Biden Hidin': Joe Biden Refuses To Release His List Of Potential USSC JusticeNominees To Fill RBG's Vacancy

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In 2016 President Barak Obama argued for filling a potential USSC vacancy, should the opportunity arise, even during that election year and vowed to do so.

In 2016 USSC Justice RBG was asked if a President should fill a USSC vacancy during an election year. She answered immediately, that it was both a Constitutional right and an obligation for a president to do so. 'A President does not stop being President in his last year in office', she declared.

In 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump released his list of potential USSC Nominees prior to the 2016 election because he wanted Americans to know in advance exactly who they would be getting if he was elected President. He then won partly on his promise that if elected he would FILL a USSC Vacancy with one of the Judges on that list.

In 2020 President Trump has declared that he intends to follow President Trump's attempt, follow USSC Justice RBG's advice, and act to execute his Constitutional duty by filling the vacant USSC vacancy immediately.

In 2020, NOW, Presidential Nominee Joe Biden REFUSES to release his list of potential USSC Justice nominees to fill the vacancy left due to RBG's death.

In doing so, Biden seeks to hide from the American people who he is, his agenda, his political leanings and motivations.

The American people can not accurately make an INFORMED decision regarding who to vote for President if he seeks to shroud in secrecy who he is, what his agenda is, who his handlers are what their political agenda and leanings are!

By his decision not to release his list of potential nominees, Biden has proven that he can NOT be trusted to be any more 'transparent' than he and Barak Obama could be entrusted, an administration so secretive and criminal as to be officially listed as 'The Most Criminally FOIA and Federal Records Act NON-Compliant Administration' in US History'!

This man, who cloaks his intentions now in secrecy, was the VP who willingly participated in the proven secret criminal / treasonous failed coup attempt in which Obama's and Biden's administration collaborated with foreign ex-spies and Russians (The Russian Intel Service) to obtain known false Russian propaganda they intentionally used to commit FISA Court and other crimes, to illegally spy on the President of the United States and his team, and to attempt to overthrow the newly democratically elected government by illegally removing the President from office, all because they did not like who the American people chose to be their President.

This is the man who admitted to secretly extorting the former Ukraine PM.

By refusing to make public his list of potential USSC Justice nominees, Biden proves he has learned nothing and intends to change nothing about who he was as Obama's VP and how they illegally / Un-Constitutionally ran the country.

It is obvious now that Biden, or at least his handlers, refuse to release their list of names for fear of showing their list includes radical far left extremists who will piss on the Constitution as they have and legislate, instead, from the bench.

There are rumblings that the reason he's not releasing his list is because leftist darling Stacey Abrams is at the top of it (the woman who lost the race for governor of GA, and was nevertheless tapped by the DNC to deliver the rebuttal to Trump's SOTU address and various other un-earned and undeserved honors)
There are rumblings that the reason he's not releasing his list is because Stacey Abrams is at the top of it

I heard that as well......Possibly the only ones who would be worse are Obama, Omar, and AOC.
In 2016 President Barak Obama argued for filling a potential USSC vacancy, should the opportunity arise, even during that election year and vowed to do so.

In 2016 USSC Justice RBG was asked if a President should fill a USSC vacancy during an election year. She answered immediately, that it was both a Constitutional right and an obligation for a president to do so. 'A President does not stop being President in his last year in office', she declared.

In 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump released his list of potential USSC Nominees prior to the 2016 election because he wanted Americans to know in advance exactly who they would be getting if he was elected President. He then won partly on his promise that if elected he would FILL a USSC Vacancy with one of the Judges on that list.

In 2020 President Trump has declared that he intends to follow President Trump's attempt, follow USSC Justice RBG's advice, and act to execute his Constitutional duty by filling the vacant USSC vacancy immediately.

In 2020, NOW, Presidential Nominee Joe Biden REFUSES to release his list of potential USSC Justice nominees to fill the vacancy left due to RBG's death.

In doing so, Biden seeks to hide from the American people who he is, his agenda, his political leanings and motivations.

The American people can not accurately make an INFORMED decision regarding who to vote for President if he seeks to shroud in secrecy who he is, what his agenda is, who his handlers are what their political agenda and leanings are!

By his decision not to release his list of potential nominees, Biden has proven that he can NOT be trusted to be any more 'transparent' than he and Barak Obama could be entrusted, an administration so secretive and criminal as to be officially listed as 'The Most Criminally FOIA and Federal Records Act NON-Compliant Administration' in US History'!

This man, who cloaks his intentions now in secrecy, was the VP who willingly participated in the proven secret criminal / treasonous failed coup attempt in which Obama's and Biden's administration collaborated with foreign ex-spies and Russians (The Russian Intel Service) to obtain known false Russian propaganda they intentionally used to commit FISA Court and other crimes, to illegally spy on the President of the United States and his team, and to attempt to overthrow the newly democratically elected government by illegally removing the President from office, all because they did not like who the American people chose to be their President.

This is the man who admitted to secretly extorting the former Ukraine PM.

By refusing to make public his list of potential USSC Justice nominees, Biden proves he has learned nothing and intends to change nothing about who he was as Obama's VP and how they illegally / Un-Constitutionally ran the country.

It is obvious now that Biden, or at least his handlers, refuse to release their list of names for fear of showing their list includes radical far left extremists who will piss on the Constitution as they have and legislate, instead, from the bench.

He cannot appoint, so he has nothing to gain. There is no upside, no matter who would be on the list, so it is just wishful thinking by trumpers. A lot to be said for people smart enough to not be baited, though many trumpers are master baiters.
Sheeeesh Ginsburg said all that? Ilhan omar insists that she manage to gasp "don't let trump pick the new judge" just at the moment she GAVE UP THE GHOST My suggestion is a LAWSUIT ---class action-type. US citizens vs Ilhan FOR LIBEL. ---according to Ilhan, the Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg CONTRADICTED her very own dictum ------I am
There are rumblings that the reason he's not releasing his list is because leftist darling Stacey Abrams is at the top of it (the woman who lost the race for governor of GA, and was nevertheless tapped by the DNC to deliver the rebuttal to Trump's SOTU address and various other un-earned and undeserved honors)
She would be a good pick because she is an entitled tool of the Left, yet she has zero charisma, so a political future is not in the cards if it meant winning future elections

This way she can be as unappealing as she wants to be and still be politically active to shove a Leftist agenda down the throats of the entire nation.

It's a win/win for the brown shirts.
Are there enough votes in the Senate to confirm?
said for people smart enough to not be baited, though many trumpers are master baiters.

Seems EVERY leftist who posts today has homosexual fantasies on their minds.
You were or are a bater. Does that mean you are homosexual? Never occurred to me, the two were related.

So many of you Lefties are posting all kinds of homosexual garbage today.
Must be the fear of losing. :dunno:
In 2016 President Barak Obama argued for filling a potential USSC vacancy, should the opportunity arise, even during that election year and vowed to do so.

In 2016 USSC Justice RBG was asked if a President should fill a USSC vacancy during an election year. She answered immediately, that it was both a Constitutional right and an obligation for a president to do so. 'A President does not stop being President in his last year in office', she declared.

In 2016 Presidential Candidate Donald Trump released his list of potential USSC Nominees prior to the 2016 election because he wanted Americans to know in advance exactly who they would be getting if he was elected President. He then won partly on his promise that if elected he would FILL a USSC Vacancy with one of the Judges on that list.

In 2020 President Trump has declared that he intends to follow President Trump's attempt, follow USSC Justice RBG's advice, and act to execute his Constitutional duty by filling the vacant USSC vacancy immediately.

In 2020, NOW, Presidential Nominee Joe Biden REFUSES to release his list of potential USSC Justice nominees to fill the vacancy left due to RBG's death.

In doing so, Biden seeks to hide from the American people who he is, his agenda, his political leanings and motivations.

The American people can not accurately make an INFORMED decision regarding who to vote for President if he seeks to shroud in secrecy who he is, what his agenda is, who his handlers are what their political agenda and leanings are!

By his decision not to release his list of potential nominees, Biden has proven that he can NOT be trusted to be any more 'transparent' than he and Barak Obama could be entrusted, an administration so secretive and criminal as to be officially listed as 'The Most Criminally FOIA and Federal Records Act NON-Compliant Administration' in US History'!

This man, who cloaks his intentions now in secrecy, was the VP who willingly participated in the proven secret criminal / treasonous failed coup attempt in which Obama's and Biden's administration collaborated with foreign ex-spies and Russians (The Russian Intel Service) to obtain known false Russian propaganda they intentionally used to commit FISA Court and other crimes, to illegally spy on the President of the United States and his team, and to attempt to overthrow the newly democratically elected government by illegally removing the President from office, all because they did not like who the American people chose to be their President.

This is the man who admitted to secretly extorting the former Ukraine PM.

By refusing to make public his list of potential USSC Justice nominees, Biden proves he has learned nothing and intends to change nothing about who he was as Obama's VP and how they illegally / Un-Constitutionally ran the country.

It is obvious now that Biden, or at least his handlers, refuse to release their list of names for fear of showing their list includes radical far left extremists who will piss on the Constitution as they have and legislate, instead, from the bench.

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