Biden On Voting Rights, Again Being A Partisan!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Joe Biden just gave an extraordinary impassioned speech about the wrongful Republican efforts to as a practical matter take away people's right to vote. But this is the key fact where President Biden is way off the mark which is that the Democrat pieces of Federal legislation to address this problem are an overreach and would be a disaster for America if they were enacted into law. Any legislation that mandates or enshrines mail-in-ballots outside of a voter being absentee or for age or health reasons to address the problem that these voters often have great difficulty traveling to the polls is a direct violation of democracy because the truth of the matter is that generally ballot harvesting is inseparable from mail-in-ballots and ballot harvesting often deprives the person whose ballot is being harvested the right of franchise which greatly undermines America's democracy.

Biden is way off the mark on the John Lewis voting rights act this mandate to put a preapproval process for voting changes on select states is unfair and unjust especially when one considers this onerous preapproval process. President Biden displays disgraceful behavior when he tries to imply that the Supreme court is issuing racist decisions. It's recent decision that found that a policy that has disparate impact against African Americans isn't tantamount to racism and a violation of the fifteenth amendment; the critics that say poll taxes and literacy tests for voting that existed in America prior to the 1970 were race neutral on its face however were found to be in violation of the fifteenth Amendment are being disingenuous because a reasonable person knew that these conditions were a charade a gimmick for the purpose of blocking African Americans from voting at the time!

America needs a narrowly focused piece of legislation from Washington to stop the assault on democracy that is unfolding. Mandate a two week period of early voting, ban state legislatures from being able to overturn popular vote results in their respective state and other clearly compelling bipartisan supported policies; President Biden if you cannot lead a narrowly focused action on this issue you best serve the American people by keeping your mouth shut and your butt in the White House; Joe, it's called "Do No Harm"!
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time....I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate.

What, in the name of Sam Hill, does one have to do with the other?
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time....I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate.

What, in the name of Sam Hill, does one have to do with the other?

Made it very easy and convenient. Just as voting should be.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
Funny, Oregon has had a vote by mail system for more than twenty years and Republicans never made one complaint about it. Trump loses an election and suddenly it has became a problem. LOL. I, for one, didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time....I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate.

What, in the name of Sam Hill, does one have to do with the other?

Made it very easy and convenient. Just as voting should be.
no problem .... as long as voter id is mandatory .
I voted by mail in the primaries last time. I loved it. I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate. I'm pretty sure that didn't assault anything.
I voted by mail in the primaries last time....I was able to sit in front of my computer and research each candidate.

What, in the name of Sam Hill, does one have to do with the other?

Made it very easy and convenient. Just as voting should be.
no problem .... as long as voter id is mandatory .

Everyone is gave a voter registration card when they register.
Multiple states have done nothing but vote-by-mail for several election cycles.

There have been zero allegations of the officials who were elected being illegitimate; zero massive audits, no more or less voter fraud than other states have with primarily in-person voting.

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