Biden Promises to Reverse Trumps Revision of the AFFH Rule and place Suburbs Under Federali Micromanagement


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yeah, the suburbs are nice till HUD puts hundreds of Section 8 families in your area.

Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke to Fox News about what he called a "tremendous accomplishment" of the Trump administration, one that the mainstream media apparently failed to notice. ...
In an interview on "Life Liberty & Levin" that aired Sunday, Kurtz shed light on the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule," (AFFH) a law added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which the conservative scholar said has aimed to expand federal influence over suburbia.
On Thursday, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Dr. Ben Carson announced he's stripping Obama's AFFH Rule from the Fair Housing Act, saying the rule "was an overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities" -- a point that Kurtz echoed...
Kurtz went on, "Not only have they peeled back virtually the entirety of the Obama-Biden AFFH rule, this radical overreaching rule, but they've even peeled back some layers that had accumulated over the original law, which weren't really about what was in the law even before" the Obama administration began. ...
Kurtz called the move a "brilliant stroke on the part of the Trump administration, and a "courageous action" that illustrated a "radical dichotomy between what Biden is going to offer the suburbs, which is AFFH turbocharged... and President Trump," who essentially told the suburbs, "I'm not going to mess with your fundamental freedoms."
"Joe Biden is," he asserted, "And there's going to be choice like night and day."

Why in Gawds Name would a suburban voter vote for Biden to have the Federalis run his community?
This is a very serious and sensitive topic.

I live in the Los Angeles area.

Some suburban communities have been impacted negatively by something called Section 8.

This refers to a program that helps low-income people pay for housing.

Some people with Section 8 benefits have moved to some suburban areas.

Although many of the new residents are no doubt very nice people, it seems that there has been a significant increase of crime committed by newly arrived young people.

Some community leaders have complained about this situation, but no one really knows what to do about it, for -- as this year has dramatically shown -- the "ethnic problem" seems to be intractable.
Yeah, the suburbs are nice till HUD puts hundreds of Section 8 families in your area.

Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke to Fox News about what he called a "tremendous accomplishment" of the Trump administration, one that the mainstream media apparently failed to notice. ...
In an interview on "Life Liberty & Levin" that aired Sunday, Kurtz shed light on the "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule," (AFFH) a law added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which the conservative scholar said has aimed to expand federal influence over suburbia.
On Thursday, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Dr. Ben Carson announced he's stripping Obama's AFFH Rule from the Fair Housing Act, saying the rule "was an overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities" -- a point that Kurtz echoed...
Kurtz went on, "Not only have they peeled back virtually the entirety of the Obama-Biden AFFH rule, this radical overreaching rule, but they've even peeled back some layers that had accumulated over the original law, which weren't really about what was in the law even before" the Obama administration began. ...
Kurtz called the move a "brilliant stroke on the part of the Trump administration, and a "courageous action" that illustrated a "radical dichotomy between what Biden is going to offer the suburbs, which is AFFH turbocharged... and President Trump," who essentially told the suburbs, "I'm not going to mess with your fundamental freedoms."
"Joe Biden is," he asserted, "And there's going to be choice like night and day."

Why in Gawds Name would a suburban voter vote for Biden to have the Federalis run his community?
Wants to breach the perimeter and allow enemies in the wire.
I've been a REALTOR for over 50 years and know the damage done when this draconian rule was put in place by the failed administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It effectively neutered local control of zoning and planning for new developments.

I've seen it on a smaller scale.
My Buddy bought his first house in a lower middle income neighborhood when a black family moved in nextdoor.
Turned out she worked for the post office and got housing assistance through section 8.
She was paying 200 a month while his house note was 800.
Her and her six kids trashed the place bringing down his value.
As the yard apes got older they started breaking into cars and the usual shit kids do in one parent households.
I've been a REALTOR for over 50 years and know the damage done when this draconian rule was put in place by the failed administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It effectively neutered local control of zoning and planning for new developments.

I've seen it on a smaller scale.
My Buddy bought his first house in a lower middle income neighborhood when a black family moved in nextdoor.
Turned out she worked for the post office and got housing assistance through section 8.
She was paying 200 a month while his house note was 800.
Her and her six kids trashed the place bringing down his value.
As the yard apes got older they started breaking into cars and the usual shit kids do in one parent households.

You have no idea how many times I have seen exactly the same thing. They somehow think that by moving a daisy next to a rose, the daisy is going to become a rose. Just because someone has a low income does not mean they are not clever. They know that if they do not get married, keep their on the book's income before a certain level, they'll get a $1,000 a month rental for $200.00 leaving $800.00 for a nice car, flatscreen, and whatever.

If anyone thinks that groups of people get together, exchange ideas and methods to best scam our system, they are living in a fantasy world.
I've been a REALTOR for over 50 years and know the damage done when this draconian rule was put in place by the failed administration of President Barack Hussein Obama.

It effectively neutered local control of zoning and planning for new developments.

I've seen it on a smaller scale.
My Buddy bought his first house in a lower middle income neighborhood when a black family moved in nextdoor.
Turned out she worked for the post office and got housing assistance through section 8.
She was paying 200 a month while his house note was 800.
Her and her six kids trashed the place bringing down his value.
As the yard apes got older they started breaking into cars and the usual shit kids do in one parent households.

I thought it looks familiar...


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