Biden got his start at Delaware State and Politifact shows again it's a leftist hack joke site


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.

I got my "start" at Delaware State.

No, that doesn't mean "first support" in the English language. What country are you from? France? Welcome to the United States. Watch out for the Democrats just FYI. They'll be nice to your face then pick your pocket
I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there.

Nobody who attended a school says "I got my start at <school>."


WTF? Another non-native English speaker. It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?

It is what someone who starts a political campaign there would say.

Your inability to grasp English only reflects badly on you.

Where did you get that he "started" his campaign there? He announced his campaign there, but no one said that they had anything to do with his campaign
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.
So why did Delaware State say he never went there, if it's so obvious and clear what he meant?
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.

I got my "start" at Delaware State.

No, that doesn't mean "first support" in the English language. What country are you from? France? Welcome to the United States. Watch out for the Democrats just FYI. They'll be nice to your face then pick your pocket
It could mean all sorts of things. First time he had Southern BBQ, first time he touched a boobie or, as he says, the first time he received political support. In no way does it indicate he went to school there.
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.
So why did Delaware State say he never went there, if it's so obvious and clear what he meant?

Ding, ding, ding!

And Joe repeatedly has misrepresented his past. If he didn't normally do that, it could be excused as a poor choice of words. But given that he has repeatedly misrepresented his past, you can't give him credit for not trying to take just where he announced his campaign and made it sound like more of a relationship than it was.

That is my issue with politifact. If they had simply said poor choice of words, but it could be interpreted different ways then I would have been OK with it. But that someone who habitually misrepresents his academic past without a question is absurd. And to your point they didn't mention at all the Delaware State came out and said he never went there, they realized what he implied
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.

I got my "start" at Delaware State.

No, that doesn't mean "first support" in the English language. What country are you from? France? Welcome to the United States. Watch out for the Democrats just FYI. They'll be nice to your face then pick your pocket
It could mean all sorts of things. First time he had Southern BBQ, first time he touched a boobie or, as he says, the first time he received political support. In no way does it indicate he went to school there.

Ding, ding, ding! So you admit that to say Joe unequivocally was referring to his political start not his academic start was full of shit. Exactly my point. Thank you
WTF? Another non-native English speaker.

Then as a non-native, you should defer to the native English speakers who are pointing out how badly you fail at English comprehension.

You're doing the Dunning-Kruger thing. You fail too badly at the subject to understand how badly you're failing.

It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?

For the sake of whatever school you went to, don't mention their name, because your belligerent illiteracy would bring shame upon them, and they don't deserve it. You act stupid because your cult orders you to act stupid, not because of your school.
WTF? Another non-native English speaker.

Then as a non-native, you should defer to the native English speakers who are pointing out how badly you fail at English comprehension.

You're doing the Dunning-Kruger thing. You fail too badly at the subject to understand how badly you're failing.

It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?

For the sake of whatever school you went to, don't mention their name, because your belligerent illiteracy would bring shame upon them, and they don't deserve it. You act stupid because your cult orders you to act stupid, not because of your school.

mamooth: No I'm not, you are! You are kaz, you are! Bam! You are kaz!

Another playgrounding Democrat. I feel bad for you, so sad. that's the best you have, huh? Poor girl
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable

Remember when he challenged the man in the audience to an 'IQ Test fight'?


With his dementia now, Biden couldn't beat 'Walter', the ventriloquist puppet.

WTF? Another non-native English speaker.

Then as a non-native, you should defer to the native English speakers who are pointing out how badly you fail at English comprehension.

You're doing the Dunning-Kruger thing. You fail too badly at the subject to understand how badly you're failing.

It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?

For the sake of whatever school you went to, don't mention their name, because your belligerent illiteracy would bring shame upon them, and they don't deserve it. You act stupid because your cult orders you to act stupid, not because of your school.
No they are correct, I got my start at x University, to almost everyone, means I went to school there.....I got my start at Ohio State.
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.
Using your logic, Barry Hussein got his start at the home of a domestic terrorist.
If this was the only time he messed up, then I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. The issue is he has been caught in so many failed memories and so many made up stories, he doesn’t get the benefit from me.
WTF? Another non-native English speaker.

Then as a non-native, you should defer to the native English speakers who are pointing out how badly you fail at English comprehension.

You're doing the Dunning-Kruger thing. You fail too badly at the subject to understand how badly you're failing.

It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?

For the sake of whatever school you went to, don't mention their name, because your belligerent illiteracy would bring shame upon them, and they don't deserve it. You act stupid because your cult orders you to act stupid, not because of your school.
No they are correct, I got my start at x University, to almost everyone, means I went to school there.....I got my start at Ohio State.

That's OK. We can't all go to Michigan! Go Blue!
Joe Biden: I got my start at Delaware State.

Check out this politifact bull shit:

" Trump appeared to be referring to a remark that Biden made at a town hall in Florence, S.C., where he said that he got his "start" at DSU. In context, it’s clear that Biden wasn’t implying that he went to the university, but referencing the support he received from the school in 1972 when he announced his run for U.S. Senate on the campus."


It's CLEAR that I got my start at Delaware State does not refer to his having gone to the college but that he got support from the school for a Senate run? That's "clear?"

I got my start at Delaware State. Any native English speaker knows that means you started taking classes there. It does not mean they supported you for political office.

And Biden has lied REPEATEDLY about his academic background.

He "got his start" there doesn't mean he took his first classes there. Un freaking believable
After all Trump's whoppers, they're being compared to something Biden said that you don't understand? If Joe says that 'start' means 'first support', then that's what it means, regardless of your confusion.
Using your logic, Barry Hussein got his start at the home of a domestic terrorist.
Start? You're going to have to prove that. Tick, tock...
WTF? Another non-native English speaker.

Then as a non-native, you should defer to the native English speakers who are pointing out how badly you fail at English comprehension.

You're doing the Dunning-Kruger thing. You fail too badly at the subject to understand how badly you're failing.

It means exactly that. I feel so sorry for you, honey. Government schools, huh?
For the sake of whatever school you went to, don't mention their name, because your belligerent illiteracy would bring shame upon them, and they don't deserve it. You act stupid because your cult orders you to act stupid, not because of your school.
No they are correct, I got my start at x University, to almost everyone, means I went to school there.....I got my start at Ohio State.
To almost everyone? So, NOT everyone. That's the thing about English or just about any language, words can mean different things because of context. Biden explains he meant political support, so that's what it means.

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