Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
I don't give a shit. Really. Just want 'em all sent back to whatever shithole they came from/---So it was a long walk here? Well ,it should be a long walk back. If you filthy Libs want 'em here ,how about YOU support them?

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
Many deplorables will never believe you again. your media...your entertainers...your politicians and a growing amount of your corporations...
The poor brainwashed conspiracy nutjobs... Their number is getting smaller everyday.
Conspiracy Nutjobs? As in Russia collusion? Only a scurvy shit Democrat would believe THAT shit. Does the shoe fit ,Komrade?
As in all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you idiots believe. Like stealing the election. Have you ever heard of asylum laws? You and your party are a racist and unAmerican disgrace.
I am PROUD to be called "Racist" by filthy Communists like you. GFY

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
I don't give a shit. Really. Just want 'em all sent back to whatever shithole they came from/---So it was a long walk here? Well ,it should be a long walk back. If you filthy Libs want 'em here ,how about YOU support them?

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
Many deplorables will never believe you again. your media...your entertainers...your politicians and a growing amount of your corporations...
The poor brainwashed conspiracy nutjobs... Their number is getting smaller everyday.
Conspiracy Nutjobs? As in Russia collusion? Only a scurvy shit Democrat would believe THAT shit. Does the shoe fit ,Komrade?
As in all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you idiots believe. Like stealing the election. Have you ever heard of asylum laws? You and your party are a racist and unAmerican disgrace.
I am PROUD to be called "Racist" by filthy Communists like you. GFY
Another brainwashed hater dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP. You believe certain races are inferior and discriminate against them. You are a racist. God will not be amused.
Jesus. The Right has been whining for weeks that they wanted a presser, so he gets up there for a full hour, answers questions on immigration, infrastructure, filibuster, Afghanistan...honest, respectful, if he didn't know, he said so. I hope he does them more. He is easy to listen to, he explains things well and he comes well prepared knowing the gist of the questions the press will ask.

He has a lot of experience as a DC pol, but being President is a horse of a different color. Give him a break. He'll get more familiar with the details of the hundred complex policies he's dealing with right now as he goes along..
Give him a break. He'll get more familiar with the details of the hundred complex policies he's dealing with right now as he goes along..
Too bad you did not give Trump the same treatment and Trump was not even a politician.
it is sheer laziness to blame individual posters for these bilge stereotypes. If you don't like the way T**** was treated by the Dems, why are you doing the same thing to President Biden? I opposed T**** on immigration policy at that point in his term. His idea of 'fixing the problem' was closing the doors. I don't agree with that.
Too bad.... That is why I voted for him and the only way to solve the immigration problem is to shut the doors.

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
I don't give a shit. Really. Just want 'em all sent back to whatever shithole they came from/---So it was a long walk here? Well ,it should be a long walk back. If you filthy Libs want 'em here ,how about YOU support them?

Hmm...., calling reporters from a prepared list and a binder full of notes and Joey Xi still finds it necessary to lie and fumble his answers.
Wow. When I had to stand in front of 23 new English students every 50 minutes during that first week of school, I could have used a crib sheet like that. Since it's his first presser, how is he supposed to know everyone's name?
He flubbed, but I doubt if he lied. Just like most of T****'s 'lies' were his fat lazy ass ignoring his briefings and half listening to the tv he loves so much. Not lies.
At least President Biden wants to be accurate.
He read. That is all. Whoever wrote his ANSWERS lied.
The only lies are on your garbage GOP propaganda machine. Of course the children are better off even now than they were in Mexico. And it will get better of course. Wear your mask this is ridiculous.
Many deplorables will never believe you again. your media...your entertainers...your politicians and a growing amount of your corporations...
The poor brainwashed conspiracy nutjobs... Their number is getting smaller everyday.
Conspiracy Nutjobs? As in Russia collusion? Only a scurvy shit Democrat would believe THAT shit. Does the shoe fit ,Komrade?
As in all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you idiots believe. Like stealing the election. Have you ever heard of asylum laws? You and your party are a racist and unAmerican disgrace.
I am PROUD to be called "Racist" by filthy Communists like you. GFY
Another brainwashed hater dupe of the greedy idiot rich GOP. You believe certain races are inferior and discriminate against them. You are a racist. God will not be amused.
I watched the RIOTS all summer. I saw who was DOING it. I also see how "People " live in shithole countries. That is indeed inferior. I sure don't see any Einsteins with brown or black coloring.
Its hilarious that the right wing losers are claiming the current President isn't telling the truth after a 4 year lie fest from the blob.
He had Obama to teach him.

You're were so pissed that we had a black cannot even make a coherent insult.
Lol, I didn't care he was black. In fact I feel sorry for blacks because he was such a failure that represented them. He was such a liar and still is.
Its hilarious that the right wing losers are claiming the current President isn't telling the truth after a 4 year lie fest from the blob.
He had Obama to teach him.

You're were so pissed that we had a black cannot even make a coherent insult.
Lol, I didn't care he was black. In fact I feel sorry for blacks because he was such a failure that represented them. He was such a liar and still is.
You've been injecting too much bleach
Its hilarious that the right wing losers are claiming the current President isn't telling the truth after a 4 year lie fest from the blob.
He had Obama to teach him.

You're were so pissed that we had a black cannot even make a coherent insult.
Lol, I didn't care he was black. In fact I feel sorry for blacks because he was such a failure that represented them. He was such a liar and still is.
You've been injecting too much bleach
Thanks for proving your ignorance, cnn taught you well.
Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it
Biden lies, and the media doesn't question it: Goodwin (
25 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michael Goodwin

Three big things stood out in President Biden’s first press conference.
1. The leader of the free world is often lost at sea and says many things that are blatantly false.
2. The media is in the tank and cannot be trusted to hold him accountable.
3. Because of Nos. 1 and 2, America is headed for serious trouble.
For this sickening spectacle we had to wait 64 days?
Still, the event was meaningful in one distressing way. Now we know beyond all doubt there is no way to deny the terrifying truth.
This was Biden’s coming out party, and the nation faces a mess that will only grow worse in time. The man who campaigned on unity is hell-bent on permanent polarization, meaning cancel culture and the super-charged racial climate are here to stay.
Biden gave license to the worst instincts on the left with his repeated sneering references to all Republicans and especially Donald Trump. At one point, he actually accused Trump of letting immigrant children “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.
Biden was not challenged.
The final proof that the press has abdicated its role was clinched when the president refused to say when he would allow more media access to the border detention facilities. He said it would have to wait until his team got its new programs working.
If Trump had said that, the sky would have fallen and democracy would be declared dead. But when Biden says it, the media rolls over.
So add transparency to the list of things that don’t matter anymore.

“The man who campaigned on unity...”
That’s odd. Does anyone remember the man campaigning at all.
The sad truth is that both Rino's and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats cooperated to cheat Trump if his second term rather than let us keep our country.
Where was Costa to ask the prickly questions of Chyna Joe just as he asked DJT?
Sadly, the Quisling Media hacks commit greater treason than the govt hacks. They set out in glee to destroy those depending on them. They betray their Constitutional duty.
I wonder if we'll have to wait another 64 days before Chyna Joey Xi has a press conference of snowball questions.
In the meantime forget about a SOTU. It's long past due and will not be made, Joey Xi and his handlers are too busy ripping this country apart and allowing released illegal aliens to spread the China Covid-19 virus throughout the nation once again.
Hundreds of migrant kids with positive COVID-19 tests held in shelters (

Has anyone wondered just what type of security one would have to go throw to gain control of a major media network and shut their lips up.


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