyed the working and middle class. Biden is pushing "supply and demand". Paying workers living wages and income supplements have allowed working people to have savings, raises and disposable income for the first time in 40 years. The economy is booming because FINALLY, working people have disposable income and they're buying.

Republicans hate it when the workers make money. They want to keep them poor and desperate and willing to work for nothing.
Show me where you bitched about Trump's spending, and where he begged the Fed for MORE quantitative easing.

Go ahead.
I think he spent to much. But doing the stupidest thing we ever could have and closing businesses and paying people not to work. That was the dumbest thing Trump let happen.
Yes and who was in control of the money when most of it was spent?

Trump. Nothing passes unless he, singularly signed off on it.

Think about it when Trump is back in 2024 and has to spend to replace all of the military equipment Biden has given away.

LOL. That equipment was gave to Afghanistan years ago for their non existent military.

Trump wasn't blamed for the covid pandemic. Trump was attacked for his handling of the covid crisis, which was to do NOTHING and let the virus run wild, killing over a million Americans, and crashing the economy. Please note that no other first world country managed to crash their economies in the pandemic. Only in the USA.

Biden isn't responsible for inflation and NO, Democratic policies didn't make it worse. The USA had some of the lowest inflation in the first world, even when it was at its highest. Biden may have been a bit slow at getting inflation fighting policies in place, but he did it, and they're working.

Best economic recovery in history! Lowest unemployment rates since 1969. Wages rising at the fastest rates for the lowest paid Americans.

Republicans have been pushing "supply side economics" for 40 years, and it's destroyed the working and middle class. Biden is pushing "supply and demand". Paying workers living wages and income supplements have allowed working people to have savings, raises and disposable income for the first time in 40 years. The economy is booming because FINALLY, working people have disposable income and they're buying.

Republicans hate it when the workers make money. They want to keep them poor and desperate and willing to work for nothing.
Trump listened and did what Fauci recommended. The worst thing he could've done. If we did what he suggested everything would've been fine. But he listened to liberals and you loons destroy anything you touch.
Trump listened and did what Fauci recommended. The worst thing he could've done. If we did what he suggested everything would've been fine. But he listened to liberals and you loons destroy anything you touch.

You are saying Trump destroyed it all by listening to Fauci. Can you not comprehend what you are writing?
Trump. Nothing passes unless he, singularly signed off on it.

LOL. That equipment was gave to Afghanistan years ago for their non existent military.
Biden left behind the equipment. He could've destroyed it. That way we wouldn't have to make sure our technology is better when go back and fight against our own military equipment. Oh and Biden is giving away alot to Ukraine. A war we shouldn't be involved in.
Excessive spending???? You didn't complain about "excessive spending" when Trump was asking for the highest debt levels in history, fueled by some of the most massive deficits in history. NOT ONE WORD FROM YOU ABOUT EXCESSIVE SPENDING BY REPUBLICANS.

Nor did I hear you complain when Biden asked for billions in added debt without paying for it by making the rich pay their fair share like he said he was going to do.

The Democrats even tried rescinded taxes on the rich.
Biden left behind the equipment. He could've destroyed it.

It wasn't ours to destroy.

That way we wouldn't have to make sure our technology is better when go back and fight against our own military equipment. Oh and Biden is giving away alot to Ukraine. A war we shouldn't be involved in.

No, we should not be involved and I've condemned him endlessly for that.
Trump listened and did what Fauci recommended. The worst thing he could've done. If we did what he suggested everything would've been fine. But he listened to liberals and you loons destroy anything you touch.

Trump did NOTHING that Faucci recommended. In fact, he did the opposite. Two weeks after cases started to drop, and three days after the report was issued that blacks and Hispanics were dying at much higher rates than white people, Trump demanded that the entire nation re-open - immediately. Even though you still didn't have a proper testing system, and the death rate was still climbing. The effect was a second wave of infections that no other nation in the world, endured. That's ALL on Donald Trump.

Then when Trump's strategy was proven to be a disaster, he blamed it all on Faucci. Trump did what he wanted and then blamed others for his failures. No other first world nation on earth had the level of disease or death that the USA had, and you supposedly have the "best healthcare system in the world".

You don't. If you did, you life expectancy wouldn't have started declining in 2014, and it wouldn't be steadily declining.
So, Biden is an incompetent fool?
BUT, Biden caused prices to go up worldwide?
So, world leaders listen to the incompetent fool, and raised prices too?
Every corporation, worldwide also listened also?

Someone should write a book on how this happened.


Trump wasn't blamed for the covid pandemic. Trump was attacked for his handling of the covid crisis, which was to do NOTHING and let the virus run wild, killing over a million Americans, and crashing the economy. Please note that no other first world country managed to crash their economies in the pandemic. Only in the USA.

Biden isn't responsible for inflation and NO, Democratic policies didn't make it worse. The USA had some of the lowest inflation in the first world, even when it was at its highest. Biden may have been a bit slow at getting inflation fighting policies in place, but he did it, and they're working.

Best economic recovery in history! Lowest unemployment rates since 1969. Wages rising at the fastest rates for the lowest paid Americans.

Republicans have been pushing "supply side economics" for 40 years, and it's destroyed the working and middle class. Biden is pushing "supply and demand". Paying workers living wages and income supplements have allowed working people to have savings, raises and disposable income for the first time in 40 years. The economy is booming because FINALLY, working people have disposable income and they're buying.

Republicans hate it when the workers make money. They want to keep them poor and desperate and willing to work for nothing.

Any additional money made by workers was wiped out by inflation and we are at a bigger loss. Name one policy of this dementia patient that slowed down the inflation he caused, just one. Crashed our economy during covid? The US had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and the only reason for that is they created the virus and kept it to themselves giving them a head start on fighting it. Commie cities closing down was the only real damage we sustained.

As for the unemployment rate that's due to the labor shortage he also created. Of course unemployment is low because we don't have enough workers to make the products and get the services we need.

Key points​

  • Americans are saving much less money in recent months.
  • This could leave them vulnerable to emergency expenses.
  • It could also be bad news for the economy as a whole.

Your guy released 5000 Teliban the year before. If Trump was still in the WH there would be not need for his controller to invade Ukraine they would have walked in.
Past history means nothing. Biden is the one who let the Taliban take over Afghanistan. And, your knowledge of history is flawed. Russia annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded Ukraine under Biden. Russia did nothing of the sort to anyone under Trump. So, who's Putin's bitch?
Nothing gets passed unless the Senate approved it and Trump signed it. You really weren't against it or you would be condemning it, not making excuses.
What was Trump suppose to do when government stops businesses operating. They are responsible for their revenue they lose. If we did what Trump wanted to do that would've saved us trillions.

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