Biden pardons Fauci, Liz Cheney, Gen. Miley

Trump wasn't going to waste his time trying to prosecute political enemies so these pardons were not necessary.
Why would you need to be pardoned if you didn't commit a crime to be pardoned for? Now run along with your off topic attempt to derail, troll.
Could answer the question is which was directly on topic. Nice attempt at deflection.

Now, where does it say that in the Constitution? Put up, or shut up, as the old saying goes.,
Could answer the question is which was directly on topic. Nice attempt at deflection.

Now, where does it say that in the Constitution? Put up, or shut up, as the old saying goes.,
Please point to anything in the topic that remotely mentions the constitutionality of the pardons. It is without question a constitutional act. That does not change the definition of the word PARDON. To be pardoned, there, logically and obviously must be something to be pardoned for. To deny this fact is to be a moronic troll and you fit the description perfectly.
Please point to anything in the topic that remotely mentions the constitutionality of the pardons. It is without question a constitutional act. That does not change the definition of the word PARDON. To be pardoned, there, logically and obviously must be something to be pardoned for. To deny this fact is to be a moronic troll and you fit the description perfectly.
What if the pardon is intended to prevent political prosecutions by Trump's administration? That falls directly under the intent of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution. Did you consider that possibility, because that is exactly what it is. Biden was covering their ass to prevent Trump from doing exactly what he did! Agree?

Biden's last act was to pardon many more of the criminal elite. He basically pardoned all of his crime family, every Biden that has ever lived pretty much, as well as two notable people, Fauci and General Milley.

Biden Pardoned Fauci going back all the way to 2014. Why 2014? It was because that was about the time Fauci began funding the Covid experiment in China, something he lied to Congress about having never done.

As for Milley, he went behind the back of his Commander in Chief and told them that he would not follow the orders of his President if it threatened China in any way, essentially sending the message that he trusted communist China more than his President. I'm sure there are many other traitorous reasons Biden pardoned these people, most of which we will never know about.

But the bottom line is, Trump did not pardon himself or his family and friends when he left office, even though the DNC threatened to do just that. He then underwent the most critical of investigations that basically proved it was all BS. But Biden's goons, including Hunter, would have all gone to jail had Biden not pardoned them.
Were there other presidents who preemptively pardoned people?

Seems strange to me.
But interestingly, the Idiot-in-Chief forgot to pardon himself.

Now the people he pardoned have lost their Fifth Ammendment rights (since they can't be prosecuted), and they can be compelled to testify under oath.

The Buttercups need to buckle up!!! :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Now that's funny coming from a boot licking coon who will get on her knees or back in a heartbeat for a white man or woman for that matter.
There is nothing funny about your blind loyalty to the demklan
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