Biden Maintains Lead Over Trump in National, Key State Polls


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“In a poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, Biden had a 10-percentage point advantage over Trump. Biden’s lead was eight points in another survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

With those surveys added, Biden’s lead over Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls, was 7 points.

In the Washington Post poll, Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had 54% support among likely voters compared with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 44%. Among registered voters, Biden had a 53% to 43% lead. The margin is statistically unchanged from the 12-point gap in the survey’s August version, taken before both parties held their conventions.”

In the more important state polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Michigan by 8 points; in Wisconsin, Biden has a 10-pont lead – both are red states.

In North Carolina, another red state, Biden is ahead by 2 points – a state he doesn’t need to win the election.
I was saving this for Nov. 4th but. . . .

“In a poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, Biden had a 10-percentage point advantage over Trump. Biden’s lead was eight points in another survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

With those surveys added, Biden’s lead over Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls, was 7 points.

In the Washington Post poll, Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had 54% support among likely voters compared with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 44%. Among registered voters, Biden had a 53% to 43% lead. The margin is statistically unchanged from the 12-point gap in the survey’s August version, taken before both parties held their conventions.”

In the more important state polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Michigan by 8 points; in Wisconsin, Biden has a 10-pont lead – both are red states.

In North Carolina, another red state, Biden is ahead by 2 points – a state he doesn’t need to win the election.

A poll that OVER SAMPLED DEMOCRATS BY 14 points..

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :eusa_liar: :spinner:

Do the oversampeling correction and then get back to me.... Trump is winning every state..
What kills me about this crap is the over sampling and blatant lying these people do.. They are trying to drive voters away from even voting but Trumps enthusiasm is the thing they fear the most. Now they have major portions of the democrat base abandoning Biden and they are oblivious to it... The silent voters are energized and out in force to engage in the rallies and voting..

Its funny as hell that they think no one will fact check them...
“In a poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, Biden had a 10-percentage point advantage over Trump. Biden’s lead was eight points in another survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

With those surveys added, Biden’s lead over Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls, was 7 points.

In the Washington Post poll, Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had 54% support among likely voters compared with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 44%. Among registered voters, Biden had a 53% to 43% lead. The margin is statistically unchanged from the 12-point gap in the survey’s August version, taken before both parties held their conventions.”

In the more important state polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Michigan by 8 points; in Wisconsin, Biden has a 10-pont lead – both are red states.

In North Carolina, another red state, Biden is ahead by 2 points – a state he doesn’t need to win the election.
Hillary by a landslide.
jones hoping like hell that Biden wins.....otherwise he will have to mysteriously disappear for a while like he did 4 years ago....
Anyone else starting to feel like Murry in Groundhog Day.
Trump has no way to win. Every poll has him losing. 91% chance that Hillary will be our new president. Every news organization telling the same story. Every left nut assuring everyone Hillary was going to rule.

same channel. Only difference is it is now sock puppet Biden instead of Hillary.
Oh that's good, because Joe wouldn't have the strength to campaign in those key states anyway. Best to follow Hillary's strategy of taking them for granted and work on his acceptance speech. ;)
“In a poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, Biden had a 10-percentage point advantage over Trump. Biden’s lead was eight points in another survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

With those surveys added, Biden’s lead over Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls, was 7 points.

In the Washington Post poll, Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had 54% support among likely voters compared with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 44%. Among registered voters, Biden had a 53% to 43% lead. The margin is statistically unchanged from the 12-point gap in the survey’s August version, taken before both parties held their conventions.”

In the more important state polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Michigan by 8 points; in Wisconsin, Biden has a 10-pont lead – both are red states.

In North Carolina, another red state, Biden is ahead by 2 points – a state he doesn’t need to win the election.
I don't trust anything the WaPost or ABC says.
They're both in the tank for Biden.
“In a poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, Biden had a 10-percentage point advantage over Trump. Biden’s lead was eight points in another survey conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

With those surveys added, Biden’s lead over Trump, according to the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls, was 7 points.

In the Washington Post poll, Biden and running mate Kamala Harris had 54% support among likely voters compared with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at 44%. Among registered voters, Biden had a 53% to 43% lead. The margin is statistically unchanged from the 12-point gap in the survey’s August version, taken before both parties held their conventions.”

In the more important state polls, Biden is ahead of Trump in Michigan by 8 points; in Wisconsin, Biden has a 10-pont lead – both are red states.

In North Carolina, another red state, Biden is ahead by 2 points – a state he doesn’t need to win the election.
Amazing how Democrats get all excited over ridiculous Democrat polls in which Democrats are talking to Democrats, while the silent majority is lining up to vote for Trump. :biggrin:
I heard that Biden's first executive order when in office will be revoking trumps $30 billion tax break for the riches 2%

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