Biden not even inaugurated and already flip-flopping


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown.

They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.

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The milennials and the duped did not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old senile and sexually perverted clown.

They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.

Par for the communist—I mean—Democratic Party course. That said I don't think anyone is under the illusion Biden is in charge of anything. He's a meat puppet on a stick danced to the soundtrack of global power players. The only strings Biden still pulls is his choice of Bengay scent.
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown. They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.
Breitbart, LOL!!! Yeah, they're "fair & balanced"! What's their motto, "anything that will stick"?
20JAN21. The end of a major fucking error.

You Libs have a suicide pact for 01/20/2021? That sounds great.
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

20JAN21. The end of a major fucking error.

You Libs have a suicide pact for 01/20/2021? That sounds great.
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

A party of one? Because if you have more than that, your neighbors might call the police on you, and you will end up in a Covid camp..

It will be about 5 of us on a zoom meeting. I wouldnt be stupid and expose anyone to the Rona.
20JAN21. The end of a major fucking error.

You Libs have a suicide pact for 01/20/2021? That sounds great.
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

A party of one? Because if you have more than that, your neighbors might call the police on you, and you will end up in a Covid camp..

It will be about 5 of us on a zoom meeting. I wouldnt be stupid and expose anyone to the Rona.
Wow, 5 whole people zooming, must be great to have 5 whole friends. Of course, if shit goes down in DC, there could be a nationwide black out of all communication over the net, you realize that dont you? That is typical when Tyrants want to prevent insurrection. Well, have a nice party, all 5 of you....Bwaaahhaaaaaa......
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

You indicated the end of an error. I assumed that was a reference to the end of the existence of Liberals in the country via suicide (or homicide).
The thing that will change for me on the 20th is the termination of my (already minimal) investments in the market and bank accounts. Everything will be in cash from thst point on.,

I figure I’ll hang on long enough to force the Government to kill me when they come for us Conservatives
20JAN21. The end of a major fucking error.

You Libs have a suicide pact for 01/20/2021? That sounds great.
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

A party of one? Because if you have more than that, your neighbors might call the police on you, and you will end up in a Covid camp..

It will be about 5 of us on a zoom meeting. I wouldnt be stupid and expose anyone to the Rona.
Wow, 5 whole people zooming, must be great to have 5 whole friends. Of course, if shit goes down in DC, there could be a nationwide black out of all communication over the net, you realize that dont you? That is typical when Tyrants want to prevent insurrection. Well, have a nice party, all 5 of you....Bwaaahhaaaaaa......
You are extremely lucky if you have 1 good friend. I have 5 that I would trust with my life. If there is a black out we have other means of staying in contact that is not dependent on the net. We will have a great time laughing at the idiots that supported Dump. :laugh:
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

You indicated the end of an error. I assumed that was a reference to the end of the existence of Liberals in the country via suicide (or homicide).
The thing that will change for me on the 20th is the termination of my (already minimal) investments in the market and bank accounts. Everything will be in cash from thst point on.,

I figure I’ll hang on long enough to force the Government to kill me when they come for us Conservatives
If you looked at the photo I posted along with my comment you would have been able to determine that the error was the election of Dump. That will come to an end on 20Jan21. Rejoice because the incompetent fuckup will no longer wield any power. Good luck going all cash IOW fiat currency based on nothing.
20JAN21. The end of a major fucking error.

You Libs have a suicide pact for 01/20/2021? That sounds great.
I dont know about you but I plan on throwing a party 20Jan21. What's all this about a suicide pact? There is help if you are feeling suicidal.

A party of one? Because if you have more than that, your neighbors might call the police on you, and you will end up in a Covid camp..

It will be about 5 of us on a zoom meeting. I wouldnt be stupid and expose anyone to the Rona.
Wow, 5 whole people zooming, must be great to have 5 whole friends. Of course, if shit goes down in DC, there could be a nationwide black out of all communication over the net, you realize that dont you? That is typical when Tyrants want to prevent insurrection. Well, have a nice party, all 5 of you....Bwaaahhaaaaaa......
You are extremely lucky if you have 1 good friend. I have 5 that I would trust with my life. If there is a black out we have other means of staying in contact that is not dependent on the net. We will have a great time laughing at the idiots that supported Dump. :laugh:
Mighty racist thing you said there "black out", or didnt you know that is a trigger word?
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown. They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.
Breitbart, LOL!!! Yeah, they're "fair & balanced"! What's their motto, "anything that will stick"?

No need to balance the truth....the truth is the truth....know the truth and it will set you free.
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown. They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.
Breitbart, LOL!!! Yeah, they're "fair & balanced"! What's their motto, "anything that will stick"?
No need to balance the truth....the truth is the truth....know the truth and it will set you free.
The problem is that too many people haven't recognized that Trump is a narcissistic demagogue that's been lying to the since Day 1.
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown. They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.
Breitbart, LOL!!! Yeah, they're "fair & balanced"! What's their motto, "anything that will stick"?
No need to balance the truth....the truth is the truth....know the truth and it will set you free.
The problem is that too many people haven't recognized that Trump is a narcissistic demagogue that's been lying to the since Day 1.
The milennials and the duped not knowing of bidens long history of lying.....the most corrupt career politician on the hill and even censured by the senate for lying years ago...voted for this very old(oldest to ever be president) senile and sexually perverted clown. They will soon find out his pledges and promises mean nothing....this historic mistake of electing obama is going to have disastrous consequences beyond even the imagination of most.
Breitbart, LOL!!! Yeah, they're "fair & balanced"! What's their motto, "anything that will stick"?
No need to balance the truth....the truth is the truth....know the truth and it will set you free.
The problem is that too many people haven't recognized that Trump is a narcissistic demagogue that's been lying to the since Day 1.

Most presidents are narcissistic ......not sure what that has to do with anything anyhow.

If you were so concerned about liars you would not have supported Pedo Joe who has been documented as the biggest liar in American Political history.....forced to drop out of his first attempt back in the 80's for lying and best you are a hypocrite afflicted with an irrational hatred of Trump.
So let me get this straight......Biden sticking to what he always said and others in the party insisting he pushes the second stimulus up to 2000 instead of 1400 is what Republicans call a problem??

Cool, I much rather have those problems than the bullshit Trumpers are reduced to......fantasizing about winning an election they clearly lost -- for the next 4 years.....

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