Biden Incompetence In Foreign Affairs Is Glaring

Your cut and pastes are hilarious... "We're building the wall"... wow; 45 miles of it!

#51 is especially hilarious.

Your blob was a failure on a scale here to fore unseen.
Much more would have been built if not for the obstruction from Democrats, who want illegal aliens here. Shows how much they don't care about American workers or America, period. Of course not, they're globalists, not Americans.

Hydroxychloriquin is beneficial for Covid as well as malaria. Only DUPED liberals think otherwise.
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Much more would have been built if not for the obstruction from Democrats, who want illegal aliens here. Shows how much they don't care about American workers or America, period. Of course not, they're globalists, not Americans.

Hydroxychloriquin is beneficial for Covid as well as malaria. Only DUPED liberals think otherwise.

And when the blob got covid...they gave him actual medicine.
Much more would have been built if not for the obstruction from Democrats, who want illegal aliens here. Shows how much they don't care about American workers or America, period. Of course not, they're globalists, not Americans.

Hydroxychloriquin is beneficial for Covid as well as malaria. Only DUPED liberals think otherwise.
Do you always talk in sound bites..parroting the line, a it were. I only ask because some of your sentences are more like bumper stickers...stuck to the post as it trolls on by~

Total disconnect between the last sentence and the rest of the post.
I've answered this dumb post 100 times. The "prior quarter" was the pandemic. Democrats' fault. Ho hum.

You say that as though Trump gets credit for Americans going back to work after they lost their jobs because of lockdowns. If Trump gets credit for one quarter, then he gets blame for the other. Yes, you really are senile to think otherwise.
CORRECTION - there is no candidate Biden could have beaten, Not ever.
You're senile, gramps...

Much more would have been built if not for the obstruction from Democrats, who want illegal aliens here. Shows how much they don't care about American workers or America, period. Of course not, they're globalists, not Americans.

Hydroxychloriquin is beneficial for Covid as well as malaria. Only DUPED liberals think otherwise.

Then why didn't Trump take HCQ when he had COVID-19? :eusa_doh:

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