Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy

Biden Prepares Speech to Heal ‘Soul of the Nation’ After Demonizing Trump Supporters as ‘Threat’ to Democracy
Trump's supporters are hard at it, creating chaos in preparation for the November mid-terms. In effect, they are endangering American democracy.

Because free elections are the foundation of American democracy, Trump's supporters are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants them to do.

In a way, Trump's cult is rewarding Putin for his efforts in 2016.

"The [Republican] Senate Intelligence Committee reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office."

These are the same people who chose our President in 2016.

ABC explains, "In Colorado, supporters of Donald Trump seeking evidence of 2020 election fraud have flooded some county offices with so many records requests that officials say they have been unable to perform their primary duties.

"In Nevada, some election workers have been followed to their cars and harassed with threats.

"And in Philadelphia, concerns about the potential for violence around Election Day have prompted officials to install bulletproof glass at their ballot-processing center.

"With ten weeks to go until the 2022 midterms, dozens of state and local officials across the country tell ABC News that preparations for the election are being hampered by onerous public information requests, ongoing threats against election workers, and dangerous misinformation campaigns being waged by activists still intent on contesting the 2020 presidential election.

"Elizabeth Howard, senior counsel in the Elections and Government Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan think tank that tracks election rules, said it smacks of a coordinated effort!"
Our President is taking off the gloves and making it clear what the November election is about

The right to an abortion
There is no such “right”
But absolutely not one of you filthy inhuman pro-aborts get to lecture anyone about their souls… even if souls existed, you lot don’t have one, or they are black and rotten.
Biden Mocks “Brave” 2A Supporters: “To Fight Against a Country You Need an F-15"

To fight against the US Military, you need an F-15 and more
That is a violent threat to kill Americans. Biden is not just multiple times over impeachable, that is treasonous.

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