Biden Loses 2 points in 2 days - RPC average drops to below 3 points (MOE)


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.


The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.

View attachment 404297

Your link is a three week old oped from the NYPost.
The polling has always been fake. The change is not real.

What is real is the pollsters are having to start reporting accurate numbers in order to save face before the election.

Their entire business model is based on getting accurate information and they can't get business if they get it wrong.
Sleepy Joe has to be relieved. At his age, and his cognitive condition, he is in no shape to be moved out of the Wilmington Biden-Bunker where he feels safe.

Having to go to Washington DC where all kinds of new people will be around would be very hard for him
The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.

View attachment 404297

Your link is a three week old oped from the NYPost.
THE point is, that what is happening is not what we are told was going to happen. Now hiding is not going to help him and niether will his add barrage....
The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.

View attachment 404297

thanks. i learned that it is unlikely that biden will win kentucky.
The polling has always been fake. The change is not real.

What is real is the pollsters are having to start reporting accurate numbers in order to save face before the election.

Their entire business model is based on getting accurate information and they can't get business if they get it wrong.
But now it has tightened to zero... This means Trumps lead is massive..
The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.

View attachment 404297

Your link is a three week old oped from the NYPost.
THE point is, that what is happening is not what we are told was going to happen. Now hiding is not going to help him and niether will his add barrage....

Hmm. Doesn't appear to be what's going on. In fact, I'd say things are holding pretty steady as far as the numbers go.
The polls are phony as hell, I would not pay any attention to them.

Some pollsters want to remain credible and report the truth close to the election.

Others, not so much. They are ready to go down with the Titanic. Although their titanic is 40 years of failure, while the real titanic was only one night of failure.
Voter fraud will likely keep CA and NY blue, hard to imagine Biden winning any other State
The Biden lead is evaporating and every state is now within the margin of error..

IT appears that the moderates and undecided voters are now beginning to speak out. Biden continuing to hide is not helping him and his flood of campaign adds are not helping him as well.

The shift is massive in just one day some areas lost 3 points.

View attachment 404297

Or maybe the pollsters are trying to salvage what precious little credibility they have left.
Biden was never up the crazy amounts they were claiming. This is what the leftwing media does, they lie their asses off about polls.

Anecdotal Story. My brother tells me that there's a Pepsi distribution center north of NYC where the vast majority of the drivers are minorities, black or Hispanic. One of them came in wearing a MAGA hat and 90% of the drivers high-fived him.

How happy am I that Xi and Soros picked yet another criminal to run for President of the USA?
Every time someone looks over Low IQ Joe, there is a rotting stench of stale kleptocratic sold out bullshit.....

How anyone could actually say that Low IQ Joe is somehow a "good candidate" is laughable...

Heck, he didn't even win the primaries, homObama cheated to stop The Bern.... Iowa and NH had a close look at Low IQ Joe and STOMPED him....
Polls are for idiots.

Every poll, pundit and talking head told us all the Hitlery would be POTUS in 2016.


Anyone who takes polls seriously is dumber than a box of rocks.

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