Biden, July 8: ‘The Taliban Overrunning Everything and Owning the Whole Country Is Highly Unlikely.’

The Taliban feared President Trump. They don’t fear Sleepy Creepy Joe. They know he won’t do anything to retaliate against them. So it’s open season on girls and women in Afghanistan, free sex slaves for any man thanks to Biden.

If was a Taiwanese living in Taiwan I'd look to leave.
So your contention is that Trump was “competent”?

That’s hysterical
When the Taliban didn't live up to the treaty Trump had worked out with them, Trump responded by bombing the ever loving hell out of them and promising them more of the same if they kept up their behavior.
Biden just abruptly ran away...leaving thousands of Afghans who were our allies at the mercy of the Taliban and we're about to see how little "mercy" they have!
When the Taliban didn't live up to the treaty Trump had worked out with them, Trump responded by bombing the ever loving hell out of them and promising them more of the same if they kept up their behavior.
Biden just abruptly ran away...leaving thousands of Afghans who were our allies at the mercy of the Taliban and we're about to see how little "mercy" they have!
Worked great huh?
Trump isn't president, as far as anyone knows. He left office after a coup.
Someone let Liz Cheney know. This whole mess is on Joe Biden's wrinkled shoulders.

The fact that Joe Biden has had to send 3.000 soldiers back into Kabul to secure our embassy
tells everyone what a cluster fuck Joe has presided over with no forethought or planning

That's insane, of course. But I almost wish you had your way as your head would be mounted
on a pike and birds would be picking at your rotten skull, if your fantasy came true.
The cult of tramp tried their best to do a coup, and the Taliban were successful.
The Taliban feared President Trump. They don’t fear Sleepy Creepy Joe. They know he won’t do anything to retaliate against them. So it’s open season on girls and women in Afghanistan, free sex slaves for any man thanks to Biden.
They took the country over except for the coup with tramp. That is how they made such a comeback.
When the Taliban didn't live up to the treaty Trump had worked out with them, Trump responded by bombing the ever loving hell out of them and promising them more of the same if they kept up their behavior.
Biden just abruptly ran away...leaving thousands of Afghans who were our allies at the mercy of the Taliban and we're about to see how little "mercy" they have!

Okay, and this is our problem, why?

These Afghanis had 20 years to get their shit together after we spent trillions of dollars over there, and they still didn't. Most of them dropped their rifles at the first opportunity.

People who trusted us are about to be slaughtered, Lesh! This is going to be a debacle and didn't have to happen. Biden fucked this up. Obama was right about Biden's ability to do that!

Not seeing this as our problem.
Worst POTUS ever, taking the lead over Øbam and Carter. A true dipshit.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the withdrawal from Afghanistan being executed by the Biden administration was based upon explicit assurances from the president that it would not be a rerun of the American humiliation and defeat in Vietnam.
Biden also said that day, “the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.”
Today, the headline over on the Politico Playbook newsletter is “Joe Biden’s ‘fall of Saigon’.” The Financial Times declares, “Joe Biden’s credibility has been shredded in Afghanistan.” NBC News reports, “Potential Al Qaeda resurgence in Afghanistan worries U.S. officials.” Everything that Biden insisted wasn’t going to happen… is happening.
Biden could have said, “we’re going to leave Afghanistan, the Taliban is likely to take over, the world will have an epic humanitarian disaster on its hands, and Islamist fundamentalism will have its greatest propaganda victory since the formulation of the Islamic State.” But if Biden had discussed the likely consequences of his decision with clear-eyed realism and blunt honesty, maybe the American public wouldn’t have been such big fans of what the president wanted to do regarding Afghanistan.​

Did any of us know the Afghan Army would pack it in so quickly?
Okay, and this is our problem, why?

These Afghanis had 20 years to get their shit together after we spent trillions of dollars over there, and they still didn't. Most of them dropped their rifles at the first opportunity.

Not seeing this as our problem.
Why would people anywhere trust Joe Biden after watching him facilitate the murders of thousands of people, Joe? Would you trust him if you were Taiwanese? Would you trust him if you were Cubano? Would you trust him if you were an Israeli? His military advisors told him what would happen if he pulled out ALL of our troops too rapidly. He ignored them. The Taliban are going to slaughter anyone that supported us in Afghanistan. The airport in Kabul was mobbed with people desperate to escape because they KNOW what's coming!

Not our problem? I guess we're not the leader of the free world anymore...right, Joe? We've gone back to Obama's "leading from behind"! Only this time we're being led by a buffoon!
People who trusted us are about to be slaughtered, Lesh! This is going to be a debacle and didn't have to happen. Biden fucked this up. Obama was right about Biden's ability to do that!
You mean like the Kurds that Trump threw under the bus?

Like that?

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