Biden Giving Hamas MILLIONS While Israel Defends Itself From Terrorist Hamas Attacks

Terrorists don't have an 'Army' or traditional 'military.

Between Barry & Biden alone, Hamas has collected BILLIONS, money they have used to rebuild and re-arm.

The cycle has gone on for decades.

Gaza was released to Palestinians unmoderated the condition and promise by the UN that no weapons capable of attacking would be allowed into Gaza - despite agreeing to hand it over under this condition Israel warned Hamas would bring in weapons and would attack Israel from Gaza.
- Israel was right.

Every time Hamas attacks Israle and Israel defends itself, kicking the crap out of Hamas, Hamas cries out for a Cease Fire after all of their rockets have been fired. They cry out to the I ternational community for help...after having started each conflict.
- They have been busted showing old photos of dead Palestinians and claiming they were 'new' - this was exposed the last time this happened.

Each time Israel is pressured into agreeing to Cease Fire rather than fully invade Gaza and eliminate / confiscate all of Hamas' weapons, Hamas repairs the damage and begins fully restocking all of their ammo and weapons....
- As soon as the Cease Fire began after the last Conflict Barry gave Hamas millions in construction supplies and millions of dollars.

Biden gave Hamas millions before this conflict & just told Congress he is giving them millions more in the middle of this conflict which started by Hamas once again shelling Israels populace.

...and this is while Biden is protecting the traitor and spy Kerry who was caught committing espionage, giving Iran - our enemy - secret information about our Ally, Israel.

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
We gave the Israelis more than ten times that in military aid alone.


Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
I did not know rockets and mortars were considered 'Humanitarian aid'

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
Show us how it was spent. Palestinians live in squalor, yet their leaders spend billions on rockets.

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
We gave the Israelis more than ten times that in military aid alone.

You got the receipts? :auiqs.jpg:

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
I did not know rockets and mortars were considered 'Humanitarian aid'
Here's a clue, dumbass; they aren't.

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
We gave the Israelis more than ten times that in military aid alone.

You got the receipts? :auiqs.jpg:
The money is watched pretty closely.

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
We gave the Israelis more than ten times that in military aid alone.

They why have they been crying for 70 years that they are starving?

Just Like Barry, Biden is financing / arming terrorists, supporting terrorists over allies.
Yeah, that's bullshit. It's humanitarian aid.

The plan calls for $150 million through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA, $75 million in U.S. economic support and $10 million in development funding, according to a notice emailed by the administration to congressional offices.
We gave the Israelis more than ten times that in military aid alone.

You got the receipts? :auiqs.jpg:
The money is watched pretty closely.
Cool. Show us how each dime was spent.
The Christian moron talking points are out, and they are just laughable.

Joe Biden is Zionist.

All of the worst 911 w related traitors are for Biden and participated in the steal.

As in 1967, when Israel started the 67 war with us weapons paid for by us taxpayers (e weapons were supposed to go to our troops in nam, but LBJ was the first Zionist traitor prez, and Biden is the third, we have been told Israel was attacked, and lo and behold, another obviously planned Zionist land grab follows. And traitor Joe had the same response as LBJ...

Israel has the right to defend itself

Plagiarism is nothing new to Biden. He had been busted many times.

Israel did a 911 style fraud, with actors rushing into underground shelters, popcorn fireworks going off, clips from other actual attacks and real casualties from long ago, all spliced in for the Christian SUB HUMAN to parrot and go bezerk serving those said subs serve, the chosen.

This topic does not belong in politics. There is nothing about AMERICA here.

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