Biden on Twitter - "get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do"

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Once again, POTUS takes the divisive approach that will only cause those apathetic towards the vaccine to dig their feet in even further. First off, POTUS doesn't have the authority to mandate mask wearing. That's under the purview of the governors. About all his administration can do is put in mandates in places under federal jurisdiction and even then, how easily can it be enforced? Threatening people and calling them stupid (as he's done in the recent past) isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated. His administration needs to lead by example. Instead he's done the exact opposite by telling vaccinated people they still have to follow the same restrictions as everyone else and showing up at conferences with fully vaccinated people with the same restrictions in place. These are not incentives to get people to go out and get the vaccine. For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.

Once again, POTUS takes the divisive approach that will only cause those apathetic towards the vaccine to dig their feet in even further. First off, POTUS doesn't have the authority to mandate mask wearing. That's under the purview of the governors. About all his administration can do is put in mandates in places under federal jurisdiction and even then, how easily can it be enforced? Threatening people and calling them stupid (as he's done in the recent past) isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated. His administration needs to lead by example. Instead he's done the exact opposite by telling vaccinated people they still have to follow the same restrictions as everyone else and showing up at conferences with fully vaccinated people with the same restrictions in place. These are not incentives to get people to go out and get the vaccine. For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.

The CDC is now saying fully vaccinated people can not wear masks in public except on mass transit and in crowded places, but people still have to follow whatever the applicable laws are in their area.
Once again, POTUS takes the divisive approach that will only cause those apathetic towards the vaccine to dig their feet in even further. First off, POTUS doesn't have the authority to mandate mask wearing. That's under the purview of the governors. About all his administration can do is put in mandates in places under federal jurisdiction and even then, how easily can it be enforced? Threatening people and calling them stupid (as he's done in the recent past) isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated. His administration needs to lead by example. Instead he's done the exact opposite by telling vaccinated people they still have to follow the same restrictions as everyone else and showing up at conferences with fully vaccinated people with the same restrictions in place. These are not incentives to get people to go out and get the vaccine. For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.

Just went into a restaurant where at the door said masks were mandatory even though the Governor of Florida got rid of the mask mandate. So we walked into the restaurant, went about 10 feet to our table, and took our masks off. I was looking for that invisible barrier that would stop that pesky Kung Flu, but for the life of me, i just could see where it was. Maybe the owner should put a DMZ line so patrons dont get confused when "Masks on, Masks off".
For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.
IMHO, he is more divisive than Trump. Trump made an attempt to work for ALL Americans whereas dementia Joe has made NO attempt to unify beyond "Do what I say and we'll be unified." Fuck Biden, I would never follow that fool. Unity can only be accomplished through compromise and until the democrats show some attempt at compromise they can KMA.
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Just went into a restaurant where at the door said masks were mandatory even though the Governor of Florida got rid of the mask mandate. So we walked into the restaurant, went about 10 feet to our table, and took our masks off. I was looking for that invisible barrier that would stop that pesky Kung Flu, but for the life of me, i just could see where it was. Maybe the owner should put a DMZ line so patrons dont get confused when "Masks on, Masks off".

My parents live in Florida and they said a lot of the grocery stores still have their own mandatory mask rules in place, but they say never wear them and nobody has bothered them about it :dunno:
Ultimatums are not an effective means of convincing anyone.

But if the vaccine works like he says it does and he isn't lying then anyone vaccinated has nothing to worry about. So I don't understand the problem here.
No one was more of a divider than the Divider-In-Chief Øbama. Mr. Bitter Clingers.

Trump tried to unify but the MSM and the American Marxists aka the Democratic Party never gave him a day of peace from November 9, 2016, until this day. He was never allowed a honeymoon after being sworn in with people demanding he be impeached, all sorts of investigations based on lies, etc., etc., etc.
Once again, POTUS takes the divisive approach that will only cause those apathetic towards the vaccine to dig their feet in even further. First off, POTUS doesn't have the authority to mandate mask wearing. That's under the purview of the governors. About all his administration can do is put in mandates in places under federal jurisdiction and even then, how easily can it be enforced? Threatening people and calling them stupid (as he's done in the recent past) isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated. His administration needs to lead by example. Instead he's done the exact opposite by telling vaccinated people they still have to follow the same restrictions as everyone else and showing up at conferences with fully vaccinated people with the same restrictions in place. These are not incentives to get people to go out and get the vaccine. For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.

"Cmon' man! Give me a break!!"

Crazy Granpa Joe couldn't use Twitter if paying off the national debt depended on it.

When it comes to Covid. . . anything coming out of the MSM, CFR press, establishment cabal. . . I just can't trust these elite cocksuckers anymore.

I have seen how they have distorted the science.

It's all bullshit now.
Once again, POTUS takes the divisive approach that will only cause those apathetic towards the vaccine to dig their feet in even further. First off, POTUS doesn't have the authority to mandate mask wearing. That's under the purview of the governors. About all his administration can do is put in mandates in places under federal jurisdiction and even then, how easily can it be enforced? Threatening people and calling them stupid (as he's done in the recent past) isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated. His administration needs to lead by example. Instead he's done the exact opposite by telling vaccinated people they still have to follow the same restrictions as everyone else and showing up at conferences with fully vaccinated people with the same restrictions in place. These are not incentives to get people to go out and get the vaccine. For someone who talked about unity just a few months ago, he hasn't been any less divisive than Trump was.

Well, for once Taz, you got that totally right.
  • First, there are medical considerations for some people with respirator disorders and other conditions which makes wearing a mask under some conditions risky to impossible. They cannot and will not wear a mask no matter WHO designates what.
  • The vaccine is experimental and comes with certain risks. Getting the vaccine therefore is a medical consideration which can only be weighed between the patient and his/her doctor.
  • Getting vaccines is medical information protected under HIPPA privacy laws.
  • Joe Bidden can go get stuffed if he thinks he can dictate life choices to others with no medical considerations under the rube "science" that anyone not getting a vaccine is now somehow "infectious" and a risk to others, especially when all these others have supposedly been vaccinated!

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