Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

In the case of the House Committee on Jan. 6., Pelosi blocked minority party participation for the first time in House history to pursue a preferred political narrative.
The leading Republican tasked with his party’s investigation into the preparedness and response of the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies to the Capitol riot on January 6 is being blocked by President Joseph Biden’s FBI from gathering information, a new document reveals.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee consisting only of Democrat-appointed members.

Pelosi took what she admitted was an “unprecedented” step of refusing the appointments made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, barring Navy officer and Afghanistan veteran Banks and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from participation. In a fiery denunciation of Pelosi’s politicization of the committee, McCarthy, R-Calif., publicly announced Banks would lead Republicans’ investigation despite Pelosi blowing up the committee.

On September 3, Banks asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to give Republican lawmakers the same briefing offered to the Democrats on the progress of the agency’s own investigation. Partial findings of the FBI’s independent investigation were leaked to Reuters in August, which found “scant evidence” the Capitol riot was “an organized plot to overturn the president election result.” Wray has not responded to the request.

"Even the committee knows that its power to seek this information about private citizens lacks any convincing legal justification and, for that reason, wants to ensure that nobody has the ability to seek a judicial ruling on the legality of their actions”

Pelosi herself continues to prove her 1/6 Committee is another 'failed Impeachment' hoax.

There are GOP members on the board of inquiry and the investigation, why now do they want to join after they were invited previously? In fact they voted against joining it.
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Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

In the case of the House Committee on Jan. 6., Pelosi blocked minority party participation for the first time in House history to pursue a preferred political narrative.
The leading Republican tasked with his party’s investigation into the preparedness and response of the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies to the Capitol riot on January 6 is being blocked by President Joseph Biden’s FBI from gathering information, a new document reveals.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee consisting only of Democrat-appointed members.

Pelosi took what she admitted was an “unprecedented” step of refusing the appointments made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, barring Navy officer and Afghanistan veteran Banks and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from participation. In a fiery denunciation of Pelosi’s politicization of the committee, McCarthy, R-Calif., publicly announced Banks would lead Republicans’ investigation despite Pelosi blowing up the committee.

On September 3, Banks asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to give Republican lawmakers the same briefing offered to the Democrats on the progress of the agency’s own investigation. Partial findings of the FBI’s independent investigation were leaked to Reuters in August, which found “scant evidence” the Capitol riot was “an organized plot to overturn the president election result.” Wray has not responded to the request.

"Even the committee knows that its power to seek this information about private citizens lacks any convincing legal justification and, for that reason, wants to ensure that nobody has the ability to seek a judicial ruling on the legality of their actions”

Pelosi herself continues to prove her 1/6 Committee is another 'failed Impeachment' hoax.

Pelosi built that wall around the Capital to coverup their crimes.
That's why she doesn't want any input from Republicans.
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Biden FBI Joins Pelosi In Blocking GOP From Investigating January 6

In the case of the House Committee on Jan. 6., Pelosi blocked minority party participation for the first time in House history to pursue a preferred political narrative.
The leading Republican tasked with his party’s investigation into the preparedness and response of the U.S. Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies to the Capitol riot on January 6 is being blocked by President Joseph Biden’s FBI from gathering information, a new document reveals.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked committee consisting only of Democrat-appointed members.

Pelosi took what she admitted was an “unprecedented” step of refusing the appointments made by Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, barring Navy officer and Afghanistan veteran Banks and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from participation. In a fiery denunciation of Pelosi’s politicization of the committee, McCarthy, R-Calif., publicly announced Banks would lead Republicans’ investigation despite Pelosi blowing up the committee.

On September 3, Banks asked FBI Director Christopher Wray to give Republican lawmakers the same briefing offered to the Democrats on the progress of the agency’s own investigation. Partial findings of the FBI’s independent investigation were leaked to Reuters in August, which found “scant evidence” the Capitol riot was “an organized plot to overturn the president election result.” Wray has not responded to the request.

"Even the committee knows that its power to seek this information about private citizens lacks any convincing legal justification and, for that reason, wants to ensure that nobody has the ability to seek a judicial ruling on the legality of their actions”

Pelosi herself continues to prove her 1/6 Committee is another 'failed Impeachment' hoax.

If one posts an article from a Republican source, do not be surprised if what one gets is a one sided Republican view of the matter.
With good reason. No reason to turn the committee into a circus. Which is what Jordan and Banks would do. Most likely because they both will probably be named as people who helped set that day up. :)
You have two Republicans on the committee already. And it's working its way up the evidence ladder. And Republicans are nervous.
So now Pelosi has a cover-up scandal.
Hopefully the GOP will win the House majority and be able to investigate Pelosi's crimes.
Pelosi will have to retire in disgrace.
They should also investigate Obama's illegally spying on the Trump's campaign.
The Neo-GOP immediately refused the bipartisan independent commission to look into the MAGA MOB assault on Jan 6th because they couldn't put those barking dogs on the commission.

But, they still bark.
So now Pelosi has a cover-up scandal.
Hopefully the GOP will win the House majority and be able to investigate Pelosi's crimes.
Pelosi will have to retire in disgrace.
They should also investigate Obama's illegally spying on the Trump's campaign.
There is no cover up scandal. Saying that there is one, it does not mean that there is actually one.

The "illegal spying" of the Trump campaign has already been investigated. Nothing found.
There is no cover up scandal. Saying that there is one, it does not mean that there is actually one.

The "illegal spying" of the Trump campaign has already been investigated. Nothing found.
A lot of Democrat Voters are people who live in deep denial of reality.
The Yellow Press like CNN and MSNBC help them live in that denial.
It's really kind of sad.
The Democrat Party is a crazy cult

Confirmed: The Obama DOJ Went Rogue to Spy on an Ex-Trump ...

A newly declassified ruling from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in June demonstrates that the government lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign ...

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he ...

The Obama administration spied on a range of journalists, elected officials and others. It looks like Obama did spy on Trump,

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It ...

Wiretapping: The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort in New York's Trump Tower under "secret court …

Latest revelations show Team Obama invented RussiaGate scandal

From Justice to the CIA, the Obama administration politicized a host of nonpartisan institutions to stain the Trump campaign and then sabotage the Trump administration.
With good reason. No reason to turn the committee into a circus. Which is what Jordan and Banks would do. Most likely because they both will probably be named as people who helped set that day up. :)
You have two Republicans on the committee already. And it's working its way up the evidence ladder. And Republicans are nervous.
Too late, it's already a circus when the put RINO Cheney on the committee.
A lot of Democrat Voters are people who live in deep denial of reality.
The Yellow Press like CNN and MSNBC help them live in that denial.
It's really kind of sad.
The Democrat Party is a crazy cult

Confirmed: The Obama DOJ Went Rogue to Spy on an Ex-Trump ...

A newly declassified ruling from a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in June demonstrates that the government lied about its legal basis for spying on former Trump campaign ...

It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he ...

The Obama administration spied on a range of journalists, elected officials and others. It looks like Obama did spy on Trump,

Obama White House Wiretapped Trump, Then Lied About It ...

Wiretapping: The U.S. government under President Obama wiretapped former Trump campaign Chair Paul Manafort in New York's Trump Tower under "secret court …

Latest revelations show Team Obama invented RussiaGate scandal

From Justice to the CIA, the Obama administration politicized a host of nonpartisan institutions to stain the Trump campaign and then sabotage the Trump administration.
As I posted above, one's sources will tell one only what one wishes to hear or believe.

This is what Trump based his allegations on:

Care to give the whole story, Bart, or you just going to take the facts out of context?
The Repubs voted against forming the panel in the first place. That is the reality of the facts..

In a 222-190 mostly party-line vote, Democrats voted to create a 13-person committee where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California gets to appoint eight members as well as the chairman. The other five are chosen "after consultation" with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. Pelosi has veto power over any GOP appointments, though she may name a Republican herself to join the panel, which is modeled off Republicans' past select committee to investigate the 2012 attack against the U.S. Embassy complex in Benghazi, Libya.

Now all of a sudden they want to testify in the very panel they wanted to keep from happening? That is the whole story, I suppose your version doesn't exist since you failed to support your declaration.
The Repubs voted against forming the panel in the first place. That is the reality of the facts..

In a 222-190 mostly party-line vote, Democrats voted to create a 13-person committee where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California gets to appoint eight members as well as the chairman. The other five are chosen "after consultation" with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California. Pelosi has veto power over any GOP appointments, though she may name a Republican herself to join the panel, which is modeled off Republicans' past select committee to investigate the 2012 attack against the U.S. Embassy complex in Benghazi, Libya.

Now all of a sudden they want to testify in the very panel they wanted to keep from happening? That is the whole story, I suppose your version doesn't exist since you failed to support your declaration.
So, instead of having Jordan and Banks in on the Committee that would have given some legitimacy to the process
Pelosi vetoes those nominations because the democrats don't want the tough questions, so she gets RINO Cheney
who is bias as the democrats on the panel. Does that sound about right to you, Bart?

No wonder they would vote against it.
So, instead of having Jordan and Banks in on the Committee that would have given some legitimacy to the process
Pelosi vetoes those nominations because the democrats don't want the tough questions, so she gets RINO Cheney
who is bias as the democrats on the panel. Does that sound about right to you, Bart?

No wonder they would vote against it.
You have it all upside down.

Jordan and Banks, amongst other Republicans, are suspected to be involved in what happened on Jan. 6.

No court, or Committee would ever include as jury or judges people who would have to be called as witnesses to what happened at any event.
The "illegal spying" of the Trump campaign has already been investigated. Nothing found.

FBI Agent Clinesmith has already been prosecuted for altering official documents IOT defraud the FISA Court to get the authorization to illegally spy on Carter Page.

The FISA Court already released evidence proving the FBI has been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on Ameticans for decades under FBI Directors Meuller, Comey, AND WRAY for DECADES!

FBI Agent Clinesmith has already been prosecuted for altering official documents IOT defraud the FISA Court to get the authorization to illegally spy on Carter Page.

The FISA Court already released evidence proving the FBI has been defrauding the FISA Court and illegally spying on Ameticans for decades under FBI Directors Meuller, Comey, AND WRAY for DECADES!
Kevin Clinesmith, the former FBI lawyer who altered an email during the Russia investigation that was used to justify the surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, was sentenced to one-year probation on Friday.

Clinesmith, who worked for the FBI for four years, pleaded guilty last summer to falsifying the communication during the early stages of the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump campaign.

The document was altered to show that Page was "not a source" for the CIA, even though the original message from the CIA indicated otherwise. The CIA had earlier told investigators in a memo that Page was an "operational contact" for the agency from 2008 to 2013 and provided information about his contacts with Russian intelligence officers.

Clinesmith pleaded guilty to a single false statement charge, admitting that he doctored an email that the FBI relied on as it sought court approval to eavesdrop on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page in 2017.

From what I am reading, the email was altered during the probe on Russia after the election, after Trump was already in office, and not before the 2016 election.

Trump's accusation is that Obama had wiretapped him before the Nov 2016 election happened.

There isn't one government agency in the world where one person or another will not make a mistake and pay the price.

I have nothing to hide. The FBI can listen on me all they want. I am glad they are trying and succeeding to catch would be terrorists, foreign and domestic, to keep us all safe.

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