Biden elected THREE YEARS prior to the fall of Saigon...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
That's right folks.

Biden was elected to the US Senate in 1972...Saigon fell in 1975.

Not to mention he oversaw the war in Afghanistan as Vice President of the United States from 2008 to 2016.

The Democrats claim we needed Joe Biden's experience.

He was in the upper echelons of government for 50 years!

A first hand witness to the Fall of Saigon while a US Senator...

...and this is the best he could do?

This is the epitome of half a century of Democrat experience and leadership?

God help us all...

"The leading voice in the Senate opposing this rescue effort [as Saigon fell] was then-Sen. Joe Biden.

Hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese allies were in danger of recriminations from the Communists, but Biden insisted that “the United States has no obligation to evacuate one — or 100,001 — South Vietnamese.”

In April 1975, Ford argued that, as the last American troops were removed from the country, the U.S. should evacuate the South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war, too."

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That's right folks.

Biden was elected to the US Senate in 1972...Saigon fell in 1975.

Not to mention he oversaw the war in Afghanistan as Vice President of the United States from 2008 to 2016.

The Democrats claim we needed Joe Biden's experience.

He was in the upper echelons of government for 50 year!

A first hand witness to the Fall of Saigon while a US Senator...

...and this is the best he could do?

This is the epitome of 50 years of Democrat experience and leadership?

God help us all...

"The leading voice in the Senate opposing this rescue effort [as Saigon fell] was then-Sen. Joe Biden.

Hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese allies were in danger of recriminations from the Communists, but Biden insisted that “the United States has no obligation to evacuate one — or 100,001 — South Vietnamese.”

In April 1975, Ford argued that, as the last American troops were removed from the country, the U.S. should evacuate the South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war, too."

The entire thing is a shock, we're a dumbed down fucked up corrupt as fuck country when Dementia and the Giggling Communist are the lefts idea to be fit for anything much less run a country. Xiden was never his own guy, he truly has the depth of a used car salesman, and now he's left with cue cards on prepared questions, while his side kick proves incapable, she has the lowest of character and just giggles.

Harris looks like a dumbass terrorist out of futuristic science fiction while she hides behind her mask BTW, as she and Xiden babysit one another on TV & such because they're both useless. Xiden pops out of the future too, 1984 shit, placement by a banana republic and they're equal puppets on a string.
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That's right folks.

Biden was elected to the US Senate in 1972...Saigon fell in 1975.

Not to mention he oversaw the war in Afghanistan as Vice President of the United States from 2008 to 2016.

The Democrats claim we needed Joe Biden's experience.

He was in the upper echelons of government for 50 year!

A first hand witness to the Fall of Saigon while a US Senator...

...and this is the best he could do?

This is the epitome of 50 years of Democrat experience and leadership?

God help us all...

"The leading voice in the Senate opposing this rescue effort [as Saigon fell] was then-Sen. Joe Biden.

Hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese allies were in danger of recriminations from the Communists, but Biden insisted that “the United States has no obligation to evacuate one — or 100,001 — South Vietnamese.”

In April 1975, Ford argued that, as the last American troops were removed from the country, the U.S. should evacuate the South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war, too."

Biden said on July 8:
'There's going to be no circumstance where you're going to see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy of the U.S. from Afghanistan'
Sounds like a man who was speaking like he had complete control of the situation and keenly aware of the consequences of his actions.

And now, after another miserable failure of this Admin, he resorts to the usual, blaming Trump in a statement yesterday:
'When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on US forces,'

Democrats can't seem to do anything that matters correctly without completely screwing it up. I suppose this is why they prefer instead to spend so much time on diversions such as racism, identity politics, and the Climate Change boogeyman.

The stark contrast of the Biden Admin and the prior Trump Admin should be apparent to all by now. Regarding international challenges,
  • Trump was handed a bad deal on Iran, giving them a pathway to the bomb. He got us out of it, and crippled Iran's economy with tough sanctions.
  • Trump was handed a terrible situation in Syria, with Isis controlling most of the country. He quickly rectified that and decimated Isis.
  • When Iran-backed Shia militia attacked the US Embassy in Baghdad and and our K-1 Air Base, Trump took out Qasem Soleimani, sending a clear message.
While Trump was also in favor of a peaceful and orderly withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, there is no way he would have ever let it fall like this.
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what’s past is prelude when dealing with the dems

You're dead right. They plan shit for many years, all trickery. When they throw shit is it a confession today or for tomorrow?

Say, there hasn't been a black riot on TV of late, I wonder what they have planned for next year's election?
Biden's increasing cognitive challenges are resulting in him becoming a monumental fuck up.

He couldn't get wet if he fell out of a boat...
Thank goodness we had Trump to help Biden.
We know Trump was not low key. However Trump did not have the swamp, the media and the entertainers on his side singing the platitudes for him. This set up gives Progressive Socialist politicians a stage to emote. And that stage is powerful Biden has made many lies no matter how many times you go back to Trump. Progs destroying an economy for Covid is pure evil. And then printing up countless trillions of dollars to pay people off is the real Voodoo economics. And the cities...oh the cities and insurrectionists galore. Progressive politicians in cahoots with the swamp and elites using tried and true fascist/communist agendas was not as smart as we the people are stupid.

And leftards here conveniently forget that Trump bombed Taliban sights for trying to ignore the deal. Also Trump had an agreement for some troops remaining. Xiden scrapped all of that, gave the Taliban American weapons in his haste to leave, and now gets to oversee HIS Saigon. All the blood the Taliban sheds can be laid at the feet of Xiden.

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