Biden Gives Putin the Go-Ahead to Attack Ukraine

Legitimately. What is it you think Biden...or Trump (if he had won) would be able to do in the event that Putin really wants to annex Ukraine and begin the rise of the new USSR?
Answer...nothing, if you and the world weren't willing to use nuclear weapons to solve the issue. And I'm sorry, I don't think Trump being BFF's with Putin would change Pootey's mind.
He'd do it regardless.

Putin wants concessions. Will the West (yeah, that includes Europe) give them to him.
Putin doesn't need a green light or a red light from anybody, to do or not do anything.

No wonder CNN is trash and the world knows it.
Umm.well, then what do you want Biden to do about it? The OP isn't about CNN. :)
I don't know why everybody is saying Potatohead is giving Putin the go ahead to invade the Ukraine.

Didn't he say today that he would be upset and maybe even write Putin a strongly worded letter?

I could not believe it when I heard him say that.

That said I'm not interested in getting between a bear and her wayward cub but damn.

If Russia wanted to invade Ukraine then there is nothing we could do to stop it. We certainly don't need to go to war with Russia over Ukraine's security.

However, a competent President would do something. A competent President like Trump.

Maybe send over a couple of regiments of American troops for training so that if the Russians invaded they would have to take the chance of confronting American military strength. That could be a determent.

They could threaten Russia with significant economic sanctions in conjunction with our allies. A strong President like Trump could do that but a weak one like Potatohead couldn't.

Putin has been waiting for a weak President like Potatohead and he got his wish. Ukraine is fucked and the "leader of the free world" will be Putin's bitch.
Putin doesn't need a green light or a red light from anybody, to do or not do anything.

No wonder CNN is trash and the world knows it.
Putin was the Head of the Friggin KGB for goodness sakes, Joe said he thinks he Knows what Putin is Going to do. He knows nothing about how to deal with Vlad. Putin is a Master of Deception and Espionage and Sedition and Compromised Bidens entire family . That's a great weapon to have
If Russia wanted to invade Ukraine then there is nothing we could do to stop it. We certainly don't need to go to war with Russia over Ukraine's security.

However, a competent President would do something. A competent President like Trump.

Maybe send over a couple of regiments of American troops for training so that if the Russians invaded they would have to take the chance of confronting American military strength. That could be a determent.

They could threaten Russia with significant economic sanctions in conjunction with our allies. A strong President like Trump could do that but a weak one like Potatohead couldn't.

Putin has been waiting for a weak President like Potatohead and he got his wish. Ukraine is fucked and the "leader of the free world" will be Putin's bitch.
So...America First?..except when it's a Democrat in office?..then it's weakness? When his BFF would be just as unable to stop anything.
PPPPPFFFTTT!!-Oh goody, an abject statement of war by putting "training troops" close to Russia. (where would you like them to train?...Poland?? LOL.

Putin wanted his willing lackey in the White House because he would be his cuck. But the cuck, proved to be worthless to Putin. Incompetence will do that to you. :auiqs.jpg:
Just think. The Ukrainans paid all that money to the Biden family and now Biden is going to fuck them.

Talk about a bad investment. LOL!

The Chinese got a much better return on their investment.
Yep. Xi was watching Taiwan is a much better deal !!!
Putin was the Head of the Friggin KGB for goodness sakes, Joe said he thinks he Knows what Putin is Going to do. He knows nothing about how to deal with Vlad. Putin is a Master of Deception and Espionage and Sedition and Compromised Bidens entire family . That's a great weapon to have

If Biden knows nothing about how to deal with Putin.....then Biden should get OUT of the kitchen, if it's too hot for him and he can't stand the heat!
If Biden knows nothing about how to deal with Putin.....then Biden should get OUT of the kitchen, if it's too hot for him and he can't stand the heat!
What would you like him to do? (Keeping in mind that his BFF would be just as impotent..if not worse). :)
An amazing moment in Presidential cluelessness offered up by Joe Biden. Stunning.

I was surprised when he suggested sanctions on Russian oil to Europe. His remark pointed out that Russia gets 40% of their income from Europeans. Didn't he facilitate the Russian pipeline? Isn't he generous with his sanctions--No heat and higher fuel prices for Europe--and the rest of the world. HaHaHa--he's a moron.
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