Biden has turned our allies against us


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
Looks like President Potatohead has turned our cloesest ally against us. The US has lost a lot of respect from the rest of the world and assured the domination of China.

Numerous members of the British Parliament slammed President Joe Biden this week in response to the catastrophe the president created in Afghanistan with his disastrous pullout and handling of the situation.

Members blamed Biden for the situation and shamed him for trying to cast blame on others, including the Afghan military. Many of the members said that America’s image was seriously damaged around the world and the West could suffer greatly in the years to come because nations may no longer trust the West to keep its promises.
Lord Blencathra: “My Lords, all my life I have been pro-American and favourably disposed to the United States, but not any more at this moment. What Biden has done in Afghanistan will go down in ignominy as one of the most shameful and despicable acts of betrayal by any American President. Tens of thousands of men will be slaughtered, thousands of young girls forced to marry these Taliban brutes and 14 million women driven back into slavery. Afghanistan was emerging into the light with freedoms for women and children, who will now be ruled with 500 year-old barbaric religious laws. That is Biden’s legacy. He cannot blame it on Trump; Biden boasted that in his first 100 days he issued a record 24 executive orders, all of which were direct reversals of Trump policies. He should have listened to his generals and changed this policy also. This is not like Saigon; it is far worse. First, the retaliation against the population by Islamist fanatics is likely to be far greater than what the North Vietnamese did to the beaten south. Secondly, the appalling humanitarian crisis described in this House today will centre on Afghanistan but the terrorist consequences of this US sell-out will affect us all. The Viet Cong had no agenda outside Vietnam but Afghanistan is now under the control of Islamist fanatics who want to wage war on every western democracy. … Biden has put America back, all right—back into the bunker. The lesson for China is this: play a long game and America will not have the stomach to stick it out. China is a threat to world peace, but how can we now trust the US to lead the long battle against it? Biden may have condemned the world to Chinese domination in future and the end of western liberal democracy.”
Biden is corrupt.

A simple phrase, but the key to everything that has gone down in the last 7 month. Biden is corrupt. He is bought off by various bad actors, particularly China.

Xi's man in the white house did PRECISELY what he was paid to do in the Afghan withdrawal. China laid out how they wanted this to go. Advanced weapon systems in the hands of the Taliban today will be in Beijing tomorrow. Rare earth metals such as lithium that are abundant in Afghanistan are now under the control of China.

Quid Pro isn't incompetent, he is corrupt and sold treason to the highest bidder. which was China.
Here's the problem, it didn't matter whether Biden yanked us out quickly, or Trump's slow drawdown would have done so in an orderly manner.
The overall problem would have still been there, a 7th century barbaric religion that vehemently oppresses girls/women and preaches hate towards other religions. You could spend a century there and they would still be living in the 7th century. They are brainwashed five times per day via prayer and via government enforcement.
Hell, Muslims have been killing each other for centuries, as each side claims that the other "isn't a true Muslim." If they didn't have that issue to focus on, they would use all their tactics to focus on non-Muslims.
Here's the problem, it didn't matter whether Biden yanked us out quickly, or Trump's slow drawdown would have done so in an orderly manner.
The overall problem would have still been there, a 7th century barbaric religion that vehemently oppresses girls/women and preaches hate towards other religions. You could spend a century there and they would still be living in the 7th century. They are brainwashed five times per day via prayer and via government enforcement.
Hell, Muslims have been killing each other for centuries, as each side claims that the other "isn't a true Muslim." If they didn't have that issue to focus on, they would use all their tactics to focus on non-Muslims.
You're right, and it took some true arrogance for us to go in there and believe we can just force a culture to change to our whims.
Here's the problem, it didn't matter whether Biden yanked us out quickly, or Trump's slow drawdown would have done so in an orderly manner.
The overall problem would have still been there, a 7th century barbaric religion that vehemently oppresses girls/women and preaches hate towards other religions. You could spend a century there and they would still be living in the 7th century. They are brainwashed five times per day via prayer and via government enforcement.
Hell, Muslims have been killing each other for centuries, as each side claims that the other "isn't a true Muslim." If they didn't have that issue to focus on, they would use all their tactics to focus on non-Muslims.
True as all that is, there is also a far greater likelihood that most of the big ticket military equipment would have been removed or destroyed, and the evacuation wouldn't have looked like the current dumpster fire.
You're right, and it took some true arrogance for us to go in there and believe we can just force a culture to change to our whims.

Definitely. Not all people are the same. Many, like Afghans and Democrats, love the government to run their lives FOR them.

They are too dumb to be able to survive without cradle to grave government dominance of their lives.
He hasnt even made it through one year yet and the damage is compounding. How the hell we going to survive 3 more years of this? He's practically trying his best to usher in the end of the U.S. as leader of the free world and the end of us as a superpower. Drug cartels control our southern border, and when enough terrorists cross through that place and into the U.S. Biden will say something like, no one told him.... or gee I didnt see that coming! lets go get an ice cream cone.
Here's the problem, it didn't matter whether Biden yanked us out quickly, or Trump's slow drawdown would have done so in an orderly manner
Couldn't be more wrong. It matters A LOT.

The Taliban are now armed with a billion dollars worth of American weapons. They have the option now to EASILY take American hostages.

If done properly none of that would be an issue.

To your point on the women over there. As sad as their plight is that was going to be the case regardless of what we did. That is a failure of THEIR MEN not our military or political choices. THEIR MEN made the choice to cower in fear to the Taliban long before we invaded.
Elections have consequences. Many of us said that none of the Democrat candidates could hold a candle to Trump and his America First policies. His choice for V.P is far less popular than he is, an extremely odd choice in my opinion. Hey, others knew best, "time to get rid of the mean tweets and America First! Orange Man bad!".

I've asked on here numerous times "why would so many want to get rid of a president who is putting Americas interests before Chinas?" It has never been sufficiently answered.

Who do you blame? The voters? The media? The Establishment? Who? Canadians were giddy when Biden won, I repeated again and again that they don't understand what's at stake. A weak America is not good for Canada. We don't grow the brightest nor the most principled in Canada so it fell on deaf ears.

You southern border issue alone is enough to ensure the destruction of America, now Afghanistan and allies considering siding with China just to avoid future confrontation.

No wonder Obama had such a big party...
True as all that is, there is also a far greater likelihood that most of the big ticket military equipment would have been removed or destroyed, and the evacuation wouldn't have looked like the current dumpster fire.

The Trump/Pompeo agreement had no provisions for removing or destroying Afghan Army equipment.

The evacuation was always going to be a dumpster fire, because these Americans SHOULD have gotten out of the country months ago, and refused to as long as their employers were still making money.
The Trump/Pompeo agreement had no provisions for removing or destroying Afghan Army equipment.

The evacuation was always going to be a dumpster fire, because these Americans SHOULD have gotten out of the country months ago, and refused to as long as their employers were still making money.
Whether or not there were provisions in the agreement is immaterial.....The likliehood remains that Trump/Pompeo wouldn't have let that equipment fall into the hands of hostile actors.

There's also little doubt that the evacuation would look far more orderly, your idiotic opinion notwithstanding.
Murica is back! :laugh2:
Whether or not there were provisions in the agreement is immaterial.....The likliehood remains that Trump/Pompeo wouldn't have let that equipment fall into the hands of hostile actors.

There's also little doubt that the evacuation would look far more orderly, your idiotic opinion notwithstanding.

Based on what?
Given what a clusterfuck Trump's responses to Covid, the Floyd Riots and the recession were, I don't think his brilliant plan to sell out the Afghan Government was going to be any more orderly.

That's why we're here, you know. Trump essentially sold out our allies to the Taliban, and they decided they weren't going to put up the valiant, hopeless fight the South Vietnamese did.
You're right, and it took some true arrogance for us to go in there and believe we can just force a culture to change to our whims.
Well, we went in to go after bin Laden and his al Qaeda followers who had been hiding out in the mountains of Afghanistan and also traveling between there and Pakistan. The trouble is that we had to side with the Taliban opponents in order to be able to set up shop and work from there, rather than just go after bin Laden and al Qaeda via satellite and air strikes from other nations, which wouldn't have worked.
As for changing culture, we did change the Japanese culture to a modern thriving free-market capitalist nation, but unlike Afghanistan, their religions, Shinto and Buddhism aren't violent and the Emperor was a main guide in the nation and became more of just a figurehead after WWII.
Islam is the most violent and barbaric religion still in existence and will unlikely ever change, especially in Afghanistan and because of the estimated 320,000,000 Islamists on Earth that want all non-believers converted, subjugated or killed we will never know true peace with them.
The Trump/Pompeo agreement had no provisions for removing or destroying Afghan Army equipment.

The evacuation was always going to be a dumpster fire, because these Americans SHOULD have gotten out of the country months ago, and refused to as long as their employers were still making money.

You dumbass Moon Bat. This bit about blaming Trump for President Potatohead's failures just makes you look like a piece of shit.

Potatohead fucked up the withdrawal big time by not doing his homework to do it properly. The sonofabitch literally ran away in the middle of the night and now we are seeing the consequences of his stupidity.

The shithead was more interested in the military doing CRT and diversity training than it was to competently do the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Now we have lost the respect of allies that have served along side us in Afghanistan. They are even saying that President Potatohead is a worthless dumbass.

You goddamn Moon Bats never take responsibility for the damage you do to this country. We saw how you assholes blamed all of The Worthless Negro's failures on Bush and now you are blaming all of Potatohead's failures on Trump and that dog don't hunt. Grow up Moon Bat! You are like a little school girl crying "Johnny did it" when caught red handed acting up on the playground.
Here's the problem, it didn't matter whether Biden yanked us out quickly, or Trump's slow drawdown would have done so in an orderly manner.
The overall problem would have still been there, a 7th century barbaric religion that vehemently oppresses girls/women and preaches hate towards other religions. You could spend a century there and they would still be living in the 7th century. They are brainwashed five times per day via prayer and via government enforcement.
Hell, Muslims have been killing each other for centuries, as each side claims that the other "isn't a true Muslim." If they didn't have that issue to focus on, they would use all their tactics to focus on non-Muslims.
Oh please, the simpering excuses you folks are making for Biden just get more and more pathetic by the day. This is a Biden failure, people know this, and thankfully you folks will pay for it in 2022 and 2024.

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