Biden Quote: No One And I Mean NO ONE Is Above The Law

See, this is what you brainwashed conservative losers will say when Republican policies kick the middle class in the nuts. You'll say "still better than any scum Dems"

When that's just not true. Did you hear Trump told Biden he did a heck of a job fixing inflation when they met? And did you hear Trump say he was lying when he said he'd bring prices down if he won? Yea, of course you didn't. You dumb son of a bitch. I can't wait till this blows up in our faces. Hope I'm wrong but I'm not.

Remember, you can't point to the stock market. You wouldn't let Biden, so don't you do that for Trump. Biden already gave us a great stock market. Low unemployment, raises. You're going to improve on what he did. Better wages for blue collar. Lower prices. Good luck. We're waiting/watching.

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