Biden Deserves Credit, Not Blame, for Afghanistan

They voted for Biden to destroy America. They’re getting exactly what they wanted. That’s why they’re celebrating success
That was his purpose. The purpose of Russian Collusion Hoax and The ScamDemic, and Illegal Voting Law Changes that encouraged Massive Voter Fraud was for the purpose of getting President Trump out of the way so they can continue the destruction of America The Bush, The Clinton, & Obama regime began.
Unfortunately he’s our president whether you like it or not.
He may be your president but he is my illegitimate ,stupid, ignorant, mumbling, fumbling, bumbling, embarrassing BUFFOON. And soon as our military acts to put down the insurrection of the fraudulent election, the ass hole will be facing a firing squad, hanging or lethal injection.
Now that we are out and the military mission is over, and the diplomatic mission to get the rest out has begun, it is time to find out, who the heck misjudged the Afghani folding, and most importantly why did they misjudge it?
That’s a good question…why did they? Because just maybe, they wanted the outcome we got.
They've been getting it wrong since the beginning of the Afghan war. Everyone has.
I’m sure some of that is true, but it can’t explain the immediate collapse of a government Joe and others in our government claimed would continue to rule. The fact it collapsed instantly means to me our officials in military and government really screwed up. How does one screw up this bad after being there twenty years?
I’m sure some of that is true, but it can’t explain the immediate collapse of a government Joe and others in our government claimed would continue to rule. The fact it collapsed instantly means to me our officials in military and government really screwed up. How does one screw up this bad after being there twenty years?
The Taliban understands how the country works and the US government does not. The Taliban was waging psychological operations as much as physical warfare and had been laying the groundwork to take over for a year.
They misjudged the Afghan Army. After that mistake, they did everything possible, to get Americans and Afghani green card holders out....and did a good job!
No, They did not misjudge the Afghan army. Biden's advisors told him that the army
They misjudged the Afghan Army. After that mistake, they did everything possible, to get Americans and Afghani green card holders out....and did a good job.

Joe Biden created the mess and now wants accolades. Despite democrat talking points, this was NOT Trump's agreement. When the Taliban failed to meet the benchmarks set in the agreement there is no way that Trump would have continued. You are deluding yourself if you think that full surrender is a "good job". Information you won't see in your democrat echo chamber.

I’m sure some of that is true, but it can’t explain the immediate collapse of a government Joe and others in our government claimed would continue to rule. The fact it collapsed instantly means to me our officials in military and government really screwed up. How does one screw up this bad after being there twenty years?
So an Afghan Army we had been propping up for 20 years collapses the minute we no longer prop it up and you blame Biden?
The previous 20 years was the problem.

Biden got us out
Everyone is saying “they misjudged the Afghan Army”.

What was the alternative?

If we had said “ they’re going to collapse the minute we announce that we’re leaving”

Would that have made the situation better?
This from the Atlantic guy gets it:

America’s longest war has been by any measure a costly failure, and the errors in managing the conflict deserve scrutiny in the years to come. But Joe Biden doesn’t “own” the mayhem on the ground right now. What we’re seeing is the culmination of 20 years of bad decisions by U.S. political and military leaders. If anything, Americans should feel proud of what the U.S. government and military have accomplished in these past two weeks. President Biden deserves credit, not blame.

Unlike his three immediate predecessors in the Oval Office, all of whom also came to see the futility of the Afghan operation, Biden alone had the political courage to fully end America’s involvement. Although Donald Trump made a plan to end the war, he set a departure datethat fell after the end of his first term and created conditions that made the situation Biden inherited more precarious. And despite significant pressure and obstacles, Biden has overseen a military and government that have managed, since the announcement of America’s withdrawal, one of the most extraordinary logistical feats in their recent history. By the time the last American plane lifts off from Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 31, the total number of Americans and Afghan allies extricated from the country may exceed 120,000.

It's sad that some people are so cognitively dissonant that they fall for this propagnda.

In other news: Xiden abandoned thousands of people who are now hostages of the Taliban. Some will be murdered. Some will be raped. Some will be enslaved. And he also gifted the Taliban $85B+ of military equipment and armaments.

Heckuva Job, Plugs!
Everyone is saying “they misjudged the Afghan Army”.

What was the alternative?

If we had said “ they’re going to collapse the minute we announce that we’re leaving”

Would that have made the situation better?
Intelligence told Biden that the Afghan army would fall quickly, Biden watched the Afghan army collapse in province after province and STILL left 89 billion dollars worth of arms and equipment to be turned over to the Taliban. It is an inexcusable fuck up.
The Taliban understands how the country works and the US government does not. The Taliban was waging psychological operations as much as physical warfare and had been laying the groundwork to take over for a year.
So you knew this but our people on the ground somehow missed it?
So an Afghan Army we had been propping up for 20 years collapses the minute we no longer prop it up and you blame Biden?
The previous 20 years was the problem.

Biden got us out
Jesus dude WTF! Why do you resort to partisanship with every post?

I’m glad Joe got us out. I’ve said so. I want him to fire those responsible for this debacle.

Get a life.
We aren’t exactly on the ground. We are holed up in bases with not that many service members.
I’m not buying that. We’ve been there 20 years. We apparently have lots of friendly Afghans willing to help us, based on the number trying to leave the country. This is a failure for which people need to be held accountable.

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